What Is Panromantic Demisexuality?
Panromantic demisexuality is a sexual orientation where one experiences romantic attraction towards others regardless of their gender or sexuality. Some people may experience some form of non-monogamy (i.e., they are polyamorous) while others may not have any particular preference for either men or women, but rather prefer to date both equally well.
It is possible to fall into the category of panromantic demisexuality without ever having had any romantic relationships with anyone at all. However, it’s very rare and even if someone does fall under this category, there is no guarantee that they will only feel romantically attracted to other people.
They could still be exclusively sexually attracted to members of their own gender or none at all! There are many different types of panromantics out there. For example, some might only experience romantic attraction towards people of the same gender while others would be able to experience romantic attraction towards people of any gender. Other types include those who are exclusively sexually attracted to members of their own gender and those who are exclusively sexually attracted to members of any gender.
There is no single definition for panromantic demisexuality, but most definitions focus on how someone feels about a person regardless of whether they’re male or female or whatever else. Their feelings are more superficial and based mainly on personality and mannerisms rather than looks.
For example, someone who is panromantic demisexual might only find a person physically attractive if they have a particularly caring personality or an interesting way of speaking. The term panromantic demisexuality is sometimes shortened to panromantic or pdemisexual.
Pansexuals may also experience some similar romantic attractions and feelings.
Sources & references used in this article:
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