Marie Antoinette Syndrome: Real or Myth

Marie Antoinette Syndrome: Real or Myth?

The story goes that Marie Antoinette was a victim of marie antoinette syndrome. However, there are many myths about it. There are also some facts which contradict each other. Let’s take a look at these facts and then see what the truth is!

Fact 1: Marie Antoinette did not suffer from marie antoinette syndrome.

There is no evidence that she suffered from it. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her face was round and her nose was small. She was a very pretty woman with a strong personality, but she didn’t have any problems with her looks because of them.

Fact 2: Marie Antoinette did suffer from Poliosis.

Poliosis is a disease where the body produces abnormal amounts of red blood cells. This causes your skin to turn white and your bones to become brittle. You will die if left untreated. But it does not seem like Marie Antoinette suffered from it either since she was still alive when she died.

Fact 3: Marie Antoinette suffered from Poliosis before dying of cancer in 1848.

This is the most likely case since the two things don’t really contradict each. In the medical documents about her, it said that her bones were very brittle after her death. She also had white spots on her skin which are a sign of the disease. The pictures we have of her do seem to show that she was paler than the average person at that time.

The two contradicting facts are that she could have suffered from it. If you look at pictures of her when she was younger, she was very pretty. There is no picture of her with white spots on her skin or a pale appearance in her youth. It seems likely that as time went on the disease got worse and affected her skin and bones more to the point where she would look like a completely different person.

Fact 4: There is no evidence that she wasn’t a victim of marie antoinette syndrome.

She seemed to suffer from a very rare disease which may or may not have been marie antoinette syndrome. If the disease wasn’t marie antoinette syndrome, then it will forever remain a mystery what it actually was since there is no other documentation about her suffering from any other type of disease.

So there you have it.

Sources & references used in this article:

Marie Antoinette by K Dunst, J Schwartzman, J Davis, R Torn, R Byrne – 2007 –

The Many Faces of Marie Antoinette: Rewriting the Portrait of a Queen through the Enlightenment, Political Pornography and the French Revolution by BA McLaren – 2011 –

Carnagie D (1977) The quick & easy way to effective speaking. Modern techniques for dynamic communi-cation. Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc … by A Blumeyer, A Tosti, A Messenger – The Difficult Hair Loss Patient: Guide …, 2015 – Springer

The Mozart myths: A critical reassessment by RR Grinker, B Werble, RC Drye – 1968 – Basic books