Yoga Pose: Cobra
Cobras are one of the most popular poses in yoga. They have been used for centuries in many forms of healing. The Cobra pose is a very powerful and useful pose which helps to relieve some symptoms of sciatica. It’s not just a simple backbend but it involves several other postures such as headstand, shoulder stand, side plank etc. You can learn more about the benefits of Cobra Pose here .
The Cobra pose is a great way to ease your sciatica symptoms. Here are some of its benefits:
It relieves pressure in the lower back and sciatic nerve.
It strengthens the muscles around the spine, especially those near the sacrum. These include the piriformis muscle, which helps keep your pelvis stable during standing or sitting.
It increases blood flow to the sciatic nerve.
It releases endorphins, which reduce pain and improve mood. (Endogenous opioids)
You can practice Cobra pose regularly without any problems. However, if you experience any discomfort while doing it, then it might be best to consult a medical professional first before practicing this pose for long periods of time.
How To Perform The Cobra Pose
Come down on all fours, making sure your wrists are aligned with your shoulders and your knees are aligned with your hips. Spread your hands and feet slightly narrower than your shoulders and hips. Tuck your toes under. On an inhalation, lift your chest up and back as you arch your back and raise your head. Continue looking between your hands.
Hold for up to 60 seconds while breathing normally. To release, lower your upper body to your legs on an exhalation.
Yoga Poses To Avoid With Sciatica
Standing twists
The Standing twists are another popular pose for sciatica, and some people even claim it is more effective than the Child pose. In this twist, you need to stand sideways and then rotate your upper body to one side. Your knees and feet should remain fixed, as you hold the position for 15-30 seconds. After this time, you should perform the same exercise on the other side.
It’s a great pose for sciatica because it improves blood flow, which is essential for healing damaged nerves. The Standing twist also relieves stress and mild back pain thanks to its relaxing benefits. Of course, you should never perform this pose if you experience any sharp pains or numbness. A safer alternative is the Seated twist.
You should avoid the seated twists if you have severe back pain or sciatica. Instead, try out the Seated forward bend as it also relieves stress and mild back pain. However, it’s essential to maintain a straight back while performing this pose. Also, never move into the seated twist if you experience any sharp pains or numbness.
You must never perform the following poses if you have any spinal or lower back problems:
The Bow pose
The Wheel or Upward Bow pose
Spinal Twists
It’s also a good idea to avoid these poses if you’re not feeling well, or if you feel any sharp pains or numbness while practicing these poses. Only practice the ones that are safe for you, and try out different variations of each pose until you figure out which one works best for your body.
Additional Lying Down Spinal Twist Poses
The Seated Spinal Twist (photo)
The Seated Spinal Twist is one of the best poses for lengthening and relaxing your spine. It’s actually a modified version of the Spinal Twist, but it’s easier to perform and safer for your back. You should only perform this pose if you have no back or spinal problems.
Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms at your sides, palms facing down. Bend your right knee into your chest and then place it to the left of your body, twisting it as far as you can to the left without straining.