Why Smoking Reclaimed Cannabis Resin Isn’t a Good Idea

The History of Smoking Resin

In the past, cannabis was used medicinally and it had medicinal properties. However, after the discovery of morphine in 1874, many doctors started prescribing heroin instead. After that, it became popular among addicts. Marijuana was legalized in some states during the 1970’s and 1980’s but still remained illegal at federal level until 1986 when President Ronald Reagan signed the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

Since then, marijuana has been classified as a Schedule I drug under the CSA. This means that there are no medical uses for it and its use has severe negative consequences.

Why Smoking Reclaimed Cannabis Resin Is Not a Good Idea?

Marijuana and Hashish are both derived from the same plant – Cannabis Sativa L. Both have psychoactive effects. They’re both considered dangerous drugs because they cause dependence, psychosis, paranoia, hallucinations and other mental disorders.

Hashish is usually smoked or ingested while marijuana is generally inhaled. Both substances contain THC which causes the euphoric effect. These two substances may cause addiction, psychosis, paranoia and other mental disorders.

Both marijuana and hashish are addictive drugs. If you smoke resin, you’ll become addicted to it too. You won’t be able to stop unless you quit completely! When you start using resin, your mind will change into a different state than when you were sober. You won’t be able to get the same feeling or experience without it.

After a while, you’ll become so used to it that you’ll have to use more and more.

How Did People Start Using It?

Cannabis originated in the steppes of Central Asia. It was probably initially used for its strong fibers and then later for its medicinal properties. Chinese documents confirm that cannabis has been used there from 3000 B.C. to 400 A.D. These records exist in the Shen Nung Pen Ts’ao – an ancient Chinese treatise on herbal medicine.

We can find the term “hashish” for the first time in Baghdad – the capital of Iraq. Between 800 and 900, Ibn al-Baytar wrote a pharmacopeia that included the use of cannabis for medical reasons. In this book it was also referred to as “grass”, but most importantly as a psychoactive substance.

The book was banned soon after it was published, but you can still find it on the black market.

It’s not known how long humans have been using cannabis as a psychoactive substance.

How Does It Work?

The main active ingredient in hashish and marijuana is THC or dronabinol. It’s a tetrahydrocannabinol that affects the endocannabinoid receptors in the brain. These are the places where naturally produced cannabinoids connect and this is what causes the high. The THC imitates these and fits into the endocannabinoid receptor and causes a response in it.

We feel a change in mood or experience a new sensation like feeling happy or relaxed. This is usually temporary and we return to normal after its effects wear off.

What Are the Short-Term Effects Of Using Reclaimed Cannabis Resin?

For new or infrequent users:

Feeling of happiness, euphoria

Feelings of fear are reduced and you feel calm

Senses are heightened (especially smell and hearing)

Blood pressure and pulse rate increase

Sedation and tranquility

Spaciness, inability to think straight or focus on any particular thing

Anxiety and paranoia in some cases

Red eyes, runny nose (if vaporized)

Dry mouth and throat

Increased appetite

Tiredness or sleepiness (especially when the vaporized)

Slowed reflexes

Difficulty concentrating

Longer-term effects of smoking reclaimed cannabis resin:

Irritation of the mouth and airways causing coughing

Increased risk of getting lung infections and respiratory illnesses such as colds and flu

Damaged cells that affect breathing, increased risk of lung disease

Increased risk of cancer in the lungs, mouth and throat

Increased risk of heart disease

Destruction of the cells that line your airways and respiratory tract

Slowed growth in children

Weakening of your immune system, making you more vulnerable to illness

Cannabis can also make certain medical conditions worse:

It increases anxiety in people with anxiety disorders

It increases the occurrence of psychotic episodes, paranoia and hallucinations in people with schizophrenia or mental illness

In people with heart or blood vessel conditions it can cause chest pains and make symptoms worse

It may increase blood pressure and the chance of having a heart attack

Does It Have Any Long-Term Effects?

There is limited evidence of the long-term effects of smoking hash, but it’s probably similar to those found here. Inhaling smoke of any kind can have a negative impact on your health because it contains a lot of toxins.

Can You Die From Smoking Cannabis?

You can’t technically “overdose” on cannabis because the amount of THC that gets you high is below the amount that would kill you. However, it can have some negative effects on your health if you’re not careful.

There’s a theory that a person could have a heart attack after using cannabis because it raises your heart rate and suppresses blood clotting. Some people, such as those with heart problems or a history of heart disease, are advised not to use the drug.

However, this hasn’t been proven and there have been no recorded cases of cannabis use leading to death. It is much less likely to cause problems than other drugs, such as cocaine or alcohol.

Should You Try Reclaimed Cannabis Resin?

If you’re going to try it at all, hash is the safest way to do it. It’s not as strong as other forms, but it’s foolish to think that anything is safe.

As with all things, you should be careful and make sure you haven’t got any underlying conditions that could be made worse by using it.

If you do decide to reclaim your own cannabis resin, only do so occasionally. You don’t want to overdo it and there are a lot of other potentially harmful chemicals involved.

Sources & references used in this article:

Spike nation by S Featherstone – New York Times [internet], 2015 – venturacountylimits.org

Marijuana is safer: so why are we driving people to drink? by S Fox, P Armentano, M Tvert – 2013 – books.google.com

The Cannabible 3 by J King – 2011 – books.google.com

Growing Marijuana: Expert Advice to Yield a Dependable Supply of Potent Buds by K Oliver, C McKeen – 2016 – books.google.com

Ecofeminist philosophy: A western perspective on what it is and why it matters by K Warren – 2000 – books.google.com

The great book of hemp: the complete guide to the environmental, commercial, and medicinal uses of the world’s most extraordinary plant by R Robinson – 1996 – books.google.com

Weed, need and greed: domestic marijuana production and the UK cannabis market. by G Potter – 2006 – etheses.whiterose.ac.uk

The Emperor Wears No Clothes by NEWBD CROP, M PROHIBITION, TUSEOF CANNABIS – pdfs.semanticscholar.org