Why Is My Pubic Area Itchy and How Can I Treat It

Why Is My Pubic Area Itching?

Pubic hair itch is one of the most common reasons why women complain about their genitals. Women are often afraid to admit that they have any kind of itching or discomfort with their genital areas. They think it’s something wrong with them and not something that could be caused by some external factors like stress, hormones, bad diet, etc.

So what exactly causes pubic hair itching?

The reason behind pubic hair itching is probably due to two things: 1) You may have been scratching your genital area too much, which leads to irritation; 2) Your body might be producing excess sebum (oil), which then gets trapped under the hairs and causes itching. If these two reasons are true, then there will be other problems that come along with it such as acne breakouts, ingrown hairs and even cancer.

How To Stop Pubic Hair Itch?

If you want to stop pubic hair itching, then here are some simple tips that can help you out. These tips will definitely work if you follow them regularly.

1) Wash Your Hands After Using The Bathroom!

Washing hands after using the bathroom is very important because it helps remove dead skin cells from your hands. When you scratch your genital area, it creates tiny cuts in the skin which cause bacteria growths to grow and eventually lead to infection. Washing your hands after using the bathroom prevents you from spreading bacteria all over your genitals.

2) Take A Shower Instead Of A Bath

Taking a bath can be relaxing but taking a shower is more hygienic. In a bathtub, there is no current to wash away the bacteria, dead skin cells and other impurities that clog your pores and cause infection or itching. If you really like to have a bath from time to time, make sure to always use shower gel because having plain water can cause infection.

3) Clean Your Pubic Hair Regularly

Most people don’t like cleaning their pubic hair because it’s a sensitive and private area but if you want to get rid of itching then it’s important to do it at least 2x a week. Use a special shampoo for sensitive skin that is free of any harsh chemicals and fragrances. After you wipe your genital area dry, don’t forget to apply a lotion or cream to keep your skin smooth and hydrated.

4) Always Wear Cotton Underwear

The kind of underwear you wear can affect the overall health of your pubic area. You should always wear cotton underwear because it allows your genital area to “breathe.” There have been many reported cases where women experience labia swelling and other skin irritations due to the fabric of their underwear.

5) Stop Scratching!

One of the main reasons why people experience genital itching is because they tend to scratch their genital area too much. Scratching can cause tiny cuts on the skin that allow bacteria and viruses to enter the body. The best way to treat genital itching is to distract yourself from the itch. If the itch is unbearable then you can use an anti-itch cream that can be bought over-the-counter.

6) Shave Regularly

Shaving your pubic hair 2x a week helps eliminate mites, bacteria and other skin irritants that can cause itching. Shaving also helps prevent ingrown hairs from forming. If you have extra sensitive skin, then it’s advised to use a special female shaving cream that is free of any fragrances or chemicals.

7) Use Antifungal Creams And Lotions

Most people don’t know this, but women can get a yeast infection down there just like men do. Yeast infections are very itchy and women often experience extreme itching in that area. Using anti-fungal creams and lotions on a regular basis helps prevent yeast infections from forming. You can get these over-the-counter at your local pharmacy.

8) Go To A Gynaecologist

If you find yourself itching all the time then you may have an underlying medical condition that needs to be looked at by a professional. Gynaecologists are experts in female health and can easily determine what the underlying problem is.

9) Trim Your Hair

Whether you shave or not, trimming your pubic hair can help eliminate ingrown hairs from forming. Ingrown hairs often cause red bumps and rashes which can be very itchy.

10) Stay Away From Itching Agents

If you know of any household products that contain chemicals, then try to stay away from them. Chemicals often cause skin irritation and will make the itching worse. For example, some women experience intense itching if they use a scented bath product.

Hopefully these tips will help you take care of that nasty itch!

Tomas is a professional writer from Chicago, although he currently lives in London. He studied at the University of East London and earned his bachelor’s degree in English Literature. Writing has always been a passion of his and he loves reading as well. Tomas enjoys British comedy, weird facts and learning about history.

If he had the chance to time travel then he would love to go to the Medieval Times to see all of the jousting and sword fighting.

Sources & references used in this article:

Rhomboid flap with multiple Z-plasty for treatment of hypertrophic scar on the pubic area by N Iida, A Watanabe – Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery, 2011 – Elsevier

Device to minimize pubic area irritation following surgery by GA Erickson – US Patent 4,155,360, 1979 – Google Patents

Lichen planus by MJ Fellner – International Journal of Dermatology, 1980 – Wiley Online Library

Central neuropathic itch: a new treatment option? by P Sandroni – Neurology, 2002 – AAN Enterprises

Problems in Family Practice Dermatoses of the Groin by IL Schamberg – The Journal of family practice, 1979 – mdedge-files-live.s3.us-east-2 …

Itching by MR Caro – Postgraduate medicine, 1959 – Taylor & Francis