What Causes Retroverted Uterus?
Retroverted uterus is caused due to hormonal imbalance. A woman’s body produces too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. Too much estrogen can cause uterine contractions, which are called endometriosis. Progesterone helps prevent these uterine contractions from happening. When there is too little progesterone, it will cause uterine dilatation or even rupture. If the hormones don’t balance properly, then the uterus becomes twisted and twisted into a ball shape. This condition is known as retroverted uterus.
How to Fix Retroverted Uterus?
There are several ways to cure retroverted uterus. Some of them include:
1) Hormones – There are various types of hormones that can affect retroverted uterus.
These include: Estrogen – This hormone is produced naturally by women during their menstrual cycle. During this time, estrogen levels increase and decrease throughout the month. Estrogen levels rise after ovulation occurs and fall after menstruation begins. Estrogen is usually related to female attributes such as having a feminine figure and female sexuality.
Progesterone – This hormone affects the internal uterine lining, which sheds its lining during menstruation. When not enough progesterone is present, the uterus lining is unable to shed during menstruation. This means that the uterus will become overly thickened or even begin to grow. In order for the body to shed this lining, hormones are excreted that cause contractions in the uterus. If there is not enough progesterone to counteract this shedding, then the contractions will cause the uterus to become twisted or even turn inside out. Relaxin – This hormone is produced during pregnancy in order to help the body loosen and prepare for childbirth.
2) Exercises – There are various types of exercises that can be done in order to treat a uterus that has turned inside out.
Kegels are exercises that can be done to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle. They can be done by stopping and starting the flow of urine. These exercises are also known to help prevent incontinence and to heighten sexual pleasure during intimacy.
3) Surgery – If hormones and exercises do not help then surgery may be the only remaining option.
The uterus can be untwisted, removed, or repositioned. There is a surgery called a hysterectomy that removes the uterus from the body completely. There is also a surgery that can move the ovaries to the vaginal wall. This can help prevent endometriosis and retroverted uterus from occurring again in the future.
Uterine perches can be surgically implanted into the body in order to keep the uterus in place.
The retroverted uterus is a potential medical condition that can affect women of all ages. There are several ways to treat this condition and most of them are quite simple. If you believe that you have a retroverted uterus, then it is best to seek medical attention immediately. A doctor can confirm the condition through a rectovaginal exam.
Certain factors such as age, the presence of endometriosis, and pelvic surgery are linked to an increased risk of having a retroverted uterus. Having children can also increase the risk of having a uterus that has turned inside out.
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Further Reading: What is a Prolapsed Uterus?
Sources & references used in this article:
Observations on the Retroverted Uterus by A Sharman – Glasgow Medical Journal, 1932 – ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
What significance has uterine retroversion? by E Shute – Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1943 – ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Remarks ON RETROVERSION OF THE UTERUS: A Paper read before the Hampstead Division of the British Medical Association by WJ Gow – British medical journal, 1912 – ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Retroversion of the uterus by ES Brackett – American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1948 – ajog.org
RETRODISPLACEMENT OF THE UTERUS AS AN OBSTETRIC COMPLICATION by ED Plass – Journal of the American Medical Association, 1930 – jamanetwork.com
Retroversion of Uterus a Normal Position by IA Perlin – Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1953 – ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Reply by Dr. Javert by CT Javert – American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1947 – ajog.org
The significance of the retroverted uterus by K Duff – 1956 – zdhr.uz.ac.zw
Mongolism by SD Lawler – British Medical Journal, 1950 – ncbi.nlm.nih.gov