What to Do for an Ingrown Nose Hair

What to do for an ingrown nose hair?

Ingrown nose hairs are common problem in the world. They are caused due to irritation or infection of the nostrils. There are various types of ingrown hairs. Some of them have no cure while others can be treated with medicines. The most common type is called acute ingrown hair which occurs when there is a small cut or scratch on your skin where the hair grows out from.

In other cases, it could be an ingrown hair that develops into a larger problem like chronic ingrown hair. Chronic ingrown hairs are usually caused by something like prolonged exposure to cold weather or long periods of sitting too close to someone. These kinds of ingrown hairs may cause itching and burning sensation at the site of the ingrowth.

If left untreated, they will grow deeper and eventually reach your sinuses causing problems in breathing.

The best way to treat ingrown hairs is through topical medications. You can use these medication if you notice the ingrowing hairs growing deeper and become painful. The medicine can also be applied to the affected area regularly so that it does not get irritated and heal itself over time.

Home remedies for ingrown nose hairs include:

1) Using a cotton ball soaked in warm water to rub around the affected area twice daily for 15 minutes.

2) Using a hair trimmer to cut the hair shorter in order to reduce the growth of ingrown hairs.

3) Using a Q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol to clean up the affected area gently.

4) Soaking a cotton ball in Listerine and apply directly on the ingrown hairs.

5) Using a cotton swab soaked in Lidocaine jelly to numb your nose to relieve pain caused by ingrown hairs.

6) Using a warm towel to put over the nose.

7) Applying topical creams and ointments that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoids, and alpha hydroxy acids.

Using medicated pads containing these ingredients and placing them on the affected area.

Type 2: You tried many ways to remove your ingrown hairs but nothing seems to be working.

This is just an indication that you should seek medical attention or temporarily stop doing activities that cause the hairs to grow inwards. It doesn’t matter how much you pierce, cut or trim your hairs, ingrown hairs will still be there if you don’t have enough antiseptic to prevent it from getting infected.

Another reason why your ingrown hair condition is getting worst is because you don’t clean your hairs on a regular basis. Even if you are meticulous when plucking your hairs, some of them may have some debris or dead skin cells attached to them. This can cause the hairs to grow inwards.

If you are not feeling any pain or itching around the ingrown hairs, you can opt to wait for it to heal on its own. If the pain and itching is driving you crazy, you can apply some of the home remedies stated above. If the ingrown hair becomes infected, then you should see a doctor immediately.

If you want to prevent this from happening again in the future, try to stop doing activities that may irritate your hairs like excessive use of tanning beds, waxing and tweezing. All these things can cause ingrown hairs to grow inwards due to irritation. Use of exfoliation can also help in preventing ingrown hairs.

A ingrown hair is a common problem that almost every woman has experienced at one time or another. Knowing what causes ingrown hairs can help a woman to know what activities she might need to avoid in order to prevent ingrown hairs from forming. Ingrown hairs can be painful but treatments for them are easy to find over the counter and treatments for ingrown hairs are very effective.

Sources & references used in this article:

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Pregnancy sucks: What to do when your miracle makes you miserable by J Kimes, L Young – 2011 – books.google.com