What to Do About Tattoo Bubbling

What to do about tattoo bubbling?

Tattoo bubbles are common after tattoos. They usually disappear within a few weeks or months. But they might not go away completely. Some people think that it goes away completely, but if it doesn’t then you need to take action immediately. Other people believe that tattoo bubble disappears after some time, but still others say that their bubble remains even after years of healing.

In case your tattoo bubble stays after healing, here are some things you can try:

1) You can wait it out.

Tattoo bubbles don’t really bother most people, but it’s best to avoid them if possible. If you’re one of those people with tattoo bubbles, then maybe you have other problems which prevent you from getting rid of them permanently.

Maybe your skin isn’t right for tattoos because it contains too many oil glands or something similar. Or maybe you just haven’t gotten over a breakup yet. Whatever the reason, tattoo bubbles aren’t going to go away by themselves.

2) You can get a professional to remove the tattoo bubble.

There are professionals who specialize in removing tattoos like laser removal or electrolysis. These professionals usually charge more than regular tattooers, but they’re worth every penny if you want to keep your tattoo bubble at bay forever!

3) You can get yourself a new tattoo.

This is probably the cheapest way of dealing with unwanted tattoo bubbles. Most tattooers are more than happy to give you another tattoo for free, especially if the first one they inked wasn’t well done at all.

Getting a new tattoo over an old one can also change the entire look of it, which is great for those who don’t want their old tattoo anymore.

Tattoo bubbles are common among people who have tattoos. Most people never experience such problems with their body art.

But if you do happen to have a tattoo bubble then there are plenty of ways of removing or covering it up.

What to Do About Black and Gray Tattoo Scabbing?

The healing process for your black and gray tattoo may take some time. Depending on the size, detail and complexity of your design, this process could be quick or it could be long. Your artist will be able to give you a better estimate after examining your skin and discussing your ideas with you.

Removing Scabs: Your tattoo scabbing process will be relatively easy if you follow your artist’s aftercare instructions to the letter. Most artists will tell you to keep the area as clean as possible and to gently wash it once a day with a mild unscented soap and warm water.

Let the area dry naturally. It is very important that you do not to pick or scratch at any flaking skin while it is healing. This can help prevent unsightly scabbing.

How long will this take?

: This process could take anywhere from a week to a month for the scabs to flake away on their own. It will take even longer before your tattoo is completely healed and all scabs have fallen off on their own. The time it takes for this to happen depends on how big your tattoo is and how your body reacts to the healing process. As long as you continue to gently wash the area and keep it protected with a light coat of ointment, your tattoo will heal nicely.

Taking Care of Your Black and Gray Tattoo: Your artist will definitely tell you that you should not be swimming or soaking your tattoo while it heals. This can lead to infection, which is why you should not do this.

You should also be careful about exposing the tattoo to too much sunlight. If you can avoid being in the sun or using sunscreen on the newly healed tattoo, this will help it from changing colors.

You should continue to keep the area clean by washing it once a day. The scabs will eventually fall off on their own.

Your artist will recommend an ointment to put on it during the healing process, so be sure to follow their instructions for that as well. If you have any questions, do not be afraid to call and ask.

Tips for Black and Gray Tattoo Healing: Once you get home from getting your black and gray tattoo, you will want to keep the area as clean as possible. You can wash the area with mild unscented soap and warm water once a day.

Let it air dry. Do not apply ointment or lotion until your next appointment.

Sources & references used in this article:

The Todd Carney “bubbling” social media scandal by J Brennan – Popular Communication, 2016 – Taylor & Francis

Pretty in ink: An autoethnographic study of women’s tattoos and southern feminism by AN Ellis – 2009 – ttu-ir.tdl.org

Essence, identity, signature: Tattoos and cultural property by S Pritchard – Social semiotics, 2000 – Taylor & Francis

Tattooing the taboo: The tattoo trend in Israel by O Almog – Israel Studies Forum, 2003 – JSTOR

Method for Preparing a Compound for Drawing a Non-Permanent Tattoo and a Method of Using Said Compound by D Vidalenc – US Patent App. 11/579,250, 2008 – Google Patents

Tattoo-removal treatment with lasers: a clinical overview by S Boxley – Journal of Aesthetic Nursing, 2019 – magonlinelibrary.com

A Word about… Words by DM May – Review & Expositor, 2008 – journals.sagepub.com

The girl with the dragon tattoo and philosophy: Everything is fire by J Johnson – 2010 – Spiegel & Grau

Tattoo removal with Q-switched Nd: YAG laser in a Brazilian population by W Irwin – 2011 – books.google.com