What it means to have a nasally voice?
A nasally speaking person usually says words with their nose. They are often called nasal or nasal-voiced persons. A nasally speaking person may sound like they are saying something while actually not being able to hear what they say due to the way their mouth is moving around.
How do I get rid of my nasally voice?
1) Do Not Use Phrasal Verbs: “I want” and “you want.
2) Do Not Use Nouns With Phrasal Verbs: “the house,” “my car,” etc.
3) Do Not Use Verb Forms That End In -ly: “like,” “hear,” and so forth.
4) Avoid Using Non-Nasal Words For Things You Want To Say: such as “the book” instead of simply, the book, or even worse, the book itself!
5) When You Hear Something That Sounds Like It Might Be A Word, Just Ignore It And Keep Talking!
6) Most Of All, Be Confident!
You’ll Get The Hang Of It Soon!
How to not sound nasally when singing?
Do not sing through your nose. I learned as a singer to pay attention to my vowels. To make sure they weren’t flowing through my nose. (A “Ah” sound flows through the nose.) When singing, breathe through your mouth. That’s where your voice should come from. Also, don’t try to use too much force, it will only strain your vocal cords and make you sound very unpleasant. It’s better to sing at a lower volume than to strain to reach the high notes.
Nasal voice example?
A famous person who has a nasally voice is Charlie Brown’s teacher in the Peanuts cartoons.
Hyponasal voice example?
It sounds like someone talking through their nose.
Nasal voice singing?
It is when the sound of your voice is very nasal.
How to not sound nasally when talking?
You have to ensure that you’re not speaking through your nose, and be sure to breath through your mouth. If you struggle with this you might want to buy yourself a small handheld mirror so that when you speak to people they can’t see your face, but just your nose. Hopefully this will help you to stop yourself from speaking through it.
It is commonly believed that hyponasal voice occurs when the soft palate doesn’t descend during speech. This descent causes the air to be expelled out of the nose rather than the mouth.
Voice therapy can also help correct this condition.
Nasal voice causes?
Common causes of a person speaking through their nose are deviated septum and allergies. A deviated septum is when the bone structure that makes up your nose moves out of place. This can cause sinus pain, headaches, and difficulty breathing. If you think you may have a deviated septum, it is best to see an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor).
Allergies can cause excess mucus and post-nasal drip. This builds up in the back of the throat causing a person to have to force the air through the nose.
Again, this is very annoying and can be very frustrating for people listening to you speak.
How to get rid of a nasal voice?
There are several common things that people do that can give away that they have a nasal voice. Most of the time this is not on purpose; it’s just something they’ve gotten used to doing over time.
To change a nasal voice there are several different things you can do. One way is to start breathing through your mouth, rather than your nose.
This may be uncomfortable at first, but with some practice, your brain and body will get used to the new pattern and it will become more natural for you.
Another thing you can do is to drop the pitch of your voice. If you have a deeper voice, the sound won’t travel through your nose as much.
This can be hard for girls and women, but there are some things that can help with this situation. One is to pretend that someone just punched you in the stomach and your stomach just pulled back tight. Hold this pose for a few seconds and then let it go. Do this a couple of times to start seeing results. Another way is to suck in your breath through your nose and try to hold it for as long as you can. As soon as you feel like you’re going to pass out, let the air out slowly and repeat. It’s best to do this in a quiet place so you don’t get dizzy. This will also help make your voice lower. Of course, be careful not to pass out. You don’t want to be knocking on death’s door just to change your voice.
A third way is through speech therapy. A trained professional can help you learn how your voice works, and what you can do to help improve it.
They will be able to teach you breathing techniques that will allow air to flow more freely through your mouth, rather than your nose. They will also be able to show you how to adjust your pitch so that your voice is not so nasal.
Remember, changing your voice can take time and practice. You will have good days and bad days, but if you keep at it, eventually you should see a big improvement.
Sources & references used in this article:
Voice disorders in children by J Hirschberg, PH Dejonckere, M Hirano, K Mori… – International journal of …, 1995 – Elsevier
Austronesian nasal substitution and other NC effects by J Pater – The prosody-morphology interface, 1999 – books.google.com
Acoustic interpretation of resonant voice by IR Titze – Journal of voice, 2001 – Elsevier
Is your voice telling on you?: how to find and use your natural voice by DR Boone – 2015 – books.google.com
Austronesian Nasal Substitution Revisited: What’s Wrong with by J Pater – Segmental phonology in Optimality Theory: Constraints …, 2001 – books.google.com
How we do it: radiofrequency-turbinectomy for nasal obstruction symptoms by G Harsten – Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences, 2005 – honeyclave.com
Voice quality settings and the teaching of pronunciation by JH Esling, RF Wong – TESOL quarterly, 1983 – Wiley Online Library