What Is Passive Range of Motion

What Is Passive Range Of Motion Exercise?

The passive range of motion exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your strength and flexibility. You don’t need any equipment or special skills to perform it. All you have to do is lie down on a mat with your legs straight and bend at the knees. Your arms are placed behind your head, palms up, fingers pointing forward. Keep them there until you feel some pain in your lower back or shoulders. If you’re not sure how much pain you should feel, ask someone else to check.

Why Do People Perform Passive Range Of Motion Exercises?

Many people enjoy performing these exercises because they’re simple and easy to learn. They also provide a sense of relaxation and well-being. However, if you want to get stronger and lose fat, then it’s time to start doing some active range of motion (ROM) exercises instead. Active ROM exercises involve moving parts of your body while keeping them still. For example, you might move your arm from its position on top of the table to its original position.

Active ranges of motion can be done anywhere, but they’re usually best performed when you have access to a stationary surface such as a floor or chair. Most people prefer the use of dumbbells over barbells for their active range of motion exercises because they’re easier to hold onto and move around. If you’d like to start performing active range of motion exercises, then you should definitely read up on the different types that are available.

What Equipment Do You Need To Be Able To Do Passive And Active Ranges Of Motion?

You don’t need much to perform passive range of motion exercises. A carpeted floor or exercise mat will do just fine in most cases. A chair can also be used as you get better at the exercises. You should have someone help you to lift your legs up and over the chair at first, but it’s just a matter of practice before you can do the whole thing by yourself. If you’d like to perform active range of motion exercises, then some light dumbbells or resistance bands will be necessary. You can perform most of these exercises with just one dumbbell or band.

What Types Of Ranges Of Motion Exercises Can You Do?

You can perform eight different types of range of motion exercises. The most common three are static, dynamic, and isometric. Static stretches are performed by taking a posture that is significantly different from your ordinary posture for a short period of time. For example, placing your elbows on the table with your fists clenched and extended toward the ceiling would be an example of a static stretch for your triceps.

Dynamic stretches are those where you move through a range of motion in a slow and controlled manner. For example, bending at the waist and reaching toward your feet would be an example of a dynamic stretch for your hamstrings. Some people refer to this as a “bicyclist stretch.” Isometric exercises involve holding a position without any movement. For example, pressing your fists against the table and keeping them there would be an example of an isometric exercise for your triceps.

There are also three secondary types of range of motion exercises. The first is known as ballistic stretching. Ballistic stretches involve using the momentum of a moving body to bend, lean, or twist it into a position that would be impossible to achieve through voluntary movement. For example, bending forward and touching your toes would be an example of a ballistic stretch for the hamstrings.

The second type is called an active stretch. These are similar to ballistic stretches except that an extra limb or item is used to assist in the movement. For example, using your free hand to pull your heel closer toward your backside would be an example of an active stretch for the hamstrings. The third type is known as a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretch. These involve contracting a muscle group and then stretching it whilst it’s at its weakest point of contraction.

For example, taking your leg and bending it toward your backside and then using your free hand to pull your heel closer toward your backside would be an example of a PNF stretch for the hamstrings.

Do These Ranges Of Motion Exercises Have Any Special Requirements?

The only real requirement for these exercises is that you have enough space to either lie on your stomach or bend over at the waist. This isn’t always easy for everyone to achieve. If you have limited room, you can perform these exercises while sitting in a chair by just bending forward and touching your toes.

If you’d like to perform the active or PNF stretches, then you will need someone to help you initially. They can either provide resistance as you move through the range of motion or they can help you pull your limb into the proper position. You can also use items such as elastic exercise bands to provide assistance.

How Much Time Do They Take?

The great thing about these stretches is that you can do them at your convenience. You can do one every hour or two if you desire. Many people will perform them at their desk while they’re working. This technique is commonly used by runners and other athletes to keep their muscles loose even when they are not performing their sport.

If you decide to perform the active or PNF stretches, you will need someone to help you initially. You can do these stretches at your convenience after that unless you enlist the help of a friend or family member to help you. This will take extra time, but the benefits are well worth it.

If you have any questions about this topic or need clarification, please post your questions in the forum, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!

Sources & references used in this article:

Effect of stretching duration on active and passive range of motion in the lower extremity. by JM Roberts, K Wilson – British journal of sports medicine, 1999 – bjsm.bmj.com

Changes in shoulder and elbow passive range of motion after pitching in professional baseball players by MM Reinold, KE Wilk, LC Macrina… – … American journal of …, 2008 – journals.sagepub.com

Effect of total end range time on improving passive range of motion by KR Flowers, P LaStayo – Journal of Hand Therapy, 1994 – Elsevier

Lasting changes in passive range motion after spinal manipulation: a randomized, blind, controlled trial. by N Nilsson, HW Christensen… – Journal of Manipulative …, 1996 – europepmc.org

Effect of selective capsulorrhaphy on the passive range of motion of the glenohumeral joint by C Gerber, CML Werner, JC Macy, HAC Jacob… – JBJS, 2003 – journals.lww.com