What Is Fencing Response And Why Does It Happen?
The following are some of the questions that come up when one is asked to explain fencing response:
Why do I feel like my mind is going blank after a hit?
(I don’t mean physically)
How did this happen?
Can I recover from this type of injury?
Is there anything else I can do to prevent or heal from this type of injury?
Do I need to seek professional help?
Does this affect other parts of my life?
The above questions may seem trivial, but they are actually very important ones. They all have answers! You will learn how to better understand your own mind and body and what you can do to improve your recovery. This article explains fencing response in greater depth than any other on the internet. If you want to know more about fencing response, read on…
Fencing Response – The Basics
A hit to the head is a blow to the brain. A concussion occurs when a person suffers a blow to their head which causes them to lose consciousness. There are many types of concussions, but all of them involve loss of cognitive function such as memory, concentration, problem solving ability and so forth. Concussion symptoms vary depending upon where on the brain was struck and how hard it was struck.
This can range from momentary confusion and disorientation to having no short term memory to having vision problems.
The brain is a very complex organ, and it’s functioning doesn’t stop just because you got hit in the head! The brain has some amazing abilities that people don’t normally think about, such as filling in gaps of lost vision, memory, senses and so forth. This is known as “filling in the gaps” and is a very important thing to keep in mind when suffering from fencing response. If you had vision problems before your concussion then you may not immediately realize that your eyesight is actually worse after a blow to the head.
Vision problems can include blurriness, seeing auras (multicolored circles or haloes around objects), double vision, inability to focus, and other eye problems.
The types of symptoms that you experience after a concussion are known as your post-concussion syndrome. Post-concussion syndrome consists of the symptoms you experience after a concussion, such as headaches, dizziness, memory loss and so forth. These symptoms most commonly last from one to three months, but in some cases sufferers have reported them lasting years or a lifetime!
If you get hit hard enough in the head you can suffer an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). An ABI is a Traumatic Brain Injury that consists of multiple areas of the brain suffering hypoxic ischemic injury (injury caused by a lack of blood flow) as well as actual physical and neurological damage. The symptoms of an ABI are much more severe than those of a concussion and can include (but are not limited to) loss of memory, vision problems, bladder control problems, loss of motor skills and other serious disabilities.
Fencing Response and Vision Problems – Filling In The Gaps
If you have ever seen the movie “Memento” then you are familiar with the concept of “filling in the gaps”. Basically, because the brain is not a video recorder it doesn’t simply record everything that happens to you. It takes snapshots of what it thinks is important, based upon things like focus of attention, emotional state, other senses and so forth.
This is important to keep in mind when suffering from vision problems after a concussion. If you only have problems with your peripheral (side) vision this can be a big cause for concern. It means that your brain is not filling in the gaps appropriately. This may very well be a permanent condition.
Vision problems are notorious for lasting a long time, even a lifetime.
If you have had vision problems before suffering a concussion then this is called “acquired” vision problems. Many professional boxers experience this after taking too many head blows. The same is true for hockey and football players and anybody else involved in contact sports who experiences repeated concussions as part of their job description. If you have suffered from multiple concussions then you may develop vision problems later on, even if you haven’t received one recently.
In either case, if you have vision problems then it is important to get treatment from a physician, eye doctor or specialized concussion doctor right away. Certain drugs can be used to improve vision in the short term and there are other long-term solutions that can be implemented, such as surgery. In some cases these techniques can be combined to provide superior results.
Vision problems can affect people of all ages, even if they have never suffered a head injury. Anybody can get cataracts or glaucoma at any time. If you are worried about your vision always speak to an eye doctor. They can perform tests to determine exactly what the problem is and provide the best solution.
If you are an athlete who has recently suffered a concussion then you need to be evaluated by a medical professional right away. If you have experienced vision problems after a hit to the head then it is extremely important that you get treatment as soon as possible, even if your vision seems to be better.
Although vision problems can affect people of all ages, they are particularly common among older adults. If you have lost some of your vision then there are devices and techniques that can help improve your quality of life. Speak to your eye doctor about solutions for dealing with vision loss.
How to Improve Your Vision after a Head Injury
If you have recently suffered a concussion or head injury and are having vision problems it is important to get treatment right away. Vision problems can become more serious if you delay medical treatment. Your eye doctor can provide a complete evaluation and help come up with a solution that is right for you, but in most cases it is possible to improve your vision after a head injury.
The most common vision problem that people experience after a head injury is double vision. This is technically known as diplopia and it can be caused by a brain injury, especially if the area of the brain that controls visual perception is damaged. If you are experiencing double vision either your brain is still healing or the problem is not associated with a brain injury. In either case you should seek immediate medical attention.
If you are concerned about your vision after a head injury or concussion, but do not have double vision, then you probably have monocular diplopia. This occurs when only one eye can see clearly while the other eye seems foggy or out of focus. The brain will naturally try to compensate for this by using the clearer eye, but this can lead to problems with depth perception and general eye strain. If you experience monocular diplopia after a head injury then you should seek treatment right away.
Your eye doctor can provide prescription goggles or other optical devices that can improve your vision.
Other types of vision problems that can occur after a head injury include headaches, blind spots, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light. Again, it is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of these problems. Your eye doctor can perform a complete evaluation and provide the proper treatment or devices to help improve your vision.
Sometimes the effects of a head injury are not immediately apparent. You should always monitor your vision for any changes, especially if you have suffered a head injury in the past. If you experience any changes in vision it is important to get treatment right away. You should always tell your eye doctor if you have previously suffered a head injury even if you do not feel like it is related to your vision problems.
Whether you are suffering from double vision, monocular diplopia, or another vision problem after a head injury, your eye doctor can help. He or she will perform a complete examination and help come up with the right plan for your individual needs. Take charge of your vision and health by scheduling an appointment at your earliest convenience.
Sources & references used in this article:
Geo-fencing in a wireless location system by ML Ward, PM Czarnecki, RJ Anderson – US Patent 8,320,931, 2012 – Google Patents
Fencing for conservation: restriction of evolutionary potential or a riposte to threatening processes? by MW Hayward, GIH Kerley – Biological Conservation, 2009 – Elsevier
Assessing the Functional Response to Streamside Fencing of Pastoral Waikato Streams, New Zealand by K Doehring, JE Clapcott, RG Young – Water, 2019 – mdpi.com
The last word on power: Executive re-invention for leaders who must make the impossible happen by T Goss – 2010 – books.google.com
The fine art of fencing: Nationalism, hybridity, and the search for a Native American writing pedagogy by SR Lyons – JAC, 2009 – JSTOR
Miracles can happen… by S Munby – Soundings, 2015 – ingentaconnect.com