What causes vaginal cuts?
Vaginal cuts are caused by various types of bacteria. These bacteria cause irritation, inflammation, redness and pain during sexual activity. Most of these infections are harmless but some are not so benign such as bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV is a common condition where there is overgrowth of certain kinds of harmful organisms in your body’s natural flora. If left untreated, it can lead to other problems like infertility or even cancer.
How are they treated?
There are several things that you can do to treat the wound and prevent future ones from occurring. You need to keep the infected area clean and dry at all times. To avoid any further spread of infection, you have to take care of your skin as much as possible when showering. Also, make sure that you use a non-latex soap whenever possible. Avoid using alcohol based products since they may irritate the skin.
You can also apply creams and ointments made with ingredients like aloe vera gel, witch hazel, tea tree oil, etc. Some of them contain salicylic acid which helps in reducing the swelling and itching associated with a vaginal cut.
If you want to get rid of the itching completely then you can try topical medications like benzoyl peroxide cream or tretinoin cream.
If you have a minor cut or your doctor cannot see anything wrong during the examination then it is possible that you are experiencing something known as a provoked vulvodynia. This is a condition where the skin in your vaginal area becomes hypersensitive to touch or trauma. If this is the case, then make sure that you are gentle when wiping, using soaps or even passing urine.
What to do if you get a cut?
If you do experience a cut or other kind of injury in that area then it is very important that you take proper care of it. If the area is minor and the skin isn’t broken, then you can use an over the counter hydrocortisone cream. Non-prescription antibiotics are also effective.
If the wound is serious and the skin has been broken, then you should seek medical attention immediately. They will clean the area and stitch it up properly. If you do not take proper care of the wound and get an infection in the process then it can lead to much worse things such as a bacterial vaginosis or even HIV.
Some people like to use feminine wipes or soaps to clean themselves after using the bathroom. These are not hygienic and can also cause irritation or cuts in the skin. It is much better to simply rinse with water instead.
To prevent future vaginal cuts and other skin irritations you should avoid wearing any tight clothing or anything that limits blood flow to that area. It is also a good idea to use only a light amount of pads or tampons when your period is occurring. If the blood soaks through then you are using too many. If you continue to experience these issues then you may want to see a doctor about getting a vaginal support mesh to help with any issues of vaginal atrophy.
If you continue to experience pain during or after sexual activity then you may have a condition known as provoked vulvodynia. In this condition, the skin in that area is very sensitive to the touch. It can cause severe burning or itching. Using a lubricant and being gentle when engaging in any kind of sexual activity can help with this.
If you engage in rough masturbation then you may have torn the skin. This is a very delicate area and any trauma can lead to cuts. It is best to avoid any kind of violent masturbation if you want to avoid any kind of skin tears in the future.
If the pain doesn’t go away then you should see a doctor to rule out any other conditions.
Other methods
The use of pain relief products can help with the pain. One can try using a topical anesthetic or a vaginal suppository in order to relieve the pain temporarily.
You can also use other creams and ointments to soothe the pain. It is best to consult your doctor before applying any of them.
One can also take some over the counter and prescription strength medication to help with the symptoms.
It is important to keep your vaginal area clean and dry. Washing it with warm water every day can help prevent any kind of infection or other condition. You should also wear cotton underwear and loose clothing in order to promote the best health and avoid irritation.
Avoid wearing tight clothing such as panty hose or spandex. These can apply pressure to the area and cause more irritation and pain. Always wear breathable fabrics since the skin of the vaginal area can get irritated by external moisture.
One can also use a sitz bath to help relieve the burning sensation and any other symptoms associated with a vaginal yeast infection. It involves adding some lukewarm water in a shallow container such as a bowl and sitting in it for about 10 minutes. This can help alleviate the burning sensation and any other discomforts.
If you experience any discomfort when sitting down then you should use pads to prevent any leaking of any bodily fluids into your panties or pants. If it’s serious enough, it can cause a burning sensation whenever you urinate due to the chemicals and waste getting into the scratches and cuts in the skin.
A sitz bath can be a temporary fix to help heal and soothe the pain, but it won’t do any good if you are engaging in any kind of activity that causes further irritation or damage. In the long run, it is best to avoid vaginal tears and cuts in the first place as it takes a long time to heal.
A pessary is a device that is placed into the vaginal canal in order to support the walls and hold them in place. They come in different shapes and sizes depending on the brand and material used. They are used to provide support to women who have prolapsed uterus or have had multiple childbirths. Your doctor can provide you with more information.
Keeping your bowel movements soft can prevent any kind of tears from occurring due to abrasive materials coming into contact with the vaginal area. Eating a balanced and healthy diet along with drinking plenty of water on a regular basis can go a long way in promoting good vaginal health.
You should also avoid wearing any tight underwear or pants. This applies especially if you notice that you tend to develop rashes or abrasions in that area. Wearing clothes that are made from softer materials can help alleviate and prevent this problem.
Always wipe from front to back to prevent the spreading of any bacteria into the vaginal area. It is also important to shower immediately after any physical activity in order to wash off any bacteria or other external contaminants that may find their way into the vaginal area or on the skin around it.
A lot of physical activities can cause abrasions or irritation to the skin around and inside the vaginal area. This can lead to an imbalance of the PH levels which can cause an overgrowth of yeast and bacteria in that area.
If you notice any kind of discharge, bleeding, pain, or discomfort when you are doing physical activities then you most likely have a vaginal tear. It is recommended that you stop whatever activity that you are doing immediately in order to prevent further complications or injuries.
Most of the time these lacerations are not visible to the naked eye and can only be seen by a medical professional. It is important to keep track of any discharges or bleeding after engaging in physical activity because if left untreated, it can lead to a serious infection.
A vaginal laceration is a cut, tear, or abrasion on, or inside the vaginal canal. It can be caused by several different things such as accidents, surgeries, or sexual activity.
Vaginal prolapses are more common in women who have had multiple births or pregnancies in the vaginal area. The pressure and extra weight from carrying a child can weaken the muscles and supportive tissues around the vaginal area causing them to protrude inside the vaginal opening.
If you have recently had a baby, it is important to do your Kegel exercises in order to prevent or fix any damage that may have occurred during or after your pregnancy.
There are several different types of Kegel exercises that you can do in order to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Each one is specifically designed to target each part of your pelvic floor and the issues you may be experiencing with them.
You can also try using a vaginal weight to help build up the strength of your pelvic floor. The added weight will increase the pressure and resistance of your pelvic floor muscles which in turn will cause them to become stronger and more efficient at their job.
The easiest way to do your Kegel exercises is to:
Find a comfortable and relaxed position such as lying down or sitting. Contract the muscles that you would use to stop the flow of urine. Hold the contraction for 10 seconds then release Repeat this process for at least 10 times in a row, 3 times a day
Perform these exercises daily in order to notice an increase in your pelvic floor strength and function. It may take some time before you start to notice a difference but stick with it and you will eventually feel the difference. If you are having problems feeling your pelvic floor muscles, you can purchase pills or creams that can be inserted in the vaginal area in order to detect and strengthen those muscles.
These vaginal exercisers come in several different shapes and sizes so you can choose which one is most suitable for your body and vaginal issues. They are also disposable so you only have to use them for a short period of time in order to see results.
The more information that you are aware of about your own body, the better prepared you will be when dealing with potential injuries or issues. If you are aware of what is happening to your body and what it is telling you then you can catch certain things before they get out of hand and become a serious problem.
Be sure to do your Kegel exercises daily in order to prevent any potential problems in the future. It is much easier and cheaper to prevent certain issues rather than trying to fix them after they have already happened. Be proactive about your health so you can live a long and happy life.
Doing your Kegel exercises is just one of the many ways that you can improve and maintain the health of your body and mind. By taking care of yourself now, you will prevent many potential health issues in the future.
Simple Kegel Exercises
If you are experiencing any type of vaginal or urinary incontinence issues then you should start performing your kegel exercises today. It is never too late to start improving the strength of your pelvic floor muscles.
Vaginal exercisers are also beneficial if you want to improve your sexual experience with your partner. By having stronger pelvic floor muscles you can help intensify your orgasms and make the experience much more enjoyable.
Simple Kegel exercises can be done anywhere at anytime. When you are watching TV, riding in a car, before you go to bed or even at work, take a few minutes out of your day to perform your kegel exercises.
By doing this, you will be able to improve the strength of your muscles and prevent potential incontinence issues in the future.
Vaginal exercisers can also be used in order to maximize and improve the results of your kegel exercises. By placing the vaginal exerciser inside your body you will be able to feel the muscles contract and perform the exercises on their own without having to consciously control them.
This not only helps you to identify the different muscle groups involved but it also helps you keep track of your progress as you begin to notice a difference in how your body reacts and feels. If you are experiencing any type of incontinence or vaginal issues then using a vaginal exerciser is a must.
These devices also come in a variety of different shapes and sizes so you can choose which one is most suitable and comfortable for your body type.
The kegel exercises that you perform will greatly enhance your sexual experience with your partner. Not only will you be able to enjoy sexual activity more but you will also be able to enjoy it longer. You will no longer have to worry about embarrassing leaks or the sudden urge to go at inopportune times.
In addition to kegel exercises and vaginal exercisers, there are also a variety of other products that you can use in order to help with your incontinence issues. These products can help you out in a variety of different ways so be sure to check them out in order to find the most suitable option for your specific needs.
The pelvic floor muscles are not something that most people like to talk about but they really need to because these muscles are involved in a variety of different things. Not only do they help you control your bladder and bowel movements but they also play a role in your sexual experiences.
By performing kegel exercises on a regular basis, you can enhance your sexual health, avoid potential embarrassing issues in the future as well as improve the strength of your vaginal muscles for a more fulfilling experience.
If you are experiencing any type of incontinence or vaginal health issues then using a vaginal exerciser is highly recommended. These devices are specifically designed to help you identify and work the different muscles that are involved and in doing so, you will be able to experience long lasting results.
Vaginal exercisers come in a variety of different shapes and sizes so you can choose the one that is most suitable and comfortable for your body type. In addition to that, there are also a wide range of other products that can help you with any problems that you may be experiencing so make sure to check them out today!
Kegel Exercises For Men
Kegel exercises for men have become more and more popular over the years. If you are experiencing any of the problems mentioned above then it would be a good idea for you to start doing these exercises on a regular basis as soon as you can.
There are a lot of different products out there that can help you to perform your Kegel exercises correctly and effectively so you will have to decide which one is right for you.
Kegel exercises will strengthen the muscles that are involved in controlling and urinating as well as prevent issues such as incontinence, premature ejaculation, reverse ejaculation and even impotence.
Kegel exercises for men are a great way to enhance your sexual health. By performing this simple exercise you can avoid potential embarrassing issues in the future as well as improve your sexual performance with your partner.
This simple five minute routine is great for men of all ages. It requires no special equipment, can be done anywhere and there are no restrictions on who can perform them.
Kegel exercises are a great way to improve your sexual health so be sure to start doing them today.
It’s never a pleasant thought but incontinence is something that a lot of people have to deal with on a day to day basis. If you are suffering from urinary incontinence of any kind then there are a variety of different products that can help you out.
The best thing that you can do is go and see your doctor about your condition. There are a lot of different reasons why you may be suffering from incontinence so your doctor can run some tests in order to determine what is causing it and how to treat it.
Once your doctor has come to a conclusion, they can start prescribing various treatments that will help you live a more comfortable life. One of these treatments could be Incontience pants or underwear.
These products are specifically designed to help people deal with their incontinence issues. These products help absorb any urine that you may accidently release so you avoid the uncomfortable feeling of having an accident and wetting yourself.
Incontinence pants come in the form of tight stretchy underwear and can easily be hidden under your clothes so nobody will know that you are wearing them. They come in different sizes and styles so everyone is covered, young or old, male or female.
There are also different types of incontinence underwear on the market so you will need to speak to your doctor or nurse in order to find the right ones for you.
Due to the vast amount of different types of incontinence products on the market, you may find it difficult to choose the right one. If this is the case, you can always consult with a medical expert who can guide you through the process and find the right product that suits you.
Incontinence products are designed to make everyday life easier so don’t suffer in silence, visit your doctor and get yourself fixed up!
Pain during urination is not something that any man wants to experience. While it is more common for women to suffer from this condition it can also affect men. This symptom can various different problems associated with it so you should seek medical help immediately.
It is commonly known as a Urinary Tract Infection or UTI, this condition involves the infection of any part of your urinary tract, this can be your urethra, bladder or kidneys. A UTI is generally caused by using poor hygiene, not drinking enough liquids and sexual activity. If left untreated, it can lead to bigger health problems so you should get it checked out immediately.
What are the symptoms?
The most common symptom of a Urinary Tract Infection is pain when you urinate. You may also experience a strong desire to urinate, though this is more common in older men who have a prostate issue. You may also see traces of blood in your urine or even experience fevers and chills. These symptoms can vary depending on what stage the UTI is at so it’s important to get it checked out right away.
How is it treated?
There are various treatments for a Urinary Tract Infection, they can include:
Antibiotics – this is the most common way to treat a UTI. There are many different types of antibiotics that can be used, these are generally available as pills, liquid or creams. Another benefit of antibiotics is they also fight off any infection that may have been caught in the hospital.
Catheter – for minor cases of a UTI, your doctor may insert a tube called a catheter into your urethra and gently flush out your bladder. While this can be slightly uncomfortable, it is generally better than suffering from a painful UTI.
If you begin to experience any of the above mentioned symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection, you should seek medical help immediately as it can lead to serious complications if left untreated.
What is the treatment plan for a patient with a urinary tract infection?
The treatment of a patient suffering from a urinary tract infection depends on various factors such as the type of underlying condition causing the infection, how bad the infection is and general health of the patient. Common treatments used to ease the symptoms of a urinary tract infection are:
Antibiotics – these medicines generally come in either tablet or liquid form and can be taken orally depending on your medical condition. Antibiotics fight off infection and help the body fight the infection from taking hold.
Catheter – this is a thin flexible tube inserted into the bladder through the urethra to drain out the urine. This process can be slightly painful but is generally better than dealing with the pain of a urinary tract infection.
Antispasmodics – these type of medicines can help relax the smooth muscles of the bladder, allowing patients to urinate without any discomfort.
If you are suffering from a urinary tract infection, it is vital that you seek medical attention right away to avoid the infection from spreading and causing more serious damage. If left untreated, this type of infection can cause complications with the kidneys which can be life-threatening and necessitate the need for emergency surgery.
Does the treatment for a urinary tract infection differ between men and women?
The treatment for a urinary tract infection is generally the same for both men and women. However, there are some factors that differ when treating men and women with a urinary tract infection.
In men, one of the biggest factors is that men do not have a monthly cycle like women do so testing to find out if they have a UTI can sometimes be more difficult. Also, men can often have different symptoms from women such as a discharge from the tip of the penile organ (urethra) or testicles (scrotum) rather than lower abdominal pain or discomfort while urinating. It is vital for men suffering from a urinary tract infection to seek medical attention right away to avoid complications and further health issues.
How can a urinary tract infection be prevented?
There are several ways to help prevent a urinary tract infection from occurring:
Drink plenty of fluids – this helps flush out your urinary tract and stop bacteria from building up and causing an infection. The general rule for how much you should drink is that if you are thirsty, you already need to drink more.
Go to the bathroom right away whenever you feel the need to go – don’t put it off as this can cause bacteria to build up and enter the bladder, causing an infection.
Wipe from front to back after using the bathroom – bacteria from the rectum can easily make its way up to the urethra if proper cleaning techniques are not used after going to the bathroom.
Get yearly physicals – your doctor can identify and treat any underlying causes for your urinary tract infection such as a bladder problem or problem with the kidneys.
Do not hold in your urine – this can be somewhat difficult if you are busy at work or school but try to urinate whenever you feel the urge to go rather than holding it in.
Do not clamp down on the tip of your penile organ (penis) or push down while urinating – this can irritate the urethra and cause bacteria to infect the area.
Are there any complications that can arise from a urinary tract infection?
There are several complications that can arise from a urinary tract infection such as:
If the infection spreads into your kidneys, you may need to have emergency surgery to remove all or part of your kidneys.
A kidney infection can travel through your bloodstream and cause a life-threatening condition called sepsis. This condition can quickly lead to organ failure if left untreated.
If you have a recurring urinary tract infection, it can eventually lead to chronic renal failure in which the kidneys are not able to filter out waste from the blood and effectively regulate electrolytes and other nutrients.
Can a urinary tract infection be cured without using antibiotics?
There are non-drug methods that can be used to treat a urinary tract infection without the need for antibiotics. One method is to use a special kind of urine that contains live bacteria known to fight off certain types of bacteria known to cause urinary tract infections. By flooding the urinary tract with friendly bacteria, they will overtake any unfriendly bacteria causing the infection and begin to fight off the infection naturally.
Another way to treat a urinary tract infection naturally is to increase your intake of water, cranberry juice and other fluids that help flush out your urinary tract and help eliminate the infection. Cranberry juice has also been shown to prevent certain bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and causing infections.
Additional information about Antibiotics:
Antibiotics FAQ › Genres and Types. (LINK REMOVED)
Additional information about Kidney Infections:
Kidney Infections. (LINK REMOVED)
Dealing with a Kidney Infection Naturally. (LINK REMOVED)
Infected Kidney Treatments. (LINK REMOVED)
Your kidneys need help! (LINK REMOVED)
Bladder Infections and Kidney Infections. (LINK REMOVED)
Thank you for your information, unfortunately I have experienced a recurrence of my bladder infection, which I had been prone to in the past.
Should I be concerned about the long-term effects of the repeated use of antibiotics? Can they cause permanent damage?
I am following your recommendations and ordered a bottle of Cranberry Extract and will increase my water intake.
Thank you for your help.
Whether or not you are prone to bladder and urinary tract infections is a matter of your personal health and history. If you have experienced several in the past, it might be a good idea to get a urine culture to determine exactly what type of organism is causing them. In most cases, however, these types of infections are caused by the E. coli bacteria.
While the E. coli bacteria can be a dangerous organism in other parts of the body, in this case it is a friendly one and helps keep your urinary tract healthy.
Antibiotics wipe out all bacteria, friendly and unfriendly. When a bladder or urinary tract infection is caused by a specific type of bacteria, other types of bacteria move in to fill the void. These bacteria are often harder to eliminate than the original strain causing the infection. In some cases, these bacteria become entrenched in the urinary tract and cause repeated infections.
I would definitely get a second opinion if your doctor prescribes any more antibiotics for you. In many cases, these repeated prescriptions can be avoided with adequate hydration and cranberry supplements, or you may need to see a urologist at this point.
Good luck.
Hi to all. I have written here before and gotten some great advice, so please help me out again.
I am a 48 year old female (turned 48 in May), who has been suffering with overactive bladder for 8 years now. It started out being very mild, going several times a day for a couple of weeks at a time. Then it would get better on it’s own. So I went years thinking nothing of it.
Then it started getting to the point where I had to go so much that I couldn’t sleep at night because I had to get up and go so much. Then it started coming back every few months. A urologist put me on Detrol. Which helped some, but he said if it stops working we would have to do something else.
That was 3 years ago. It works when I take it, but now I get the symptoms of needing to go and if I don’t go right away it feels like a blow torch is burning in my bladder.
I can’t work anymore because of this. It got so bad that I missed 2 days of work in row last year and was fired. My husband has a very good job, so we get by, but the employment situation in our town is not good right now and I can’t find anything. I am in so much pain all the time and get so depressed.
If this keeps up I don’t know what I will do. I can’t afford to go to a specialist.
I can’t take this anymore, I have had enough.
Dear Mattersaide,
I am very sorry to hear about your condition and hope that you will be able to get things under control soon.
From what you have described, it seems most likely that you do have an overactive bladder. The type of pain you are experiencing from the frequent urges is more consistent with overactive bladder rather than a urinary tract infection (which would cause a burning sensation).
The good news is that there are many ways to approach this problem and different methods work for different people. Your first step should be to determine why your bladder is becoming overactive. There are several possible reasons for this problem and your doctor can determine the cause after a physical examination, a medical history, and possibly some lab tests.
Possible causes of overactive bladder include:
1) Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) – when bacteria is present in the urine, it can cause irritation to the bladder, which will cause it to contract more frequently and cause an urgent need to urinate.
2) Bladder Infections – similar to a UTI, but caused by a virus, which attacks the bladder.
3) Overactive Bladder Syndrome – this occurs when your bladder contracts frequently even in the absence of an infection or other medical condition.
4) Urinary Incontinence – overactive bladder can be a cause of occasional or constant incontinence (leaking of urine).
5) Anxiety or Stress – increased stress and anxiety can cause your muscles to contract more frequently, which will lead to an overactive bladder.
This is also known as a “muscle spasm”.
6) Urge Incontinence – similar to overactive bladder, but it is caused by weakened muscles in your urinary tract or a blockage.
7) Other Causes – factors such as pregnancy, menopause, age, dehydration, and diabetes can cause your bladder to become overactive.
Once your doctor has made a diagnosis, they will be able to suggest different treatment plans that will help you manage your condition. In some cases, your doctor may refer you to a urologist who can perform tests to further determine the cause and suggest more specific treatment options.
If you have been recently diagnosed with an overactive bladder or need a second opinion, please post back here with details of your condition and questions for our doctors. They are happy to answer your questions and will reply as soon as they are able.
Get well soon!
Sources & references used in this article:
Frequency of symptoms, determinants of severe symptoms, validity of and cut-off score for Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) as a screening tool: a cross … by N Chuni, CT Sreeramareddy – BMC women’s health, 2011 – Springer
Principles of trauma therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment (DSM-5 update) by A Glaus, CH Boehme, B Thürlimann… – Annals of …, 2006 – Oxford University Press
Minimally invasive therapy for gynaecological symptoms related to a niche in the caesarean scar: a systematic review by JN Briere, C Scott – 2014 – books.google.com