What causes tingling lips?
Tingling lips are a common symptom of thyroid disease. They may occur at any age but they most commonly appear between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Tingling lips are sometimes called “lip smacking” or “tongue twisters.” There is no cure for these symptoms, however there are some things that can be done to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
The causes of tingling lips include:
Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
Thyrotoxicosis (overproduction of thyroxine)
Hyperthyroidism (hyperactivity of thyroxine receptors)
Other medical conditions such as:
Lupus erythematosus (a chronic inflammatory skin disorder)
Celiac disease (an autoimmune condition affecting the small intestine)
How do I know if my lips are tingling?
There are two ways to test your lips for tingling. The first is to press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and try to move it from side to side. If you have tingling lips, you may feel a small amount of tingling here. The other way is to stick out your tongue and try to touch your upper lip. If you have tingling lips, you should be able to feel some tingling here as well.
What do tingling lips feel like?
Tingling lips can be an unnerving experience. It can feel like ants crawling on your lips. This feeling may be accompanied by a pins and needles sensation.
How is tingling lips diagnosed?
There are several different ways that your physician may test for tingling lips. The first is by asking you questions about your medical history.
Have you experienced any other symptoms? Do you have a family history of thyroid disease?
The next step is a physical examination. Your physician will ask you to stick out your tongue so that they can observe it. They will look for signs of any muscle tremors or twitches that may indicate hyperthyroidism. Your lower lip and chin area will also be inspected.
If these findings are inconclusive, your physician may order further testing. This may involve blood work to test hormone levels, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland or a small incision to extract a sample of the thyroid tissue for testing (a fine needle aspiration).
Tingling lips treatment
There is no cure for tingling lips. The only treatment is to manage the underlying disease that is causing the tingling lips. In most cases this means thyroid hormone replacement therapy. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove all or part of the thyroid gland.
Diseases that may cause tingling lips:
Thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism)
Vitamin B deficiency
Brain tumors
HIV infection
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Bell’s Palsy
Can tingling lips be prevented?
There is no surefire way to prevent tingling lips. If you have a history of thyroid disease in your family, it may be a good idea to have regular thyroid function tests done. This can help to detect thyroid disease at the earliest possible stage. Early detection and treatment increases the chances of successful treatment.
Edited by jamieyolanda, 04 October 2014 – 05:18 AM.
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