Head Rush Symptoms:
The symptoms of a head rush are very similar to those of a heart attack or stroke. You may experience:
A sudden feeling of weakness in your legs and arms (or even numbness) Your chest feels tight and tightens up Your vision becomes blurry, you feel dizzy or faint Your breathing gets irregular Your body temperature begins to rise Rapid heartbeat, sweating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are all common symptoms A headache will occur with these symptoms.
What causes Head Rashes?
There are many possible reasons why someone experiences a head rush. Some of them include:
Exercise – Most likely, exercise causes you to sweat and produce heat. If you have been exercising regularly, then your body will be able to handle it better than if you were not exercising regularly.
Also, if you are exercising on an empty stomach, then your body will be able to handle the heat better due to having more energy reserves available.
Blood Sugar – Blood sugar levels are higher when you exercise. This increases the amount of oxygen in your blood which results in increased heart rate and blood pressure.
This increase in blood pressure may result in a head rush.
Alcohol – Alcohol is known to raise your heart rate and blood pressure. However, alcohol does not necessarily cause a head rush because there are other factors involved such as dehydration or poor nutrition.
In fact, drinking too much alcohol can actually lead to headaches!
Dehydration – If you don’t consume enough water, then your body will not be able to regulate its internal temperature as well. This can result in overheating and eventually a head rush or dizzy spell.
Salt Deficiency – When you sweat, you lose both water and salt. If you do not replenish your salt reserves then this can result in a head rush.
Diet – If you do not consume enough carbs, then your body will struggle to produce glycogen which is the energy source that allows your muscles to perform. Without enough glycogen, your muscles will struggle to contract and this can result in a head rush.
Toxic Buildup – When you experience a head rush, it is often accompanied by dizziness, blurry vision and sweating. These are all symptoms of toxic buildup in the body.
Toxins can build up in the body for a number of reasons but one major cause is a by-product of radiation from gadgets like cell phones, laptops and tablets.
Stress – When you are stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. This hormone has a number of effects on the body, one of which is increasing blood pressure.
If your body is releasing a lot of cortisol over a long period of time, then this can lead to high blood pressure which can in turn lead to dizziness, blurred vision and a head rush.
Vision Problems – Blurry vision and dizziness can be caused by problems with your eyesight such as near or far-sightedness. However, a head rush can also be caused by eyesight problems in combination with other factors such as dehydration or stress.
Neck Problems – Muscle cramps in the neck can sometimes result in a head rush. For example, when you roll your neck, the muscles may contract causing a cramp.
This can result in dizziness and a head rush because the brain is disconnected from the rest of the body for a few seconds. Other muscular or skeletal disorders can have the same effect.
It is important to determine what may be causing a head rush or dizziness before taking medication. It may be that there are other underlying conditions contributing to your symptoms such as dehydration, nutrition, toxic buildup, stress or even vision problems.
In some cases, a head rush may be a warning sign of something more serious and it’s important to seek help if you experience this on a regular basis.
Sources & references used in this article:
Medical inquiries and observations, upon the diseases of the mind by B Rush – 1812 – books.google.com
Roentgenography of the brain after the injection of air into the spinal canal by WE Dandy – Annals of surgery, 1919 – ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Hedonistic homeostatic dysregulation in patients with Parkinson’s disease on dopamine replacement therapies by G Giovannoni, JD O’sullivan, K Turner… – Journal of Neurology …, 2000 – jnnp.bmj.com
The great cholesterol con: the truth about what really causes heart disease and how to avoid it by M Kendrick – 2008 – books.google.com
The causes and prevention of cancer by BN Ames, LS Gold, WC Willett – Proceedings of the …, 1995 – National Acad Sciences
Fragmentation and the other problems CEOs have with their top management teams by DC Hambrick – California Management Review, 1995 – journals.sagepub.com
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for bipolar disorder by MR Basco, AJ Rush – 2005 – books.google.com
Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind by B Rush – 1830 – books.google.com