What causes excessive yawning?
Excessive yawning is caused by a variety of factors. Some of them are:
1) Stress or Anxiety – You may have experienced it before.
You feel stressed out and need to escape from your stressor somehow. If you’re feeling anxious, then you’ll want to get away from it quickly. So you start yawning uncontrollably and eventually you end up falling asleep due to exhaustion.
2) Vomiting – You’ve had a bad day at work.
Your boss is being really mean to you. Or maybe you just got fired from your job and now everyone is making fun of you. Either way, you start vomiting all over yourself and even on other people around you.
3) Heart Attack – You’re having a heart attack!
You might have one right now. Maybe you don’t even realize it because you’re so busy dying of blood loss.
4) A Bad Night’s Sleep – You’ve been sleeping too much lately and you wake up with a pounding headache.
5) Anemia – You’re getting older and your body is starting to break down faster than usual.
This means less iron in your bloodstream which results in fatigue, weakness, depression, weight gain, hair loss, etc…
6) PTSD – You’ve experienced a traumatic situation in the past and you’re suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
You’re constantly reliving that painful moment over and over again. You start feeling depressed and you keep having flashbacks of that moment when your whole world came crashing down on you.
7) The Sun – You’ve been staring into the sun for too long that it’s affecting your brain activity.
8) Narcolepsy – You have narcolepsy and you keep falling asleep all the time.
This is caused by a sleep disorder called narcolepsy. If you’re suffering from this, then it’s very likely for you to experience the following symptoms:
– Falling Asleep/Dizziness/Unconsciousness During the Day
– “Micro-Sleeps” (i.e. a very short loss of muscle tone)
– Hypnagogic Imagery (i.e. vivid, absurd, dream-like images that pop up when you’re falling asleep)
– Hallucinations During Brief Wakeful Moments
– Temporary Loss of Memory
– The Feeling of Not Having Fully Woken Up
– Cataplexy (i.e. sudden loss of muscle tone in arm or leg)
– Sleep Talking
9) The Cold – Your body is suffering from hypothermia.
It’s a condition caused by the freezing cold and it makes your body temperature to drop below normal levels. If you’re outside for too long, this can lead to death even though you may feel warm to the touch.
10) Excessive Caffeine – You’ve been drinking too much coffee lately and it’s kicking in. Too much of anything is bad for you so you may want to take a break from that toxic drink.
11) LSD – You took some lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and now you’re tripping out.
12) Sensory Deprivation – You’ve been trapped in a pitch-black room for too long.
13) Excessive Vomiting – You’ve been vomiting for the past few days and it is taking a toll on your health.
14) Sleep Paralysis – Your brain shuts down completely while you’re asleep so that you don’t go anywhere or do anything dangerous to yourself (such as walk in front of a bus or jump off a bridge). However, this can sometimes backfire and the brain doesn’t wake up when it should. This is known as sleep paralysis and it can be very terrifying because you’re awake but can’t move, you may even experience hallucinations or have visions of ghosts/monsters.
Does your condition improve, get worse or remain the same ?
0) Nothing Happens – No change in condition.
1) Your Condition Gets Worse – The condition gets much worse.
2) Your Condition Slightly Improves – The condition slightly improves.
3) You Feel a Little Better – You feel a little better.
15) Food Poisoning – You’ve been suffering from food poisoning and you feel the effect of it now. You suffer from constant nausea and diarrhea, sweat profusely and have a high fever.
16) Food Allergy – You are allergic to a certain food that you recently ate and now you’re suffering the effects. This can cause anaphylactic shock, which leads to death if not treated properly.
17) Nerve/Muscle Poisoning – You’ve been exposed to a certain poison and it’s affecting your brain/nerves. This can cause respiratory problems, paralysis or even death.
18) Alcohol Poisoning – After drinking a lot, you’ve passed out and now you’re experiencing the effect of alcohol poisoning. This can lead to death, coma or permanent brain damage.
19) Heart Attack – You are suffering a heart attack due to your bad heart. This can cause brain damage or even death.
20) Brain Tumor – You are suffering from a brain tumor that has grown large enough to cause pressure on your brain.
21) Septicemia – A blood poisoning, which can be caused by excessive needle use or a dirty wound. (i.e. the dirty wound that you suffered from earlier in the game)
22) Asthma Attack – You’re suffering from an asthma attack due to your weakened respiratory system. This can lead to death by asphyxiation or hospitalization for intensive asthma treatment.
23) Pneumonia – You have pneumonia and it has gotten worse. Expect shortness of breath, low fever and possibly death.
24) Rip Your Ribs Out – Your chest is on fire and you feel like someone is ripping your ribs out.
25) Heart Tumor – You suffer from a heart tumor that’s growing fast. In a matter of days, it will most likely burst through your heart and kill you instantly. (Note: this ending is only available if you haven’t visited the hospital for any reason throughout the game).
26) Go Insane – You’re suffering from hallucinations and you’re unable to tell reality from fantasy. This causes you to lose all reason and you either end up in a padded room or dead. (You can actually voluntarily check into a psychiatric ward and end the game this way).
The House Wins: You’ve given up. You’ve accepted that you’ll never escape the house and you allow the house to consume you. You lose and the house wins.
You’re in this to win it, there’s no way you’re going to let a house beat you. You’ve come this far and survived everything the house threw at you. There’s no way you’re going to back down now.
Congratulations! You’ve made it through the Five Nights at Freddy’s challenges! Now you get to enjoy the rest of the story.
After surviving the house, you learn that it was built by a man named William Afton, who owned the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza place in the 1980s where the murders took place. Through some research, you discover that William Afton is in fact the killer and that he hid inside one of the animatronic robots. You learn that he’s still inside the building and decide to confront him.
William Afton, upon being confronted, tells you that the murders were his entertainment and that he kidnapped the children because he wanted to make them happy since no one else would. He also tells you that there is nothing you can do to stop him. Then, things get a little weird.
William Afton begins to change in front of your eyes. He morphs and twists into different beings as he tells you how all of your achievements will be forgotten over time and that you are nothing special.
This leads to a game over. Congratulations, you’ve just been given the “Nothing” ending.
I hope you found this guide helpful and if you did, check out some of my other guides!
Try going for all the other endings now!
Sources & references used in this article:
The thermoregulatory theory of yawning: what we know from over 5 years of research by AC Gallup, OT Eldakar – Frontiers in neuroscience, 2013 – frontiersin.org
Yawning and thermoregulation by AC Gallup, GG Gallup Jr – Physiology & behavior, 2008 – Elsevier
Compulsive yawning as migraine premonitory symptom by DE Jacome – Cephalalgia, 2001 – journals.sagepub.com
Factors accounting for asthma variability: achieving optimal symptom control for individual patients by BP Yawn – Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 2008 – nature.com
Yawning in depression: worth looking into by T Hensch, A Blume, D Böttger, C Sander… – …, 2015 – academia.edu
PatientsLikeMe: Consumer health vocabulary as a folksonomy by CA Smith, PJ Wicks – AMIA annual symposium proceedings, 2008 – ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Yawning and stretching predict brain temperature changes in rats: support for the thermoregulatory hypothesis by ML Shoup-Knox, AC Gallup, G Gallup… – Frontiers in evolutionary …, 2010 – frontiersin.org
A new method of operation for habitual dislocation of the mandible.—Review of former methods of treatment by H Myrhaug – Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1951 – Taylor & Francis