What causes a writer’s callus?
The cause of a writer’s callus is not known. There are several theories. Some say it is caused due to physical exercise or stress while others believe that it is caused due to emotional stress during writing process. You may have experienced the same thing when you were struggling with your first novel and you felt like your skin was peeling off from all over. A writer’s callus is a thin layer of dead skin cells that cover the surface of the skin. They are usually found on the palms and soles of your feet. Writer’s calluses make your hands feel rough and scratchy. When they become too large, they can cause chapped lips and cracked heels. If left untreated, a writer’s callus will eventually turn into a scab which becomes infected causing sores, rashes and other unpleasant symptoms such as blisters.
How do I treat a writer’s callus?
You need to take care of your skin so that it doesn’t start developing calluses. You can use various products to remove the calluses but if you don’t apply them properly, they won’t work well. Here are some tips: Apply a good moisturizer after showering or bathing. Use a mild soap and water cleanser before washing your face. Don’t use strong soaps and cleansers as they tend to dehydrate the skin. After washing your face pat dry with a clean, soft towel. If possible, while you are sleeping put on some gloves to protect your hands from external sources of irritation such as water or detergents. Massage your hands on a regular basis to increase the blood flow and encourage the body to regenerate lost skin cells. This will also increase the suppleness of your skin and prevent calluses from developing. Eat nutritious food since your skin is an external indication of what you put inside your body. If you eat junk food it will show on your skin. Don’t become a couch potato since lack of exercise causes the blood to become more sluggish and not reach some areas of the body such as your hands. If this happens, it will decrease the supply of oxygen and other nutrients that are essential for skin repair and regeneration.
What is a writer’s callus?
A writer’s callus or medically known as a Fingers Labyrinth is a condition in which the outermost layer of skin on your fingers starts to develop a tough, thickness and hardened area that feels rough to the touch. The skin on your fingers becomes thickend when you practice a lot on any musical instrument such as piano, flute or guitar. If you are a manual laborer this happens when you work without gloves and don’t wear any protection over your hands. The condition is mainly caused due to external sources of irritation. You can remove it by taking proper care of your skin and hands.
What are the signs and symptoms of a writer’s callus?
The most common symptom of a writer’s callus is a thick, hardened area on your finger tips. This makes it difficult for you to play an instrument or perform manual tasks such as gardening without experiencing pain in your fingers. You may also feel some sort of itching or tingling on the palm of your hands.
What are the different types of writer’s calluses?
There are two types of calluses. One is temporary and the other one is permanent. The temporary one is caused due to external sources of irritation such as playing an instrument without wearing gloves or working on a construction site without wearing protective gear for your hands. It usually affects your fingertips and itches like crazy. You can easily remove it by taking proper care of your hands and wearing protective gloves. The permanent one is caused due to repetitive motions such as typing, writing or playing an instrument on a regular basis. This is not related to external irritants and persists even if you wear gloves.
How do I prevent a writer’s callus?
The best way to prevent a writer’s callus is by wearing protective gloves when you are working in a construction site or playing an instrument. Another good way to prevent this condition is by taking proper care of your hands and skin. Here are some tips that will help you prevent this condition: Apply a good hand moisturizer every after showering or bathing. Scrub your hands with a mild cleanser twice a day using warm water. Avoid using hot water since it will dry out your skin.
Apply a thick layer of hand cream or moisturizer at least once every day. Go for the thick, greasy type of lotion that stays on the surface of your skin. These are more effective when it comes to preventing calluses.
Wear protective gloves while you are working on a construction site, playing an instrument or practicing any other activity that causes irritation to your hands.
Trim and file your nails on a regular basis
Wear flat shoes that provide adequate arch and heel support
Wear gloves while you are washing the dishes or doing other household chores that cause your hands to become wet or exposed to harsh chemicals like detergent
What are the possible complications of a writer’s callus?
A writer’s callus is a minor condition that usually disappears if you take proper care of your skin and wear protective gloves when needed. In some cases, the constant irritation may cause sores, blisters or cracks to develop on top of the hardened area. These need to be treated with proper wound care as needed.
How is a writer’s callus diagnosed?
A writer’s callus is usually diagnosed by physical examination. Your doctor may give you a tetterine test to rule out any allergic reactions to the condition.
What is the treatment for a writer’s callus?
The treatment for a writer’s callus is based on the symptoms and may include the following: Avoid applying external irritants to the affected skin. In most cases, this means switching to wearing protective gloves or stopping whatever activity that has been irritating the skin. In the case of a keyboard or instrument player, this may mean wearing fingerless gloves to allow for better control of the instrument without sacrificing the feel of the material.
Moisturize your hands on a regular basis to keep the skin supple and hydrated. Use heavy creams that are rich in lanolin or other moisturizing elements.
If the callus is thick enough to make your finger tips feel stiff, you may need to trim it down with a sharp razor or pumice stone. This should be done very carefully and you should avoid cutting into the live layers of skin.
If the callus is cracked, infected or painful, you may need to apply a topical antibiotic ointment.
Apply an emollient cream or ointment to the callus on a regular basis.
If pain persists or if there is any skin discoloration or abnormal wound development, you should seek medical attention.
Learn to use your instrument properly.
Try playing with lighter touch and take a music lesson to improve your skills. You may also need to change the strings of your instrument to lessen the friction while playing.
When washing the dishes, wear gloves to protect your skin.
Use a damp cloth with some lemon juice or vinegar to sanitize your hands. This will help remove the irritants from your skin.
Stop writing and take a break if the symptoms persist. The condition may be caused by an allergic reaction to one of the materials you are using when writing or playing an instrument.
What is the prognosis of a writer’s callus?
The prognosis of a writer’s callus is excellent. Most cases can be treated successfully with over the counter hydrocortisone 1% and emollient creams or ointments if needed. In some cases, patients may be referred to a hand specialist for further treatment.
Can a writer’s callus be prevented?
Yes. A writer’s callus can be prevented by taking proper precautions with whatever instrument or surface you have been using. This may mean wearing protective gloves when playing an instrument, cleaning surfaces with sanitizing cloths, or avoiding abrasive cleaners when doing chores. Most cases can also be prevented by practicing proper hand hygiene to remove any irritants on the hands that may be causing the condition in the first place.
Learn more about Writer’s Callus
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Sources & references used in this article:
What we epistemically owe to each other by R Basu – Philosophical Studies, 2019 – Springer
Biosemantics by RG Millikan – The journal of philosophy, 1989 – JSTOR
Unpleasantness, Motivational Oomph, and Painfulness by J Corns – Mind & Language, 2014 – Wiley Online Library
Reasons, cognition and society by R Boudon, R Viale – Mind & Society, 2000 – Springer