What Are the Benefits of Prostate Massage Therapy

What are the Benefits of Prostate Massage Therapy?

Prostate massage therapy (PMT) is a type of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD). MLD is a medical procedure used to remove waste products from the body. A person’s lymph system helps cleanse blood and other fluids from organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and intestines. The lymphatic system also carries immune cells throughout your body. Lymph nodes are small collections of lymphatic tissue located near the skin surface. They produce lymph, which flows through the bloodstream to various organs. There are two types of lymph: white blood cells and B lymphocytes. White blood cells fight infections and carry out other functions of the immune system. B lymphocytes play a key role in fighting off tumors, viruses, bacteria and fungi that cause disease.

The main function of PMT is to reduce inflammation of the prostate gland. Inflammation causes pain, swelling and irritation of the prostate gland. PMT may also decrease the size or volume of enlarged glands. It may even prevent cancer growth in men with certain types of cancer.

How Does Prostate Massage Therapy Work?

The goal of PMT is to slow down or stop the production of fluids in the glands. These fluids create pressure on the prostate. This may be done by massaging the skin and tissue around the prostate to drain the fluids. The process may also help control pain, such as lower back pain or joint pain.

If you are considering PMT for your health problems, it’s important to speak with your doctor first. He will assess your overall health and recommend a treatment plan.

In many cases, PMT is combined with other forms of treatment. Your massaging therapist may also use heat or cold therapy to improve the effectiveness of PMT. He may also recommend a diet change, such as eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

How Is Prostate Massage Therapy Done?

PMT can be done by a medical professional or with a do-it-yourself kit. A professional massage therapist or physician will use their hands to massage the skin around your prostate. He or she will also massage other parts of your body to drain bodily fluids. Home treatment kits are often reserved for men with enlarged prostates. These kits include a tube with a small balloon, called a catheter. They are inserted into the opening of the urethra and slowly inflated to push out fluid from the prostate gland.

It’s important that you only try PMT with a reputable professional. Do not try to perform this treatment at home without guidance from a medical professional.

PMT helps promote the body’s natural healing process. It is non-invasive and relatively safe for most people. However, it can cause certain side effects, such as irritation or allergic reactions in men and women. It can also cause the following:

1. Inflammation and Pain

Inflammation is the body’s natural reaction to harmful stimuli. Prostate massage causes pain, but this should go away after your session. You may also feel aching or soreness in your lower back, rectum, perineum or genital region the next day. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help alleviate these symptoms.

2. Inability to Urinate

If your prostate is particularly swollen or inflamed, you may have some trouble urinating after PMT. Try to urinate several times or hold a tissue over the opening of your urethra to catch the fluid. If you continue to have problems, call your physician immediately.

3. Difficulty With Erections or Performance

In some cases, PMT can cause temporary difficulties with erections and sexual performance. You may also experience heightened sensitivity to touch or limited mobility in your genitals. Like inflammation, these symptoms should go away after your treatment session. If not, speak with your doctor or a medical professional immediately.

What Happens During a Session?

Prostate massage is done in several stages.

Sources & references used in this article:

Chronic prostatitis: what we know, what we do not know, and what we should do! by B Lobel, A Rodriguez – World journal of urology, 2003 – Springer

Alternative therapies for advanced prostate cancer: what should I tell my patients? by MA Moyad – Urologic Clinics of North America, 1999 – Elsevier

Advancements in the management of urologic chronic pelvic pain: what is new and what do we know? by J Parker, S Buga, JE Sarria, PE Spiess – Current urology reports, 2010 – Springer

Screening for prostate cancer: the roles of science, policy, and opinion in determining what is best for patients by SH Woolf, MD, MPH… – Annual review of …, 1999 – annualreviews.org

Prostate specific antigen: a decade of discovery-what we have learned and where we are going by TJ Polascik, JE Oesterling, AW Partin – The Journal of urology, 1999 – Elsevier