Understanding Pistanthrophobia, or the Fear of Trusting People


Fear of Trusting Someone (FOT) is one of the most common phobias in our society. It affects all age groups, but it’s especially prevalent among children and adolescents. Some people are afraid to trust others because they think that other will betray them or do something bad to them. Others are afraid to trust others because they don’t want to get hurt themselves.

But what if there was no reason why someone would betray you? What if everything could be fine even though you’re not trusting them?

Why is FOT so Common?

There are many reasons for the prevalence of FOT in our society. One of these reasons is the fact that we live in a world where everyone wants to feel special and wanted. When we feel like we’re not good enough, then we’ll try to prove ourselves. If someone doesn’t give us attention, then we might start thinking that they dislike us. And when someone doesn’t like us, then we might start feeling inferior and distrustful towards others.

Another reason is the fact that people tend to be very competitive and have a high need for approval from others. If someone doesn’t feel accepted or gets rejected, then they might become very afraid of trusting others. They could also become obsessed with being acknowledged and approved by others.

This condition is most common in people who grew up in unsupportive families. Parents who don’t give their children enough love and attention can lead a child to develop FOT. Feeling that their parents don’t love them, they grow up lacking the self-esteem necessary to cope with life and develop proper adult relationships.


There is no real cure for FOT, at least not so far. But there are ways to manage and minimize its effects in your life. There are several ways to cope with FOT, but exposure therapy is the most common one. In this form of treatment, you’ll be asked to imagine or re-enact uncomfortable situations that cause you to feel the fear of trusting others. There are two types of exposure therapy:

Another type of common treatment is called Cognitive Therapy. In this type of treatment, you’ll be taught how to think in a more positive way and how to change the way you see yourself and others see you.

More information here pistanthrophobia.

Facts about Pistanthrophobia

The word ‘Phobia’ comes from the New Latin language, combining the Greek words phobos (φόβος) = ‘fear’ and fughe (φύγη) = ‘flight’. A phobia is a strong, unreasonable fear of an object, person, or situation. A phobias lead to persistent, excessive fear and avoidance of the phobic object or situation. At least 0.8% of the population has some form of phobia.

Women tend to suffer from phobias more than men.

There are two types of phobias: Agoraphobia is the fear of certain situations, open spaces, or arenas of crowds. Social anxiety is the fear of social situations and interactions with others.

Exposure therapy is the most common treatment for a phobia. This involves gradually exposing the patient to the object or situation they fear.

Some phobias develop during childhood, while others develop in your adult years. In some cases, the cause of a fear can be learned during a specific incident, such as an animal bite or adverse childhood experience.

Pistanthrophobia is a fear of trusting others. It is most common in introverted types of people who have low self-esteem and lack the ability to trust others, such as children and those with a history of abuse from others. For these people, it is beneficial to seek some type of treatment.

If you or someone you know suffers from Pistanthrophobia, seek help today with our professional therapists by calling 1-800-OK-YOU-LITTLE-BASTARD.

Sources & references used in this article:


The Ruderman White Paper by D Woodburn, K Kopić – On Employment of Actors with …, 2016 – rudermanfoundation.org

15 Things You Should Know: Wisdom for Life’s Journey by J Carroll – 2018 – books.google.com

Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter by C Jackson – 2020 – dln.jaipuria.ac.in