Trench Mouth

Trench Mouth: What Is It?

What is trench mouth?

A condition where the gums become inflamed and infected. This type of infection is called “trench mouth”. Sometimes it causes bleeding into the lungs. Other times, it leads to pneumonia or even death. The cause of this disease is unknown, but there are several theories about its origin.

The first theory states that the bacteria responsible for this disease may have been present in your dog’s environment when he was born. If so, they could still be alive today and spread through contact with other animals or humans. Another theory says that it is caused by a virus. However, there is no evidence that any viruses exist in dogs.

Another theory suggests that the bacteria may have come from human waste (poo). Dogs do not excrete anything like feces or urine. They simply poop out their food and water. This means that if a dog came across some sort of animal droppings, he would most likely pick them up too. These droppings could then get into the airways of a dog and cause him to develop this disease.

The last theory states that the disease may just be a reaction to some other disease or injury.

No matter what the cause is, trench mouth can be treated with an antibiotic. If your dog has developed this condition, you should take him to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

1. Check his gums for redness, swelling, and pus pockets.

These are common signs of trench mouth.

2. See your veterinarian as soon as possible.

3. The best way to treat trench mouth is with an antibiotic.

Antibiotics kill the harmful bacteria that are in your dog’s system. If trench mouth is left untreated, it could lead to fatal complications such as pneumonia or blood poisoning. Your veterinarian will probably prescribe an antibiotic that they think will work the best for your dog. There is a reason for this–some antibiotics work better on certain types of bacteria. Your veterinarian should have this information, and can decide what is best for your dog.

After treating your dog, it may take a few days for his gums to return to a normal color. You should follow your veterinarian’s directions exactly. If you do not, your dog could relapse and the trench mouth could come back.

In this article we discussed what Trench mouth is, signs and symptoms, can you die from trench mouth, trench mouth treatment antibiotics and also talked about is trench mouth the same as thrush. We would like to thank you for reading our article.

What Is Trench Mouth?

Many people have heard of the deadly disease called tetnus. Tetnus can be fatal but can be cured simply by getting a tetnus shot. Many people have heard of the disease but not as many realize that tetnus is actually caused by a tetnus bacteria. The tetnus bacteria is very common and can be found nearly everywhere in nature. You or I could come into contact with it every time we step out side or even touch objects around us. Commonly infected items include:

1. Dirt/Grime

2. Unwashed clothing

3. Unwashed bodies

4. Unwashed eating utensils

5. Unwashed bathroom fixtures

6. Unclean work areas

7. Certain types of plants

Tetnus can affect people and animals. When a cut or other wound comes in contact with the tetnus bacteria it can enter the bloodstream and infect you or your pet. Once infected, it is nearly impossible to get rid of the bacteria without help from an outside source like a vaccine or antibiotic pills.

What causes tetnus?

Tetnus is caused by a bacteria known as clostridium tetani. This bacteria primarily lives in dirt and soil but can be found nearly anywhere there is organic material. As stated above, the bacteria is found nearly everywhere in nature. When the bacteria enters your bloodstream it releases a poison called tetanospasmin. The tetanospasmin affects the nervous system and can cause serious and sometimes fatal muscular convulsions.

What are the symptoms of tetnus?

The following are the most common symptoms of tetnus:

1. Muscle spasms

2. Blue appearance to your skin due to lack of oxygen

3. Convulsions

4. Difficulty breathing

5. Paralysis

6. Difficulty swallowing or slurred speech

7. Dizziness and fainting

8. Excruciating Muscle pain

The symptoms will vary depending on how the bacteria infected you or your pet. For example if the bacteria enters through a wound then you will experience severe muscular contractions and spasms in that particular limb or area. If the bacteria enters through the spinal cord or brain then you may have spasmodic reactions in different parts of your body. If the bacteria enters through the digestive system then you will excrete feces uncontrollably along with other motions.

In severe cases tetnus can lead to paralysis, which in turn can interfere with your breathing and cause death. If not treated immediately tetnus is fatal within three weeks if not treated.

Can you die from tetnus?

Yes, tetnus is a fatal disease without proper treatment.

Can you get tetnus from your dog or cat?

If your pet has tetnus and scratches you then you can get tetnus from your pet.

Can your pet get tetnus from you?

If you have tetnus and pet your dog or cat then they could get infected with the bacteria. This is very unlikely since the bacteria needs a cut or open wound to infect an animal or human.

How do you get tetnus?

Tetnus spreads from a wound or cut in the skin. The bacteria enters the human body then travels through the nerves to the spinal cord and brain. Once in this location the tetanospasmin is released into your system. The tetanospasmin affects the nervous system and causes muscular convulsions.

Can you catch tetnus from someone else?

Sources & references used in this article:

Psychiatric, psychosocial, and endocrine correlates of acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (trench mouth): A preliminary report. by SA Cohen-Cole, RB Cogen, AW Stevens… – Psychiatric …, 1983 –

Nutritional and other Factors in” Trench Mouth,” with Special Reference to the Nicotinic Acid Component of the Vitamin B2 Complex. by JD King – Brit. dent. J., 1943 –

Ulcerative stomatitis and gingivitis (trench mouth) by FB Bowman – Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1940 –

Trench mouth in children. by JD Knox – The Journal of the Royal College of General …, 1968 –

So-Called Trench Mouth and other Manifestations of Vincent’s Disease as a spreading Infection in Canada by GF Laughlen, WP Warner… – Canadian Medical …, 1919 –

Stressed whites especially prone to’trench mouth,’study finds by ER González – JAMA, 1983 –