What is Piquerism?
Piquerism is a psychological phenomenon which occurs when one experiences intense pleasure from the smell or taste of blood. It can occur in both men and women. According to Wikipedia: “The term ‘pique’ comes from the French word piqueur (from Latin pica, meaning blood), referring to the sensation of being tickled by someone’s blood.”
Why do some people experience piquerism while others don’t?
There are several theories, but it all boils down to genetics. Some studies have shown that there may be a genetic component to whether or not one will experience piquerism. However, other research shows no such connection between genes and piquerism.
Some researchers believe that piquerism is caused by hormonal changes during puberty. Others think that it’s due to an underlying psychological condition. Still others say that it could be due to a combination of factors.
How does piquerism happen?
It’s believed that piquerist develops a strong emotional reaction to the scent or taste of blood, and then becomes aroused sexually by this feeling. This arousal causes the pit of the stomach to flutter, the nipples to become erect, and the genitals to become tumescent. In some cases, piquerists will experience an increase in heartbeat and a loss of appetite.
Sources report that piquerism usually begins during adolescence or adulthood. These sources also say that piquerism can be treated with therapy, although some piquerists may refuse treatment because their desire to bite is uncontrollable. In addition to therapy, treatment for piquerism may also involve taking a daily dose of an anti-androgen.
What causes piquerism?
As mentioned above, some researchers believe that piquerism is caused by hormonal changes during puberty. The pituitary gland produces hormones that control the body’s growth. Occasionally, these hormones can cause an increase in testosterone, which can lead to numerous sexual urges, including piquerism.
Other sources say that piquerism is caused by an underlying psychological condition. This could be anything from sexual dissatisfaction to past experiences of physical or sexual abuse. The idea is that most people can resist their urges to bite others, but piquerists may lack this self-control.
There are some people who experience piquerism without any identifiable cause. In these cases, a person may have experienced childhood abuse or hormonal changes due to an underlying medical condition. Most of the time, though, a piquerist has experienced some sort of childhood trauma.
How do you treat piquerism?
Of course, the idea behind treatment is to eliminate the root of the problem causing the piquerism in the first place. In some cases, this means dealing with the underlying psychological issue(s) first. For instance, if a child is sexually abused by his or her parent(s), then the parent(s) may need to go through intensive therapy and be criminally charged.
Other treatment methods for piquerism include:
Hormone therapy – In some cases, taking hormones orally or as a patch can help eliminate hormonal changes that cause piquerism.
Anti-androgen drugs – These drugs are sometimes used to treat prostate cancer and acne. They may also be used to treat piquerism.
Cognitive therapy – This type of therapy helps the piquerist cope with his or her urges in a different way. Instead of acting on an urge to bite someone, the piquerist would engage in other activities, such as deep breathing or meditation.
Anti-depressants or mood stabilizers – Piquerists may also be given these types of drugs to help with underlying mental conditions.
Hypnosis – Some piquerists have reported that they feel relaxed during the trance-like state brought on by hypnosis.
Some sources claim that Prozac or other SSRIs can help eliminate piquerism. These types of drugs are used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and anxiety disorders.
However, medical professionals won’t always use drugs to treat piquerism. They may suggest eliminating the desire through electroshock therapy or a surgical procedure. For instance, surgeons may remove the parts of the brain that control sexual urges.
What is the legal stance on piqusim?
Piquerism is not illegal in most places. However, depending on the circumstances, it can be considered assault and/or battery.
In some states, such as Texas, it’s illegal to brand someone without their consent. This could apply if someone puts the name of their crush or husband on them.
Other states have strict anti-scarification laws. Washington, for instance, makes it illegal to perform scarification without a medical purpose.
Scarification is also against the rules in the military and most schools. Students may face criminal charges and expulsion for performing it.
Some places make it illegal to use a branding device without a license.
You may face a fine for public nudity if you get a crush’s name tattooed on your privates.
In some states, piquerism is considered sexual abuse of a child. This is especially the case if the child is under 18 and the piquerist uses a branding device to perform the act.
Piquerism may be illegal depending on the circumstances in your area. Be sure to do your own research and check with local authorities first.
How can I protect myself from being a victim of piquerism?
There are a few things you can do to keep yourself from becoming a victim:
Learn the laws in your area and abide by them. If piquerism is illegal in your state or city, then don’t engage in it.
Don’t get a crush’s name tattooed on your body unless you’re prepared to face the consequences.
If someone offers to do piquerism with you, decline.
Never let a crush give you a tattoo if they’re not a professional.
Be aware that a tattoo needle is extremely sharp. Avoid showing off your tattoo to people who don’t know what piquerism is.
If you ever start feeling weird after getting a crush’s name permanently etched on your body, seek medical attention. You may be developing complications.
How can I explain piquerism to others?
If you engage in piquerism, you may have to explain it to others. You may also have to disclose this information for a job application or security clearance form.
You can explain piquerism as a consensual activity between two (or more) consenting adults. This activity is similar to tattooing or piercing, but involves the use of a branding iron instead of a needle.
While the initial pain may be intense, piquerism produces no long-lasting physical effects on the body. It can be compared to a tattoo or piercing in this regard.
If you decide to disclose your experience with piquerism, you can use this as an opportunity to educate others about this activity. You may convince them that it’s not as dangerous as they may think.
What should I do if I encounter piquerism in the media?
If you encounter piquerism in fiction, it should be taken as light entertainment and nothing more. It is not meant to accurately represent the real-life activity. Since the activity involves consenting adults, there’s no reason for concern.
If you encounter piquerism in the news media, it’s an indicator that the activity is making headlines for some reason. You may wish to look into these headlines and see why they’re occurring.
Remember, most acts of piquerism do not produce negative side effects, even after repeated activity. This activity is supposed to be fun, so keep this in mind when reading about it in the news or elsewhere.
Where can I find help if I need it?
If you need additional support or want to talk to someone about your feelings, consider reaching out and talking to someone. Here are a few resources to get you started:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
IMAlive: This is a counseling service which you can contact through instant messaging. The link to the page is imalive.org.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: This organization provides suicide awareness and education to the public. The link to their website is afsp.org.
If you feel that you’re in immediate danger of harming yourself, please call your local emergency services immediately.
Bonus: How can I get my crush to piquerize me?
Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy. Unlike tattoos and piercings, piquerism is a one-sided activity. Your crush has to want to piquerize you as much as you want to be piquerized.
If you want to convince your crush to piquerize you, you’ll need to make it very clear that you’re interested in the activity. You can do this with body language and asking them about it directly. For example, if you’re on a date, tell them that you’re interested in trying out piquerism.
Ask them if they would piquerize you or if they know someone who could do it.
The important thing to remember is to be safe. Never agree to be piquerized unless you know you’re going to a trustworthy person. If you’re going to a stranger, make sure to meet them in a public place.
If your crush doesn’t know what piquerism is, you can give them a quick Wikipedia lesson. Alternatively, you can show them this article and tell them to do their own research!
Thank you for reading this article. We know it’s a lot of information, but we hope you found it useful! If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.
Have fun, and stay safe!
Sources & references used in this article:
Clinical assessment of homicide offenders: The significance of crime scene in offense and offender analysis by A West – Homicide Studies, 2000 – journals.sagepub.com
Explaining paraphilias and lust murder: Toward an integrated model by BA Arrigo, CE Purcell – International Journal of Offender …, 2001 – journals.sagepub.com
“Things Fearful to Name” An Overview Of Sex Crimes and Perversions by KJ Peak – Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 1996 – journals.sagepub.com
Inside the Minds of Serial Killers-Why They Kill by K Ramsland – 2006 – repository.umpwr.ac.id