The Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths During Pregnancy

Epsom Salt Baths While Pregnant: Benefits & Side Effects

The benefits of using epsom salts during pregnancy are many. You will experience fewer complications in your baby’s birth and delivery than if you did not use them. EPsOMS baths are also very beneficial when it comes to labor pain relief. There have been studies conducted which prove that epsom salts baths can reduce or eliminate some types of pain experienced during childbirth.

It is believed that the reason why epsom salts baths are helpful during pregnancy is because they relax the muscles and increase blood flow to the uterus. This increases oxygen levels in the womb and helps with labor pains. Some women even say that they feel like their body weight has been lifted off of them after taking an epsom salts bath during pregnancy.

Another benefit of using epsom salts baths during pregnancy is that they may help relieve morning sickness. Morning sickness occurs when a woman does not get enough nutrients from her diet during the day. When a mother takes an epsom salts bath during pregnancy she is able to absorb more vitamins and minerals into her bloodstream. These supplements can then be absorbed into the baby’s system, helping with vitamin deficiencies in the newborn.

These are just some of the benefits that an epsom salts bath for pregnancy can provide. There are many other benefits that these baths can provide for both mother and child. The next time you are feeling pain during a contraction, make sure you take an epsom salts bath. You may find that it helps get you through it with less pain.

Lavender Epson Salt Bath While Pregnant

Lavender epsom salt baths may be used during pregnancy. Lavender and epsom salts are completely safe for both mother and baby. These ingredients become a relaxing treatment that opens up your pores while also cleansing your body. Many people have claimed that their skin is much softer after using these baths.

Some people also feel as if they are able to more easily fall asleep after a bath.

Lavender Epsom Salt Bath VS Lavender Oil

Some people wonder if it is better to use lavender oil or epsom salt while taking a bath. The answer to this question is that it doesn’t matter. Either of these two ingredients will help you achieve the same goal. Of course, there are some downsides to using one or the other.

It is important to keep in mind that if you currently have a rash, open wound, or other skin irritation, to not use epsom salt baths. The reason for this is because epsom salt invokes a chemical reaction that can make these conditions worse. Instead, you should try using oatmeal baths to soothe your irritated skin.

You may find that lavender and epsom salt baths during pregnancy also help with morning sickness and indigestion. For example, epsom salt does not have a very strong smell. On the other hand, lavender oil may be a bit less cost effective than epsom salt. Ultimately, the choice is yours as to which ingredient you decide to use for your bath.

Should I Take a Bath or a Shower?

Some people wonder if it is better to take an epsom salt shower or an actual epsom bath. The reality is that it doesn’t matter whether you are taking a bath or a shower. The main deciding factor should be your comfort level. If you feel more comfortable sitting in the bathtub versus standing in the shower than do so.

Epsom Salt Bath Recipes

There are some epsom salt bath recipes online that you may use if you wish. These recipes include instructions on how to properly make the baths as well as the ingredients required to do so. Some of these recipes include the following ingredients:

Ingredients include lavender essential oil, unscented moisturizing lotion, bath beads, bath oil, and bicarbonate soda.

Directions include mixing 1 cup of epsom salt with 1/2 cup of bicarbonate soda, 1 tablespoon of bath oil, 2 quarts warm water, a few drops of lavender essential oil, and a few drops of food coloring (optional).

This recipe is very relaxing and is great for relieving muscle pains.

Other Great Uses of Epsom Salt

In addition to using epsom salt during pregnancy, there are many different uses of epsom salt. Some of these include:

Epsom salt may help with weight loss. This is because it eliminates the bloating effects that you get while eating.

It can also help relax your muscles and can even be used on bruises and other injuries.

By including epsom in your diet, it may also help improve your bowels and prevent colon cancer.

Epsom salt baths are great for people who suffer from allergies as well.

Epsom salt can even help improve your nervous system as well as your overall circulation.

There are many benefits of taking epsom salt baths while pregnant. Use these tips to make the most out of them.


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Sources & references used in this article:

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Sleep Remedies During Pregnancy by MD Brenda, B Builders, SP Blog –

Hypermagnesemia following an acute ingestion of Epsom salt in a patient with normal renal function by SP Nordt, SR Williams, S Turchen… – Journal of Toxicology …, 1996 – Taylor & Francis

10 Health Benefits of Epsom Salt by F Edward –

Back or Pelvic pain during pregnancy?-Pelvic Girdle Pain explained. by J Durlach