The 9 Healthiest Beans and Legumes You Can Eat

Black Beans are one of the most nutritious foods available. They contain a good amount of fiber, potassium, magnesium and iron. Black beans have been used in many cultures for centuries as a staple food in South America.

The following are some of the health benefits of black beans:

1) High Protein Content – Black beans provide 20% protein content which is higher than other bean types like navy or pinto.

2) Low Calorie Content – Black beans are low calorie foods.

One cup provides only 200 calories, while it contains 40 grams of carbohydrates (10 g sugars), 5 grams dietary fiber and 2 grams protein.

3) Rich in Iron – Black beans are rich in iron.

One cup provides 10 mg of iron, which is more than spinach and lentils. One cup provides 15% of your daily requirement of vitamin C.

4) Good Source Of Fiber – Black beans are a good source of fiber.

One cup provides 13 grams of dietary fiber, which is less than lima beans and chickpeas.

5) Can Help In Weight Loss – Black beans can help in weight loss.

They take a long time to digest. This makes you feel full for a longer period of time and hence you eat less.

6) Gluten Free – Beans are naturally gluten free and perfect food for people who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease.

7) Heart Friendly – Black beans can help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol levels in the blood.

8) No Excuses – Beans are easy to incorporate into your diet.

You can add them to soups, salads, main dishes and even desserts!

9) Stay Young – Black beans are an excellent source of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine).

One cup of cooked black beans provides 53% of daily requirements for thiamine. Such a high content helps in the proper functioning of nervous system.

10) Diabetes – Black beans are great for diabetic patients. One cup of cooked black beans has only 7 grams of carbohydrate and only half a gram of sugar.

The following are the benefits of black bean nutrition.

Health Benefit of Black Beans:

1) Heart Friendly – Black beans can help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol levels in the blood.

2) Stomach Friendly – Black beans contain soluble fiber that can ease digestion and can prevent intestinal irritation.

3) Bone Protection – Black beans are great for bone health.

They contain vitamin K that helps prevent osteoporosis.

4) Cancer Prevention – The antioxidant levels of black beans can help in cancer prevention.

5) Mood Enhancer – Magnesium and vitamin B present in black beans can lower blood pressure and provide relief to people suffering from depression or anxiety.

Beans are perfect food for vegetarians and are a great substitute for meat. They are loaded with proteins and minerals that make them an ideal superfood for vegans.

Black beans nutrition facts: Black bean, cooked, boiled, without salt

(1 cup = 224 g) Nutritional Value Water 2.3 g Folate 34 μg Vitamin B2 0.6 mg Protein 7.4 g Magnesium 41 mg Vitamin B5 0.9 mg Dietary fiber 8 g Vitamin B1 0.4 mg Fat 0.8 g Niacin 1.2 mg Phosphorus 134 mg Calcium 66 mg Iron 2.4 mg Vitamins Thiamin 0.4 mg Riboflavin 0.1 mg Potassium 958 mg Vitamin B3 1.4 mg Vitamin C 1.1 mg

Black Beans Are Very Nutritious

Black bean nutrition facts reveal that black beans are very nutritious. They contain minerals, such as magnesium and iron, which are very important for the proper functioning of the body. Black bean is also a good source of dietary fiber and protein. Most of the calories in black bean come from carbohydrates, which should be avoided on a ketogenic diet. However, black bean nutrition also contains small amounts of fat and protein.

They can be a part of any healthy diet plan.

1) Low In Calories: Black bean is low in calories and contains only 179 calories per cup.

It is very easy to incorporate black bean into your diet without having to worry about excessive weight gain.

2) Rich In Protein: Black bean is rich in protein.

100 grams of black bean contains 16% of the recommended daily allowance of protein. Proteins are the building blocks of your body and are composed of amino acids. They help in formation of bones, muscles, skin, hair, blood cells and many other organ systems. Proteins are also the primary components of enzymes that are essential for chemical reactions in the body.

3) Rich In Fiber: Black bean is also rich in dietary fiber.

Dietary fiber helps in digestion and bowel movement. It can also lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce risk of heart disease. 100 grams of black bean contains 11% of the daily recommended allowance of fiber.

Black bean nutrition is high in dietary fiber and protein. It is low in fat, carbohydrates and calories. Beans are very easy to prepare as well. They taste great and are loved by people of all ages. Beans are a very healthy food and can be eaten at any time of the day.

Are black beans healthy?

Black beans nutrition facts prove that they are very healthy. They are loaded with fiber and protein, which are the primary requirements of a healthy diet plan. They can be eaten at any time and taste great as well. There are many ways to incorporate them into your diet. If you don’t like beans, you can still use black bean powder in soups and smoothies. Black bean powder can also be used as a dry ingredient substitute for flour in many baked goods such as cookies and breads.

Black beans nutrition facts are very healthy and should be a part of every diet plan. They are low in fat, high in protein, and contain a lot of dietary fiber. They can be easily incorporated into your daily meal plan. You can add black beans to salads, make tasty dips and spreads with them, or add them to your main dishes. You can simply boil them and then add some salt or you can spice them according to your taste.

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Sources & references used in this article:

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