Salty Taste in Mouth: Why It Happens and What You Can Do

What Is Salty Taste in Mouth?

Salty taste in mouth occurs due to various reasons. Some of them are known as “mysterious” but they are actually quite simple. One of these reasons is due to low levels of iodine which is found naturally in foods such as eggs, milk, fish, poultry and other animal products. These foods contain small amounts of iodine which helps prevent hypothyroidism (low thyroid).

The second reason is due to excess consumption of sodium. Sodium is an essential mineral for human body. Without enough salt, our bodies cannot function properly. For example, if you do not eat enough vegetables or fruits with high potassium content, your blood pressure will go up and you may experience heart problems such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and stroke (blood clotting disorder).

If you consume too much salt then your kidneys excrete some of the extra water in your urine. When this happens, your body loses water weight and becomes dehydrated. This causes your blood pressure to rise and you may experience a variety of symptoms including headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue and even seizures.

In addition to these two reasons of salt intake are those caused by certain medications such as diuretics (water pills), antacids (dietary pills that reduce the amount of salts in the body) and antihistamines (drugs used to treat allergies). Antacids, for example, can cause people to experience a salty taste in mouth because they have an effect of limiting the amount of sodium and chloride in the body. They are used to treat acid reflux and ulcers.

Other reasons include taking too much of baking soda, vomiting or having an upset stomach.

Is There Any Way to Get Rid of Salty Taste in Mouth?

Salty taste in mouth is a condition that can be treated easily, provided that you know the cause of it. If caused by low levels of iodine, eating foods such as eggs, fish and milk can help get rid of this condition. Eating vegetables with high potassium content can also help increase the amount of saliva. This helps neutralize the effect of sodium on the taste buds.

If caused by a certain medication, then you can get rid of this condition simply by avoiding the medication that causes it or simply taking a break from it and speaking with your doctor about your concerns. Sometimes, salt taste in mouth may also be caused by an injury to the inside of your mouth. This can be fixed by simply boiling a cup of water and rinsing your mouth out with the water. This can help soothe and heal the injuries.

If you experience this condition caused by consuming too much salt, then it is best to cut down or stop eating salty food until the condition goes away. Try rinsing your mouth with water to get rid of excess sodium in your mouth. It is also helpful to eat a diet that is rich in nutrients. Foods such as fruits and vegetables are essential.

Does Salty Taste in Mouth Have Any Long-term Health Effects?

Salty taste in mouth is not known to cause any long-term effects. However, if you experience constant salty taste in your mouth then you should visit your physician and get a medical examination because this can be a sign of an underlying health condition such as dehydration or a mineral deficiency.

Does Salty Taste in Mouth Have Any Connection with Diabetes?

Salty taste in mouth has no connection with diabetes. However, if you experience this condition and are a diabetic, then it is best to get your blood sugar levels checked. This can prevent your condition from becoming worse due to lack of proper treatment.

Can Salty Taste in Mouth Be a Sign of Pregnancy?

Salty taste in mouth is not a sign of pregnancy. However, if you experience this condition and are pregnant, then it is best to schedule a checkup with your physician or midwife. There is a possibility that you may be suffering from an underlying health condition such as dehydration.

What Other Health Conditions Can Cause a Salty Taste in Mouth?

There are other medical conditions that can cause a salty taste in mouth. These include:

1. Dehydration

Dehydration is one of the most common causes of a salty taste in mouth. It can be caused by a variety of reasons such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating and not getting enough water. It is important to keep yourself hydrated at all times in order to avoid this condition. Other symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, dark colored urine, dry mouth and sticky eyes.


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