Pepto Bismol Alcohol Drink: How Long Does it Last?
You may have heard about the new brand of soft drinks called “Protein” or “Proteins”. They are made from soy protein isolate, which is derived from cows. You may think that these products are good for you because they don’t contain any sugar, but actually they are not so good for you. They do not provide any energy when consumed. Some studies show that these beverages cause damage to the liver and kidneys. These drinks are harmful even if you consume them in small amounts over time. If you want to avoid drinking these drinks, then you must make sure that you take pepto-bismol before consuming these drinks.
How much pepto-bismol can I drink?
The amount of pepto-bismol that can be taken depends on the person’s weight and age. The average adult weighs between 60 and 70 kilograms (132 pounds). A child under 12 years old cannot legally purchase or possess this substance. It is important to note that there are some side effects of using Pepto-bismol. If you experience any of these side effects, you should seek medical attention immediately or contact your local poison center:
nausea or vomiting, stomach pain or diarrhea
rash or hives
confusion, hallucinations, seizures or tremors
reduced feeling to touch, pain or temperature
no blood pressure or pulse.
It is also important to note that overdose can cause death. For this reason, it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible after taking Pepto-bismol. It is also important to store this medication in a safe place where children cannot find it and accidentally take it.
The maximum daily dose recommended for adults is 8 tablets. This is only for one day, and it should be limited to when the consumer has severe symptoms.
Pepto-bismol alcohol drink: Can I take pepto-bismol after drinking alcohol?
Many people wonder if it is safe to consume alcohol while taking Pepto-bismol. The best way to prevent an upset stomach is to drink alcohol. You should not take alcohol with Pepto-bismol. The combination of these drugs can cause severe side effects such as ringing in the ears, drowsiness, blurred vision, light sensitivity, unsteadiness, feeling foggy, loss of concentration, reduced attention and difficulty breathing. These severe side effects can cause death in some cases. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you experience these side effects after taking Pepto-bismol.
Alcohol is a drug that can cause serious side effects such as addiction, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. These conditions can damage the heart and other parts of the body. Alcohol can also cause cancer. Drinking too much alcohol can also affect your mood and behavior. It is best to avoid alcohol if you suffer from serious medical conditions or take prescription medication on a regular basis.
Do not drink alcohol if you are under 18 years old or drive after consuming alcohol.
If you do choose to drink alcohol, it is best to do so in moderation. You should not drink more than one drink per day if you are a woman or two drinks per day if you are a man. The drink size for women is 8 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor. The limit for men is 16 ounces of wine, 24 ounces of beer or 2.5 ounces of hard liquor.
You should not drink any alcohol if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is also important to avoid alcohol if you have a family history of alcoholism, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes or any other serious medical condition.
Alcohol depresses the central nervous system so do not take it with any other depressant drugs. These include over the counter drugs such as Nyquil and Tylenol, as well as other prescription drugs. It is important to ask your doctor about all medications you take before drinking alcohol. It is best to drink alcohol on a full stomach and in small amounts. The effects of alcohol are increased if you are taking other drugs so you should avoid mixing them.
Keep in mind that drinking alcohol is not good for your overall health. If you do drink, do so in moderation. Excessive drinking is associated with many short and long term effects such as liver disease, heart problems, cancer and brain damage. If you notice that you are having serious side effects from drinking alcohol, you should seek medical attention immediately. Some of these effects can be life-threatening or lead to permanent conditions if treatment is not received.
Some of these conditions can include alcohol poisoning, alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic cardiomyopathy and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
Alcoholism and alcohol abuse can be serious conditions that can affect your life and the lives of those around you. If you are drinking alcohol in a way that causes distress or harm, you should seek help immediately. There are many organizations that can help you such as Alcoholics Anonymous. You should also talk to your doctor about your drinking habits so that he or she can help you. The health risks of drinking alcohol can be serious so you should do what you can to prevent them from occurring.
Alcohol is a drug that can be found in beer, wine and liquor. It can cause serious side effects such as addiction, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. Alcohol can also affect your mood and behavior. It is important to seek help if you notice any serious effects from drinking alcoholic beverages.
Alcoholism can be described as an illness that involves the inability to control alcohol consumption. An alcoholic may be described as someone who cannot live without alcohol. Alcoholics will continue to drink even when it is causing serious problems in their lives. Alcoholism is a physical and mental addiction.
Although alcohol can cause serious risks to your overall health, people still choose to drink for the temporary feelings of happiness and relaxation that the drug causes. Alcohol actually works by interfering with the brain’s ability to communicate with the rest of the body. The drug blocks certain receptors in the brain which are meant to receive messages about something bad that is happening, such as an invasion of bacteria. By blocking these receptors, alcohol causes a false sense of security and relaxation in the brain.
Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body. It can reach the brain within 20 minutes. It then begins to affect the parts of the brain that make people feel good or happy. This effect is why people become addicted to alcohol. The more you drink, the more the brain adjusts to the presence of alcohol in the system.
This causes a person to need more alcohol in order to feel the effects. When a person stops drinking, their body needs time to recover from the presence of alcohol and adjust back to normal levels.
In addition to risks caused by alcoholism, there are risks involved with the ethanol in alcoholic beverages. Fermentation and distillation can produce toxic chemicals that can have immediate effects on the body. Many people refer to these effects as a “hangover.” The risk of developing long-term illnesses is also increased in those who drink alcohol on a regular basis. Some common conditions that result from long-term alcohol abuse are liver disease, cancer and heart problems.
The Dangers of Alcoholism
Alcoholism causes many health problems that can affect both the alcoholic and those around them. Alcohol can be absorbed into almost any tissue in the human body. It is absorbed through the stomach lining, the small intestine and most importantly through the blood stream. Once it enters the blood stream it begins to affect many different organ systems in the body. Alcohol can cause mood swings and damage organs such as the brain and the liver.
Alcoholism can also increase a person’s risk of developing serious illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. Many people who are addicted to alcohol also are likely to be addicted to other drugs. These people are typically on a low income and may use cheap drugs such as meth or heroin to supplement their alcohol usage.
Alcoholism can also affect a person’s social life and their family life. Alcoholism causes people to behave in a different way than they normally do. It can make some people become overly emotional or even violent. Many of these issues arise from the physical addiction to alcohol rather than the psychological addiction.
Alcohol is a drug that affects multiple different organ systems in the human body. It can have short-term and long-term effects on each of these systems.
Short-term Effects
The most common effect of alcohol is impairment. People who are drinking will become impaired at different levels depending on their size, weight, age and gender. A drunk person may have blurred vision, slurred speech and lose their balance.
Long-term Effects
Alcohol can also increase a person’s risk of developing serious illnesses such as certain types of cancer and liver disease. It is responsible for many deaths each year due to the damage it does to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.
Long-term alcohol abuse can also lead to mental illness. A common long-term effect of alcohol is depression, this condition is called depressive syndrome. This condition can be permanent and may require psychiatric treatment to alleviate its symptoms.
Alcohol also commonly causes a person to have “blackouts.” This means that the person has been drinking so much that they forget everything that happened to them in the hours following their alcohol consumption. This can be very dangerous as it can cause a person to engage in risky behavior without any memory of the event.
People are likely to engage in violent behavior while they are drinking. This can be dangerous for the person who is drinking as well as others around them. Alcohol is also very dehydrating so people who drink alcohol typically will become thirsty and may become prone to seizures and coma.
Some people who are alcoholics may try to stop their cravings by drinking other fluids which can be very dangerous. An example of this is a person who sweats a lot due to exercise or work may become dehydrated and drink several sports drinks or other beverages in an effort to rehydrate themselves.
Alcohol also has a negative effect on a person’s nutrition. Heavy drinkers are more likely to suffer from vitamin deficiencies and may have impaired Liver function.
Alcohol can also cause people to behave in a way that they might normally not do. An example of this is a person who would not normally curse may begin to express themselves with colorful language while they are drinking.
Alcohol is also responsible for many sexual assaults, date rapes and relationship abuse incidents. A person who is drunk is less able to make good judgments and is more likely to engage in risky behavior.
It is important to remember that alcohol does not cause people to behave in a certain way, it simply removes the normal restraints that people have. If someone is naturally violent then alcohol may fuel that violence. If someone is kind then alcohol may make them more outgoing and happy. It all depends on the individual and not the alcohol.
The negative effects of drinking too much alcohol are very well known but this does not prevent people from drinking to excess. Addiction and alcoholism can happen to anyone, there is no correlation between a person’s wealth or social standing and their likelihood of developing an alcohol problem.
While most people who develop a problem with drinking are adults, it is disturbingly common for teenagers to abuse alcohol as well. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, twenty percent of high school seniors have drank alcohol within the past month and six percent have had gotten drunk within the past month. There are a number of reasons why teenagers begin abusing alcohol at such a young age but one of the biggest reasons is availability. It is very easy for a teenager to get alcohol; all they need to do is go into a liquor store and show their ID.
While many teenagers may not realize it, there are significant risks for drinking at such a young age. According to the CDC, people who begin drinking before age 15 are six times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin at or after age 21. The younger a person begins drinking, the more likely they are to become alcohol-dependent.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that about 3.3 million teens will have a alcohol use disorder. That’s about ten percent of high school students.
Alcohol use has long been known to cause birth defects and death among unborn babies. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, about 24,000 babies are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) each year.
The CDC also states physical violence and delinquent behavior in adolescents are strongly associated with heavy drinking by their mothers during pregnancy.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a group of birth defects that occur in an unborn child when their mother drinks alcohol during her pregnancy. The most common defects are stunted growth, facial abnormalities and brain damage.
These birth defects can lead to a lifetime of learning and social disabilities. Many children with FAS remain in special education classes and never achieve academic or professional success.
The impact on the teenage mother is also great. Pregnancy can be very risky for a teenager, especially one that has birth defects. Pregnant teenagers are also more likely to miscarry or have a premature birth.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is 100% preventable. All a woman has to do is not drink alcohol during her pregnancy. There is no good reason why any woman should drink during her pregnancy.
If a pregnant mother needs to get drunk then there are far more serious problems at hand and getting drunk should not be one of them.
The potential for alcoholism does not end after a child is born, it just moves from the parents to the child. Children of alcoholics are at a much higher risk of becoming alcoholics themselves.
Some of these children do not even realize that their parents are alcoholics and as such they have no understanding of why their parents act the way they do.
In some cases these children will try and take on adult responsibilities in order to take care of themselves or other family members. This can result in the child having their own psychological problems.
There are a lot of reasons why a teenager might turn to alcohol. Peer pressure is one of the most common ones, and that is a strong reason for younger teens to start drinking.
However there are always alternatives to taking the easy way out. If peer pressure is an issue then the teen can find new friends or even better occupy their time in such a way that they don’t even have to worry about it.
Some teens also start drinking because they have been either neglected or abused by their parents and as such they are looking for attention. In cases like this drinking can become a form of self-medicating, but it is only a temporary solution.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that about 23% of all alcoholics started drinking before they were even teenagers. A total of 7.6 million children under the age of 12 have seen someone else get drunk.
The younger a child starts drinking, the more likely they are to become alcoholics later in life. This is due to alcohol being toxic to the brain. The younger a child starts drinking, the more danger there is to their developing brain.
If a teen is caught drinking at school then it can have a very negative impact on them. They can be made to feel like an outcast and some schools have a zero tolerance policy towards it.
If a teenager is caught drinking at school then that can lead to them getting in serious trouble. They can even be removed from their home and put into foster care.
This type of punishment is a little too strict for simply trying something that society itself advertises as a legal and acceptable activity for adults. If anything this needs to be changed in order to try and deter teenagers from drinking excessively.
If a teen has issues at home then they need to leave in order to get help. Taking away a child’s support system is never a good idea.
In addition to getting in trouble at school, a teenager who is caught drinking can also get in trouble with the law. This can have a very devastating impact on their future.
Any criminal record will make it difficult for them to find decent work, especially if the crime involved drugs or alcohol. Getting into college can become difficult too, as many schools have restrictions on the people that they allow in.
This is why it is so important to not only prevent teenagers from starting to drink at a young age, but also to stop them from drinking excessively if they are older.
Many teenagers find it cool to drink excessively and to binge drink. This needs to stop in order to prevent serious issues from occurring in the future.
If a teenager starts having problems with alcohol, then they will need to get help as soon as possible. This help can either come in the form of therapy, or it can come in the form of hospitalization. The younger a person is the more likely it is that they will be forced into getting help by the government.
Due to the nature of addiction, it can be difficult to get clean. It is common for addicts to relapse and begin drinking excessively again, even after years and years of sobriety.
Most alcoholics are told to avoid all interactions with people who do drink, as they could be tempted to join in on the fun. This includes going to bars, clubs, parties, or any other place where alcohol is the main focus.
If you do go to these places then it is best to go with a group and have a set time limit that you will stay. Leaving while the party is still going on is much harder than one would expect.
Over the course of several years I slowly began drinking more and more, and did not even notice that I was becoming an alcoholic. It was not until my fourth year of university that I finally sought help for my problem.
I had done the unthinkable and gone behind Emma’s back and slept with Claire. This encounter was completely initiated by me. It was also completely shameful and degrading.
To say that I felt bad about myself would be the understatement of the year. I didn’t just feel bad about myself though, I felt bad about what I did to my sister. She deserved so much better than some lowlife drunk who was going to ultimately leave her when a prettier girl came along.
My sister was an angel. She was sweet, kind, and the best thing that ever happened to me. She tried to help me through school and would always listen when I needed to talk about something. She never judged me no matter what stupid thing I did, as she knew I was just trying to find myself.
I wasn’t sure how she was going to react to finding out that I slept with Claire, but I couldn’t hide it from her forever. When she did find out, the worst case scenario came true. She left in the middle of the night and I didn’t hear from her or see her again for three years.
That was the last time I saw her. I haven’t been able to sleep since that moment. All I could do was drink myself into a stupor every night and hope that I would pass out before thinking about how much of a monster I really am.
My sister was the only person in this world who gave a single rat’s tail about me. I took her love for granted, and I threw it away like it was nothing. I didn’t just destroy my relationship with her, but I destroyed a part of myself as well.
I had nowhere else to go after she left. She was the only one paying the rent, so I was forced to move out of our apartment and into a shithole hotel by the beach.
I didn’t go to classes anymore. I didn’t have any reason to. My sister was gone and if I lived on the streets at least I would be able to see her sometimes.
But what did I really expect? That she would come visit me in my dreams, just so we could talk about old times?
This was a silly notion that only passed through my alcohol blurred state of mind.
Then again, I suppose it happened…but not quite how I expected.
“Wake up, wake up, wake up! Come on, you lazy son of a-“
My eyes shoot open and I find myself staring down the snout of a toy gun.
“Blagh!” I hurl as I sit up and recoil my head back.
“I can’t believe it worked!” The girl says excitedly.
What the hell are you?
What do you want from me?
!” I wildly ask while getting to my feet.
The girl giggles and drops her toy gun to the sand. “
What do I want?
Why nothing, I just wanted to meet you!”
Who the hell are you?”
The girl frowns. “
You can’t remember me?
We used to play together all the time when we were little! I was your best friend!”
I stare at the girl for a few moments before recognition dawns on me. “Wait…you’re…?”
“Yes! It’s me, your baby sister! I knew you’d remember me eventually!”
I smile and shake my head. “
How could I forget someone like you?”
The girl blushes a bit, but then turns serious. “…so why did you move away?
Did my big brother do something bad?”
I sigh and turn away. “No…it was just time for me to go. I didn’t want to wake you.”
But why not?
I would have said goodbye.”
“I know, and that’s why I didn’t do it.”
Both of us fall silent as the roar of the ocean fills the void of conversation.
She looks down at her feet. “
Do you like it here?
Living by the beach, I mean.”
“Yeah, it’s great. I can see why you would want to become a pilot just to live here.”
“You could live here too y’know. This house has plenty of room. You could live here too, if you wanted to.”
I look over at the house she’s talking about. It’s the same one that she’s always dreamed of living in. I suppose now it’s probably more of a reality than it ever was before…
“I don’t know if I can.”
Why not?”
“Because…I don’t think I can ever forgive myself for what I did.”
“It was years ago!
You said you were sorry and you wouldn’t do it again, so what more can you do?”
“…” I don’t know how to answer her, so I don’t. But the girl is persistent and she grabs my arm with both hands and looks me straight in the eye.
“Please big brother, live here with me! We can live here together like when we were little. We can have so much fun all the time! Please, say you’ll live here!”
I shouldn’t. I really, really shouldn’t. But the girl’s eyes are so hopeful and her smile is so beaming that I can’t find it in my heart to say no.
“Alright…alright, I’ll move in.”
The girl jumps up and throws her arms around me. “Oh thank you! Thank you! This is going to be just like when we were little!
Did you see how big the house is?
We can have one wing and each, and we can visit each other whenever we want!”
As I ruffle her hair I can’t help but smile. Just like when we were little…
The girl and I sit out on the beach for a few more hours before she says she has to go home. I walk her back to her house, and before she runs inside she gives me a hug. “I’m so happy. This is really happening.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. See you later sis. I love you.”
“I love you too, big brother. I’ll see you later. And thank you, for everything. Y’know, you were my hero even before all this happened.”
I was?”
“Of course!” She says with a laugh. “But I’ll let you in on a secret…I always wanted to be your heroine too. See you later, big brother.
The girl turns and darts inside her house, leaving me alone on the sidewalk.
I sigh and turn to walk back to my own house–my new house. I don’t know how I’m going to break this news to my parents, but at least this burden is off my shoulders. I won’t have to lie to them anymore, which in itself makes me glad.
Despite the joys of not having to lie anymore, I can’t help but feel like something else is missing. A little piece of my childhood was taken away from me when I left that house, and I don’t know if coming back here has changed that. I guess only time will tell.
I turn down the street where I grew up and walk past the basketball court, where a bunch of kids are already playing. I smile as I watch them run back and forth, shooting hoops and talking to each other. I wonder if any of them will be future superstars.
I turn down the familiar street and see my parents’ car in the driveway. I take a deep breath and walk up to the door. For a moment I just stand there, taking in the surroundings.
How many family gatherings took place here? How many birthday parties? School projects? Harsh words and tearful goodbyes? How many times did I sit at this kitchen table doing my homework or eating dinner?
I miss it. I really do.
I open the door and walk inside. My parents are in the living room, watching TV. They look up at me and smile. My dad gets up off the couch and gives me a hug.
How’s college?”
he asks as we pull away from each other.
“It’s great,” I tell him. “I’ve made a lot of friends already and I think I’m doing well in all of my classes…”
“Well that’s good, son.
Are you hungry?
You must be since you just got home. I’ll cook you up something.”
“Thanks Mom,” I say as she gets up off the couch.
We walk into the kitchen and I sit down at the table. My mom prepares me a sandwich. As she’s putting it together, she turns to me.
“We have some good news,” she says. “Your sister got into her dream college in New York.”
She puts the sandwich down in front of me and I take a bite.
“That’s great,” I say with my mouth full.
“She’s been accepted into the Steinhardt music program,” says my dad as he sits down across from me. “It’s one of the best in the country.”
“That’s great,” I say, swallowing this time. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks, son,” says my mom as she kisses me on the head. “
When is your first class?”
I pull out my phone and check.
“In about ten minutes,” I tell her. “I better hurry.”
“Okay, well I’m glad you’re home. I’ll see you later tonight then.”
As I walk back out the front door, I can’t help but think about how much things have changed. And as I walk down the sidewalk to my new apartment, I can’t help but feel that this is just the beginning of a whole new life in a whole new city.
You just never know.
Sources & references used in this article:
Chronic alcoholic gastritis: roles of alcohol and Helicobacter pylori by R Uppal, SK Lateef, MA Korsten… – Archives of internal …, 1991 –
The induction of gastric mucosal tolerance to alcohol by chronic administration by KJ Ivey, A Tarnawski, J Stachura… – The Journal of …, 1980 –
Spontaneous bladder rupture in association with alcoholic binge: a case report and review of the literature by H Parker, W Hoonpongsimanont, F Vaca… – The Journal of …, 2009 – Elsevier
Clear Thinking When Drinking: The Handbook for Responsible Alcohol Consumption by RT Solohub – 2007 –
Smart medicine for healthier living by J Zand, AN Spreen, JB LaValle – 1999 –
Incorporating alcohol pharmacotherapies into medical practice: a treatment improvement protocol by EC Strain – 2010 –
Timing of efficacy of thiamine in Wernicke’s disease in alcoholics at risk by PA Talbot – Journal of Correctional Health Care, 2011 –
Self-Medication Practices of Undergraduate College Students: Non-Medical Prescriptive Stimulant Use by KM Vo – 2013 –
CRC desk reference for nutrition by CD Berdanier – 2005 –