How to Treat and Prevent Ingrown Hairs on Your Butt

Ingrown Hair Removal Treatment

The first thing you need to do is take off your clothes. You will see ingrown hairs all over your body. If they are not removed immediately, it may lead to permanent damage or even death due to infection. So don’t delay!

How To Remove Ingrown Hairs On Your Butt?

1) Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the toilet.

2) Use a mild shampoo (not too strong!

) to wash hair from head to toe.

3) Rinse well with cold water.

Do not use hot water. Cold water helps to remove the dirt and dead skin cells which make up the ingrown hairs. The best way is to place your hand into ice cube tray, then squeeze out excess water. Then rinse well again with cold water. Repeat this several times until all the hair has been washed away completely.

4) After rinsing, dry your hair thoroughly.

Don’t leave it wet because this will cause further growth of the ingrown hairs. Dry hair properly before putting it back into its original position.

5) Apply a natural moisturizer such as coconut oil or jojoba oil to your scalp and massage gently.

This will help to keep the hair healthy and prevent ingrown hairs from growing in the future. You can also apply petroleum jelly on your scalp if necessary. Remember to avoid using heavy oils such as olive oil and sunflower oil. These oils can clog up the hair follicles and pores on your scalp, which can lead to hair loss and eventually no more new hairs will grow.

6) Apply a hair protector cream such as Hairgum on your beard to seal in moisture.

To prevent beardruff, make sure you comb through your beard thoroughly when applying the hair protector cream.

7) Avoid using a washcloth and always pat dry your body with a clean towel.

Rubbing wet skin can cause infection and damage to your hairs.

How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs?

Shave Regularly: The key to preventing ingrown hairs is to keep the skin on your face clean and hair-free. You may use a manual razor or an electric razor. When using a manual razor, it’s best to use one with multiple blades because it will do a better job of cutting the hair below the skin’s surface. It will also reduce the amount of tugging and pulling which can cause ingrown hairs. You may also wish to apply a shaving cream or hair-removal gel of your choice because this will help to prevent nicks and skin irritation. After you are done, rinse the face with soap and water and pat dry with a clean towel.

Do Not Pop Or Pick: If you have an ingrown hair on the face or anywhere on your body for that matter, resist the temptation of popping it because this can get infected easily. It’s also best not to pick at it with your fingers to peel away the top layers of skin because this can also cause skin damage or infection. Applying an antiseptic such as Isopropyl alcohol will help to prevent infection. To prevent infection, one thing you can do is to keep the surrounding area cool by placing a cold compress on it.

Trim Your Facial Hair Regularly: To avoid ingrown hairs, you may also wish to trim or shape your facial hair (if any) using an electric trimmer or scissors. This will keep the hairs to their closest manageable length and will not protrude out of the skin. If you wish to grow a beard or mustache, then you should definitely trim it down to one or two (or more) specific shapes that you prefer. You can either trim it straight across, in a shape such as a square, a triangle, or even a circle. It’s all up to you.

Don’t Apply Too Much Pressure: Applying pressure when you stroke your razor or trimmer (upward, downward, or in any direction) across your face can also cause ingrown hairs to form because the hair can grow back under the skin and become trapped. Always make sure that you are gliding the razor or trimmer across your face rather than applying any pressure.

Use Products To Prevent Itching: One of the most common symptoms of ingrown hairs is itching. To prevent this, make sure you apply an exfoliating product to your face regularly. This will eliminate dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and will also keep your beard soft and smooth.

Apply A Moisturizer: Using a good moisturizer or an aloe Vera based product can help to soothe your skin if it becomes red and itchy. This will also keep the hairs from becoming brittle and breaking off which can cause ingrown hairs to form.

Grooming Your Beard: You can also use beard oil or mustache wax to groom your beard and mustache. Choose an oil or wax that contains nutrients such as jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, etc. We do not advise you to use petroleum jelly because it will just clog your pores.

How To Prevent Ingrown Toenails?

If you are overweight, then you need to start watching your diet and start exercising regularly to prevent ingrown toenails because this is often caused by the pressure exerted on your toenails from being overweight. Try wearing shoes that fit properly and are not too tight because this can put extra pressure on your toenails and cause them to grow inwards.

One of the main reasons why ingrown toenails form is due to improper grooming of your feet. If you trim your toenails too short and do not file them down evenly, they can become ingrown. Also, never cut your toenails straight across because this will cause them to grow into an angle and this can cause them to curl into the soft flesh of your toe and make them susceptible to infection.

Always Trim & File: If you want to prevent ingrown toenails, always trim and file your toenails straight across and even. Be sure not to apply too much pressure when you are cutting or filing your nails, just a light touch is all that is required. Also, be sure to keep your feet clean and dry at all times, especially between the toes. Moisture encourages bacteria and this can cause an infection in and around your toenails.

Use A Preventative: There are many different types of ingrown toenail treatments that you can use. If you want to try something natural, mix 1/2 cup of vinegar with 1/2 cup of water and soak your feet in this mixture for about 30 minutes. You can also use a product such as Tend Skin Foot Cream which helps to prevent the skin around your feet from becoming irritated and can help to eliminate any bumps and ingrown hairs around the area.

You can also use products such as EmerginC Intense Anti-Ingrown Hair Serum which helps to prevent ingrown hairs and bumps by exfoliating your skin and removing dead skin cells from the surface.

Warnings When Shaving Your Face: When it comes to shaving, here are some things that you need to keep in mind:

Shave only when you have to. If you don’t have to shave on a daily basis, then don’t. If this is a task that you are required to perform on a daily or weekly basis, make sure to use the mildest products that you can find, especially if your skin is sensitive. Use an aftershave lotion that soothes and calms your skin after it has been shaved.

If you have very sensitive skin, try an electric razor instead of a disposable blade because these cause less irritation. If you have extra hair growth, try an epilator instead of shaving because this does not cause as much irritation to the skin as the other methods do.

Shave in the direction that the hair is growing. Shave lightly when you begin and then repeat the process until your desired look is achieved. Shave lightly over skin that is already irritated and wait a day or two before continuing to shave again.

If you use a shaving cream, use one that is especially designed for your face. You can also use an aftershave lotion designed for men or women, whichever you prefer. If you use a moisturizing shaving cream and an aftershave lotion designed for the face, you may not even need to use an aftershave balm as well.

If you want to use an aftershave balm, make sure that it is fragrance free because you do not want to cause any unnecessary irritation to an area that is already sensitive.

You can also try a soothing rub after you have shaved. Mix aloe vera gel with vitamin E oil and if you have it, tea tree essential oil. Apply this mixture to your freshly shaved face and let dry naturally.

If you have an ingrown hair or bump, squeeze it with a clean finger. This will cause it to come to a head and should prevent infection.

Once or twice a week, use an exfoliating scrub on your face. These help to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. You can make your own at home by using one teaspoon of granulated white sugar mixed with half a teaspoon of unscented, pure lavender soap. Mix together and scrub gently in a circular motion on your face in the shower.

Warnings When Shaving Your Legs: Shaving your legs can be quite a chore especially if you have sensitive skin but there are things that you can do to help prevent cuts, nicks, and irritation.

Use a good moisturizing shaving cream or gel when you shave your legs. This helps the razor glide across your skin and helps to prevent bumps and rashes. Try an oil free formula because these tend to cause less irritation. Make sure that you use enough of this product to coat your skin so that the razor can glide over your skin and hair.

Apply baby powder to your legs before you shave. This helps the razor to glide over your skin more easily.

Make sure that you have sufficient lighting when you are shaving your legs. This will prevent you from cutting or nicking yourself and allow you to see all of the hairs that you need to remove.

Warm your razor in warm water before using it because this helps the blades to glide over your skin much more easily and reduces the chances of getting razor burn or bumps afterward.

Make sure that you rinse your razor often while you are shaving. This removes hair, shaving cream, and dead skin from the blade so that you don’t get any nicks.

Apply aloe vera gel or another skin soothing ointment to your legs after you have shaved. This helps to prevent razor burn, bumps, and other forms of skin irritation.

Tips & Warnings You can use a loofah mitt in the shower while you are showering. Using gentle circles, rub the loofah mitt over your legs in the direction that the hair is growing. This will exfoliate your skin and remove dead skin cells.

Shaving daily or every other day causes less irritation than shaving every day. If you can go with longer intervals, the hair will grow back softer and easier to remove.

To help prevent infection, wash your razor and shaving utensils after each use.

If you have very dry or sensitive skin, you may want to try a woman’s razor or one designed for sensitive skin. These can cost more than the razors designed for men, but they don’t have the added lubricants that can cause irritation in some women.

If you just started shaving and your skin is very irritated, you may want to wait awhile before you continue. Some women’s skin will react very strongly when they first start to shave their legs and if you wait a few days or a week and your skin doesn’t calm down, you need to stop. If your skin doesn’t get better, visit your doctor.

You can use a pair of hair clippers to remove hair from sensitive areas like your bikini line or underarms before you start using the razor completely. This can help prevent irritation and bumps in these areas because you are removing the thickest hairs first.

Don’t forget your lip area while you are shaving. There are lots of hair in this area that can easily become ingrown if you don’t remove it.

While you are in the shower, many women like to shave their underarms, legs, and bikini line.

Try not to apply too much pressure when you are using the razor on your skin. Let the weight of the razor do most of the work. Applying too much pressure can cause cuts and nicks that can lead to ingrown hairs in the weeks and months to follow.

If you are using a multiblade razor, don’t just keep on adding new blades. The more blades you add to your razor, the more likely you are to get bumps and irritation. If one of the blades starts to not glide as easily or causes irritation, toss the whole thing and get a new one.

You can use an exfoliating product on your skin before you shave. These contain ingredients such as sugar, fruit acids, or other natural products that slough off dead skin cells so that they don’t become a surface for bacteria growth after you have shaved.

Before you start shaving, make sure that your razor is very sharp. A new blade can make a world of difference in how your skin reacts to the process. If you are using a disposable, try a new one if yours isn’t working out well.

It’s important that your skin is well hydrated before you start this process. Dry skin sucks up moisture and holding on to the blades of the razor and can cause bumps and ingrown hairs.

If a hair is really thick and hard to get out, don’t force the issue. Stretch it slightly until you feel some give, but then use a new hair growth pattern to avoid the root when you finish shaving that area.

Try to shave in the same direction as the hair is growing. This will prevent ingrown hairs. Shaving against the grain, which means at a 90 degree angle from the way the hair is growing, will cause ingrown hairs.

It is not necessary to do a ‘grid’ pattern when you are shaving your bikini area. It’s actually better not to do this if you can help it because it will reduce the chance of ingrown hairs forming in that area.

Shaving cream with aloe in it is a great way to protect your skin before you begin. This works for men and women.

If you find that you are still getting bumps or ingrown hairs after following these tips, try exfoliating your skin once a week to remove dead skin cells that could be encouraging ingrown hairs.

Take extra care when shaving in the bikini area or underarms. These are the most common spots for ingrown hairs to form.

Don’t shave too soon before going swimming. The chlorine in the water will cause your freshly shaved skin to become irritated.

Don’t allow yourself to get chilled. This causes your skin to contract and this is when cuts and nicks are more likely to happen because your razor won’t be gliding as smoothly as it should be.

If you have sensitive skin, try a razor that has a lubricating strip made with aloe or some other soothing ingredient in it. These can help prevent your skin from becoming irritated after you shave.

If you have extremely sensitive skin, try using a men’s razor. The blades move over your skin more easily and the razors are usually heavier duty, so they aren’t as prone to getting clogged with hair and skin like women’s razors can be.

Thick hair grows in cycles. This means that it will actually grow back finer and shorter after the first time it is shaved. So if you feel like your hair is growing back faster, you can actually just shave less often to keep the stubble from becoming too long.

Don’t press too hard when you are shaving. Doing this is only going to cause your skin to become irritated and is more likely to cause ingrown hairs.

Once your skin has become accustomed to a certain shaving routine, any changes that you make to it can result in problems.

Sources & references used in this article:

Polycystic ovary syndrome: how best to manage by S Butts – Consultant, 2006 –

Body acne: why does it happen and what can you do about it? by M Bohl –

Beauty: Depilatories: The strip show! by L Volpato – PS Post Script, 2011 –

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Update on the Pros and Cons of Treatment Options by S Butts, DA Driscoll – 2007 –

Genital herpes by P BILL –

” Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. by ST Latte-Recipe –

Deal With It: A Whole New Approach to Your Body, Brain and Life as a GURL by E Drill, H McDonald, R Odes – 1999 –

How to Wash Your Face: America’s Leading Dermatologist Reveals the Essential Secrets for Youthful, Radiant Skin by B Kenet, P Lawler – 2002 –

Genital herpes by W Sawchuk –