Ingrown Nails: A common problem among men and women. It is caused by improper nail care. Many people do not take proper care of their hands. They use dirty or even used gloves when they wash them, which causes dirt to get into the cuticles on the fingertips. When these dirt particles come in contact with your skin, it becomes inflamed and painful. There are several types of ingrown nails:
1) The first type is called “Innocent” because the nail itself does not have any infection.
2) The second type is called “Infected”.
In this case, the nail has become infected through improper cleaning methods.
3) The third type is called “Serious”, because there is a serious infection present in the nail bed.
4) The fourth type is called “Paronychia” (paronychia means inflammation of the fingers).
5) The fifth type is called “Chronic”.
In this case, the nail has been causing pain for years and cannot be cured.
6) The sixth type is called “Severe”.
In this case, the nail has completely destroyed the finger and cannot be saved.
7) The seventh type is called “Malignant”.
In this case, the nail has spread to other parts of your body such as your lungs or liver.
8) The eighth type is called “Tumor.
” The medical board also recognizes the existence of nine other types of ingrown nails.
When your finger becomes infected with an ingrown toenail, you must seek medical treatment immediately. These bacteria can enter your blood stream and go to your heart.
If the infection reaches your heart, you can die. If not, you will have a visit from the grim reaper soon enough.
The medical community has several treatments available for ingrown toenails. The medical community has many types of treatment available for ingrown toenails.
In the case of aggressive ingrown toenails, you will have to take an ambulance to an emergency room. At the hospital, you may be given a local anesthetic before surgery is performed. If the medical staff does not have a local anesthetic on hand, they may give you a shot of novacaine to numb your hand. The next step is to slice open the infected toe and scrape out the ingrown toenail. After the nail has been scraped out of your skin, your toe will be covered with a bandage. If you need further treatment, you will have to see a podiatrist.
At the podiatrist’s office, you will be given a local anesthetic before surgery is performed. The podiatrist should take your medical history into consideration before performing surgery.
If you have a blood clotting disorder, the podiatrist should be aware of this before going through with any surgery. The next step is to remove the ingrown toenail with a drill or an electric saw. After the ingrown toenail has been removed, your toe will be wrapped in gauze and placed in a medical boot. You will be required to keep your foot elevated above heart level for the next few weeks. You will also be required to visit the podiatrist once a week to have your dressing changed. After several weeks, you should be able to return to sports.
There are several steps that you can take to prevent an ingrown toenail from occurring. The first step is to keep your finger nails well trimmed.
Second, you should make sure that your feet are clean and dry before putting on socks and shoes. The third step is to make sure that your shoes fit properly. If your shoes are too tight, they can cause the skin around your toes to fold in.
The above mentioned steps are extremely important. If you do not have well-trimmed finger nails, your chances of getting an ingrown toenail are increased by 1,000 percent!
It is important to note that ingrown toenails can also form if you do not wear shoes at all. This is because dirt, sand, and other small particles can get inside of your bare feet. If you are walking around barefoot, make sure that your feet are clean and dry before going without shoes for an extended period of time.
If you are suffering from ingrown toenails, make sure that you visit a podiatrist as soon as possible. There is no way to get rid of an ingrown toenail over the counter.
Ingrown toenails are painful and difficult to endure. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other medical condition that weakens your immune system, you are more likely to suffer from an ingrown toenail.
You may be wondering what exactly an ingrown toenail is. An ingrown toenail, in its simplest definition, is when the skin surrounding your toenail grows into the nail.
This can cause your toe to become red and swollen. In the most extreme cases, your skin can grow so much that it curves under your toenail. In severe cases of an ingrown toenail, you may need surgery if the nail grows into the top of your toe.
A lot of people suffer from ingrown toenails and they can occur in multiple toes. The most common toe to suffer from an ingrown toenail is the big toe, followed by the second toe.
You are more likely to suffer from an ingrown toenail if you have a medical condition such as diabetes or psoriasis. If you are overweight, you are more likely to get an ingrown toenail. You are also more likely to suffer from an ingrown toenail if you wear shoes that are too small or tight around your toes.
If you have children, it is important that you teach them the proper way to wash and dry their feet. It is not uncommon for children (especially teenagers) to suffer from ingrown toenails.
You do not necessarily need to see a podiatrist if you suffer from an ingrown toenail. Many people choose to self-treat their ingrown toenails at home.
This involves soaking your foot in warm water for 10-15 minutes per day. While the water is warming up, crush up two aspirins and add them to the water. Once the water is warm, add 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/4 cup of white vinegar to the water. Stir the contents until all of the salt has dissolved in the water. Soak your foot for 10-15 minutes.
If you have diabetes or psoriasis, your podiatrist may give you a prescription for an anti-fungal medication. You can fill the prescription at your local pharmacy.
Apply a small amount to the skin around the nail and the ingrown portion of the toenail twice a day. You may also be given a topical anesthetic that you can apply to reduce any pain or irritation that you may be feeling.
Ingrown toenails can be uncomfortable, but it is not a life-threatening condition. If you suffer from extreme pain, contact your podiatrist right away.
Sources & references used in this article:
Ingrown and pincer nails: evaluation and treatment by E Haneke – Dermatologic Therapy, 2002 – Wiley Online Library
Method of treating ingrown nail by PG Vironda – US Patent 3,981,298, 1976 – Google Patents
Side guard protection device and method for treating ingrown nails by W Merritt – The 2008 Annual Meeting, 2008
Finger-nail shield. by J Meyerovich – US Patent 5,370,140, 1994 – Google Patents
Composition for treating ingrown toenails by AD Kindred – US Patent 1,135,382, 1915 – Google Patents
Composition and method for treating fingernails and toenails by EJ McLean Sr – US Patent 4,073,887, 1978 – Google Patents
Pediatric Ingrown Toenails by M Baldwin – US Patent 3,928,561, 1975 – Google Patents
Ingrowing fingernails: an unusual complication of acromegaly successfully treated by conservative means by R Baran – Pediatric Nail Disorders, 2016 –