How often do men ejaculate?
The average man will have between 2 and 5 million seminal vesicles (a.k.a. “sperm ducts”) in his urethra, which are specialized glands located near the opening of the bladder and urethral opening. These glands produce a clear fluid called seminal fluid that contains many different types of proteins, enzymes, vitamins, hormones and other substances that aid in reproduction and sexual pleasure.
In addition to these secretions, the male reproductive system produces its own fluids: prostatic juice and seminal plasma. Prostate juice is produced when the prostate gland contracts during erection. This helps prevent impotence due to reduced blood flow to the area.
Semen contains protein-rich liquid known as seminal plasma that aids in lubrication and protection against infection.
When does a man ejaculate?
Men typically reach their peak fertility around age 30. At this point they may begin having difficulty conceiving because they’re no longer producing enough testosterone to stimulate the production of healthy eggs. They might experience decreased libido or erectile dysfunction if they continue to live long enough after reaching menopause.
Sperm production begins to slow down around age 35, and men start to experience fertility problems around age 40. By age 45, men are less fertile than they were at age 20. By age 55, it’s rare for a man to father a child naturally.
Men may begin experiencing full-blown symptoms of low testosterone by their late 60s or early 70s.
Most men start to notice symptoms of their declining fertility as soon as they reach puberty. While men are born with all of the reproductive organs and hormones they’ll ever have, a few differences do exist in terms of how much reproductive hormones are in their systems.
Most boys go through puberty between the ages of 9 and 16. Puberty begins with the secretion of hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland that cause the testicles to start producing testosterone. This hormone is what causes boys to grow taller, their voices to change and their genitals to mature during puberty.
The most obvious difference in fertility among men is the presence of active or inactive testicles. Men with inactive testicles will experience a decrease in fertility and virility, while men with inactive ovaries will experience a decrease in fertility but will still be able to derive some benefit from estrogen and other female hormones.
How many times can a man ejaculate in one day? Is there such thing as too much ejaculation?
The short answer is a lot. After an adolescent male ejaculates, his body will immediately begin preparing for another erection. And when he finally does have an opportunity to ejaculate again, the process begins all over again. After three or four ejaculations in a row, his body needs at least a day or two to replenish its supply of seminal fluid.
A lot of men might be tempted to try and “save up” their ejaculations so they can experience an especially big load. But doing this can lead to a painful condition known as “retrograde ejaculation.” When the prostate contracts, it normally forces some of the seminal fluid into the urethra.
However, when a man tries to “save up” his ejaculations, the seminal fluid stays in the prostate and causes a painful buildup of pressure.
Men who produce a lot of seminal fluid should still use a towel or a rag to clean themselves after each ejaculation. Even if the man has a small amount of fluid, overstimulating the prostate too vigorously can lead to a buildup of pressure that may cause urine to drip back into the bladder. This is known as “urolagnia” or “sweet poo,” and it’s an extreme form of “golden shower.”
Why is it that when I ejaculate, I sometimes pee a little?
This is known as “spraying,” and it’s a fairly common condition among men. If you’re producing a lot of seminal fluid, it may force some of your urine out. Or if you have an especially weak urinary sphincter, some of the pressure may cause the stream to bend. Most men with “spraying” conditions are completely unaware that they’re doing it.
Pees in two ways: Orgasmic emissions and wet dreams. Most boys learn to masturbate between the ages of 11 and 15, and will usually experience their first ejaculation between these ages. Until recently, most boys had little knowledge of contraception or how STDs are spread.
As a result, most male virgins experience their first ejaculation through the means of nocturnal emissions (or “wet dreams”).
How long does it take to have a baby?
Most women carry their babies for nine months, although this can vary from person to person. A lot of women have their babies earlier because the fetus is absorbing all of the nutrients and other vital chemicals it needs from the mother’s system.
If you’re still having trouble with this concept, imagine yourself sitting in a small room drinking a soda. As time goes by, you’ll get more and more thirsty. But you’re unable to leave the room to get a refill until someone else comes in and gives you a new soda.
A woman’s nine-month wait is a little like this: her baby is absorbing all of its vital nutrients from her, and there’s nothing she can do about it.
How do people have babies?
Most people have very little idea how babies are made. Sure, the basics are covered in health class, but most of the process is still a mystery.
Sperm cells are like tiny tadpoles. They’re so small that you need a magnifying glass to see them, and they look like little curled-up fragments of gray or white paper. When a man has an erection, his prostate gland squirts a thin stream of seminal fluid into his urethra.
Each drop of seminal fluid contains hundreds of millions of tadpole-shaped sperms gunning their way toward the womb.
When a man’s sperms are injected into a woman’s womb, she becomes pregnant. If none of them manage to reach her womb, she doesn’t get pregnant. Most pregnancies aren’t planned, so it’s a good thing that getting pregnant is as simple as having “unprotected” (or “no-condom”) sexual contact!
Does the temperature of a woman’s womb have anything to do with when she gets pregnant?
Some women claim that their womb is at a “just right” temperature to incubate their babies throughout the year. Others say that it’s always hot, and they get pregnant early in the year. Still others believe their wombs are too cold, and they tend to get pregnant late in the year.
While it’s true that the female body tends to be a bit warmer than the average room, there’s no real evidence that a woman’s core temperature has anything to do with getting pregnant. Some women even claim that their wombs are too cold to sustain life, and therefore believe abortion shouldn’t be illegal. It’s all a matter of opinion really.
Does period blood come from the womb?
No, it actually comes from the ovaries. The womb is a fallopian tube-like structure that hangs on the wall of the abdomen. It connects to the top of the vaginal canal (which is why menstrual blood tends to come out in clumps and globs during your period). Sperm can’t get into the womb because it has a lock called a cervix at the entrance, which only opens when it’s time for a baby to be born.
Why is my stomach so big?
A pregnant woman’s belly can appear large and swollen because her uterus is expanding to make room for the fetus. A woman’s abdomen tends to grow in a heart shape because that part of her body needs to push the baby out during labor.
There’s also a common misconception that pregnancy causes a woman to get fat.
Sources & references used in this article:
How often should infertile men have intercourse to achieve conception? by I Tur-Kaspa, Y Maor, D Levran, M Yonish, S Mashiach… – Fertility and sterility, 1994 – Elsevier
Semen quality of spinal cord injured men is better when obtained by vibratory stimulation versus electroejaculation by NL Brackett, OF Padron, CM Lynne – The Journal of urology, 1997 –
Testosterone use in the male infertility population: prescribing patterns and effects on semen and hormonal parameters by MK Samplaski, Y Loai, K Wong, KC Lo, ED Grober… – Fertility and sterility, 2014 – Elsevier
How reliable is a vasectomy? Long-term follow-up of vasectomised men by N Haldar, D Cranston, E Turner, I MacKenzie… – The Lancet, 2000 – Elsevier