How long does viagra last?
The short answer: It depends on what you are using it for. If you have been taking it regularly, then it will probably not wear off until well after the time of ejaculation. However if you are just starting out with sexual activity, or even if you haven’t had much sexual experience before, then its effects may vary greatly from person to person.
Viagra works by increasing blood flow to the genitals. This increase in blood flow allows for increased sensation during sexual activity. This increases the likelihood of achieving an erection, which in turn results in a stronger desire to continue having sexual activities.
It is important to note that although many men report that they achieve an erection within minutes of taking their first dose, others report experiencing erections lasting up to several hours later when they stop taking it (although some claim this isn’t necessarily true).
In addition to these reported differences in duration, some men report no change in their ability to get an erection whatsoever. Others report that it takes them longer than usual to achieve an erection, but once achieved they still feel good afterwards!
There are other possible side effects such as headaches, nausea and dizziness. These are all common side effects associated with most drugs and can usually be managed without medication.
How does it work?
When a man is sexually stimulated, the arteries in the genitals (specifically the corpora cavernosa) relax and open up more than usual. This opening allows for increased blood flow into the area, which causes the engorged veins to compress and restrict the flow of blood from other parts of the body. This restriction is perceived as an erection. Unused blood can drain out of the area to a certain degree, but again it is the restriction of blood from other parts of the body that causes the engorgement and erection.
After an erection has been achieved, maintaining it involves a complex interaction between the brain, spinal cord, hormones and nerves. This process is called libido. The process usually begins in the brain, which in turn sends signals down the spinal cord and into the nerves that are attached to the genitals. These signals then increase the amount of blood that is restricted in the genitals.
One of the main hormones involved in this process is called testosterone. This is typically why younger men tend to have more libido than older men, whose levels begin to decrease after the age of about 25. Other factors such as stress, diet and various diseases can also affect the levels of testosterone in men.
Viagra works by increasing the amount of nitric oxide that is released within the body. Nitric oxide is a gas that works by opening up the arteries and releasing blood flow to areas that need it most. In this case, the erectile tissues in the genitals. When an erection occurs, there is restricted blood flow into the genitals, caused by engorged veins in the area. Viagra increases the amount of available nitric oxide, which relaxes the veins and increases blood flow into the genitals, causing engorgement and an erection.
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Viagra and the Wealth of Nations by L Nolin, A Benassarou, M Dauchez, Y Rémion – IADIS AC (1), 2009