The procedure itself takes less than half an hour. You are then taken back to your room where you have some time to yourself before being called into the operating room. Afterward, you will be given pain medication which will help with any discomfort you may experience during the surgery. During this time, you should avoid strenuous activity such as heavy lifting or running too much because it could cause blood clots and lead to a heart attack. You should not drive or operate machinery until you are completely recovered.
How long does it take to recover from a vasectomy?
When you go through the surgical procedure of a vasectomy, you will need to rest for several days afterwards. Some men may experience some soreness or swelling around their testicles for up to two weeks after the operation. These symptoms usually disappear within a few days. Other men may experience no problems whatsoever. However, if you do experience any discomfort, please contact your doctor immediately so they can advise on how best to manage the problem.
What happens when I am done having my vasectomy?
After the procedure, you will probably feel tired and weak for several days but most men report feeling better in about one month. You should not lift anything too heavy or engage in strenuous activity for about six weeks after the surgery.
What can I expect a few days after my procedure?
You will probably experience pain for several days after your surgery. It is best to rest as much as you can in order to let your body heal itself as quickly as possible. Most men are able to go back to work within one week of having their vasectomies performed. It is important that you do not engage in any strenuous activity such as heavy lifting or running for about a month after the procedure.
What can I expect during my follow up visits?
You will be able to start having sexual activity again in about two weeks after your procedure but you should use birth control until your follow up visit with your doctor takes place. Your follow up visit is important because it will allow your doctor to check that everything went smoothly and that no complications have occurred. Most doctors will recommend that you return for a follow up within three months of having your procedure.
How much does a vasectomy cost?
The actual cost of a vasectomy can vary from one location to another but it is a relatively common procedure so many health insurance policies should cover the costs if they are signed up with an Affordable Care provider.
What preparation needs to be done before my surgery?
Your doctor will ask you several questions to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for a vasectomy. You will also be required to provide your doctor with a brief medical history so that they know about any pre-existing medical conditions that you may have which could impact on your surgery.
What is the difference between a “no-scalpel” technique and a “traditional” vasectomy?
The traditional method for performing a vasectomy involves a small incision being made in order to allow the surgeon to access the tubes that carry the sperms from the testicles and another small incision in order to allow the surgeon to sever the tubes. This traditional approach requires stitches to close the incisions. The “no-scalpel” approach uses an ultrasound to locate the tubes and then an instrument is used to puncture them without making a larger incision.
Sources & references used in this article:
Current status of vasectomy reversal by JU Schwarzer, H Steinfatt – Nature Reviews Urology, 2013 –
Vasectomy and vasectomy reversal by E Wallach, SJ Silber – Fertility and Sterility, 1978 – Elsevier
British Andrology Society guidelines for the assessment of post vasectomy semen samples (2002) by P Hancock, E McLaughlin – Journal of clinical pathology, 2002 –
Perspectives from couples on the vasectomy decision: a six-country study by E Landry, V Ward – Beyond Acceptability: Users’ Perspectives on …, 1997 –
Microsurgery for vasectomy reversal and vasoepididymostomy by SJ Silber – Urology, 1984 – Elsevier
Vasectomy and vasectomy reversal by WF Hendry – 1989 –