How Long Does It Take to Get a Mammogram and Receive the Results?
Mammograms are performed when there is suspicion of cancer. A mammogram consists of two parts:
A radiologist uses X-rays to look inside your body for any abnormalities. They then compare the images with those from other mammography machines around the world. If they see anything abnormal, they may order additional tests or refer you to a specialist. You will receive a report after all tests have been completed.
The second part of the test involves getting an idea if you have cancer. The radiologist will use a special needle to draw blood samples. These samples are sent off for testing at a lab. The results of these tests can tell you whether you have cancer or not.
If you don’t feel well enough to go through with the procedure, the doctor may recommend that you visit another hospital for further treatment. Sometimes doctors do not perform the whole procedure because they think it would be too expensive or difficult to treat your symptoms properly without having a full examination first. If they decide you are not fit for a mammogram, it may be because your:
Breasts are too dense
Thyroid gland needs to be treated
Lymph nodes need to be looked at
How Long Does It Take to Get a Mammogram and Receive the Results?
In the world we live in, there is much uncertainty. From a health standpoint, there is never a way to be sure about anything.
Sources & references used in this article:
‘If I feel something wrong, then I will get a mammogram’: understanding barriers and facilitators for mammography screening among Chilean women by K Püschel, B Thompson, G Coronado… – Family …, 2010 –
Understanding high-stakes consumer decisions: mammography adherence following false-alarm test results by BE Kahn, MF Luce – Marketing Science, 2003 –
US women’s attitudes to false positive mammography results and detection of ductal carcinoma in situ: cross sectional survey by LM Schwartz, S Woloshin, HC Sox, B Fischhoff… – Bmj, 2000 –
Systematic review: the long-term effects of false-positive mammograms by NT Brewer, T Salz, SE Lillie – Annals of internal medicine, 2007 –
Communication factors in the follow-up of abnormal mammograms by EG Poon, JS Haas, AL Puopolo, TK Gandhi… – Journal of General …, 2004 – Springer