Having an Upturned Nose Is No Cause for Concern

Having an upturned nose is no cause for concern. There are many reasons why having an upturned nose is not a problem. First of all, there are many ethnic groups that do not have upturned noses. These include: African Americans, Asian Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and others. Secondly, it does not mean that your genes are bad or defective because they may be normal or even good. Thirdly, it is not true that having an upturned nose makes you look older than one would expect. Fourthly, it is not true that having an upturned nose means you are a criminal. Fifthly, there are other factors such as diet and lifestyle which may affect your facial features. Sixthly, if you have a slight upturned nose then it will never become noticeable unless someone looks closely at your face from afar. Seventhly, it is not true that upturned nose is associated with being gay. Eighthly, it is not true that having an upturned nose indicates poor hygiene habits. Ninthly, it is not true that having an upturned nose means you are a drug addict or alcoholic. Tenthly, it is not true that having an upturned nose implies promiscuity. Eleventhly, it is not true that having an upturned nose suggests low intelligence. Twelfthly, it is not true that having an upturned nose means you are a liar. Thirteenthly, it is not true that an upturned nose makes you unattractive to the opposite or same-gender. Last but not least, it is not true that having an upturned nose means you will have a poor life.

Having an upturned nose can be a disadvantage and advantage. Disadvantages include: looks older than you really are, may be associated with criminal activity, may get the wrong kind attention, and other minor things such as poor posture when you laugh too much. On the positive side, it is distinctive and memorable, and can make you look cute at times.

Having an upturned nose is better than having one that turns up or pokes out too much. It is also better than having a flat and broad nose, or a small and button nose. Having an upturned nose is a lot better than having a large and stubby nose, or a thin and sharp nose.

Having an upturned nose does not mean you are unattractive. There are many celebrities that have it too such as: Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Ben Affleck, Tom Cruise, and even John Travolta.

Sources & references used in this article:

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Midline forehead flaps in nasal reconstruction by IT Jackson – European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2004 – Springer

No model by US Patent 748,576, 1904 – Google Patents