Have Your Baby’s Movements Changed? Here’s When to Worry

Have You Had A Change in Baby’s Movement?

When Should I Call Doctor For Decreased Fetus Movement?

The first thing you need to do is check if your baby is having any problems with its movements. If it does, then call the doctor immediately. There are many causes of low birth weight babies, including premature rupture of membranes (PROM) or other complications during pregnancy. These conditions may cause your baby to have trouble breathing or even die. If you’re concerned about your baby’s health, don’t wait until there is no time left to get medical attention.

If you haven’t had any changes in the movements of your baby, then you might want to start worrying about them now! Some doctors believe that it takes between 7 and 10 weeks before most babies’ movements begin to decrease.

However, there are cases where it happens earlier than that.

How Do You Know If Your Baby Is Having Problems With Its Movements?

There are two ways to tell if your baby is having problems with its movements: 1) by looking at the movements yourself or 2) by asking someone else to look at them. The first method is easier because you can actually see what your baby looks like doing the actions that you would expect him/her to do. The second method is more difficult because you have to put total trust in someone else’s eyes. Some people may be better at noticing the subtleties of a baby’s movement than others.

If you’re going to trust another person to tell you if your baby is having problems, it might be wise to choose a trained professional such as a doctor or midwife. This person will have the knowledge and experience to accurately assess your baby’s movements (or lack thereof).

If you’ve had an ultrasound recently, you can ask the doctor or technician to give you a report on it. You can also ask if s/he has any concerns about your baby.

What To Do If Your Doctor Tells You That Your Baby Has Decreased Movements

If your doctor has reason to believe that your baby is not moving as much as it should be, then you may need to have “kick counts” done. Your doctor will teach you how to feel for your baby’s movements and how often to do it.

This will probably include different positions for you to lie in and specific times that you should do the counting. If your baby’s movements drop below a certain number per day, your doctor may recommend that you come in immediately.

Some doctors may recommend that you come in immediately if your baby’s movements are significantly decreased.

If you are concerned that your baby may not be moving enough, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the specifics. For example, there are some medical conditions in which a fetus may have slowed movements, but is still healthy.

In other cases, the fetus may be having problems that require immediate medical attention. Either way, it is best to consult with a medical professional as soon as you can.

Most of the time, decreased fetal movement isn’t anything to worry about. Most of the time…

What You Can Do To Help Your Baby Move More

If you’ve been told that your baby isn’t moving as much, there are a few things that you can do to help. The position that you’re in can make a difference.

For some women, lying on their left side seems to cause their baby to move more. Other women report better results when they stand up or kneel on a hard surface.

Always talk to your doctor before doing anything that could be potentially harmful to you or your baby.

What Is OK To Worry About And What Isn’t?

While it’s normal to feel a little concerned when you hear something like “your baby isn’t moving as much”, it’s important to keep things in perspective. After all, most of the time this really isn’t anything to worry about and most women go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies and babies.

Sources & references used in this article:

From here to maternity (reissue): becoming a mother by A Oakley – 2018 – books.google.com

The psychology of hope: You can get there from here by CR Snyder – 1994 – books.google.com

It can’t happen here by D Frum – 2008 – Basic Books

You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination (Imagined Maps Around the World, Collection of Artists Maps) by S Lewis – 2014 – books.google.com

There’s a boy in here by K Harmon, KA Harmon – 2004 – books.google.com

All the devils are here: The hidden history of the financial crisis by J Barron, S Barron – 2002 – books.google.com

” Here, our culture is hard”: stories of domestic violence from a Mayan community in Belize by B McLean, J Nocera – 2011 – books.google.com