Everything You Should Know Before Getting a Prince Albert Piercings
Prince Albert piercings are known as the most popular piercings among men. They are done with a small metal ring or rod called a prince albert, which is inserted into the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of your body). These piercings can be done at home or they can be had from professional piercing shops.
The Prince Albert piercings are used mainly by gay men because they provide a way to show their sexual orientation without having to wear clothing. There are many different types of prince alberts available, but there is one type that is most commonly seen: the butterfly piercing. The name comes from the shape of the ring that goes through your skin.
The butterfly piercings look like little butterflies coming out of your skin when you have it done.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Prince Albert Piercings?
You can get piercings anywhere! You don’t need to go to a tattoo parlor or even a doctor. If you want to get pierced, then you can get it done at home.
You won’t have to worry about getting needles stuck in your arms or legs during the procedure.
With piercings, you run the risk of getting an infection. It is possible to get a wound infection, which could be life-threatening in some cases. You also need to be very careful with keeping these piercings clean.
If you don’t do it right, then you can cause an infection that way as well.
Even if you do everything right, prince albert piercings still carry a risk of getting a sexual transmitted disease. Since this piercing goes through the urethra, any bacteria that gets inside can travel up into your reproductive system. It is possible to get an STD from these piercings, and once you have one it can be very difficult to get rid of it.
How Do I Clean My New Prince Albert Piercing?
After you have got your piercing done, you need to make sure that it gets cleaned on a regular basis. Most professional piercers will give you aftercare instructions. You should get the supplies that they recommend before you leave the store. You should also try to avoid exposing the area to anything that might cause an infection.
Of course, if you don’t go to a professional piercer, then you may not know how to properly clean the area after you do it yourself. Always clean the piercing immediately after you have had it done. Use an antibacterial soap and lukewarm water to wash the area for five minutes.
You should gently remove any extra skin cells or blood with a cotton ball or soft tissue. If there is any dirt in the piercing, then try to remove it with a Q-tip. Try to keep the piercing area dry when you are not cleaning it.
When you are cleaning the piercing, you should also check to see if the jewelry (the bar or ring that goes through the hole) is in the right spot. You can do this by looking at the area from the front of the body and the back. The hole should be fully enclosed when you are looking from the back, and there shouldn’t be a big gap when you are looking from the front.
If either of these things happen, then you need to adjust the jewelry.
How Do I Adjust My New Prince Albert Piercing?
When you get your new piercing done, the jewelry may not be in exactly the right place. You can easily adjust this yourself at home as long as you follow a few simple rules. First, make sure that there is no extra skin around the jewelry. If there is any extra, then it will need to be removed by a professional. Next, you will need rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, and a q-tip.
Try to adjust the piercing in a clean dry place. You will also need to make sure that your hands are clean. Wearing gloves is not a bad idea, but you can also wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
Before touching the piercing, you should apply a small amount of alcohol to your hands. This will prevent the transfer of bacteria.
Put the piercing somewhere that you can see it without moving your body. Hold the jewelry with a cotton swab or q-tip. Gently twist it a few times in a clockwise direction.
You should be able to see if the piercing is moving up or down from this. Do this until the hole is completely closed when you look from the back, and there isn’t a big gap when you look from the front.
Follow these steps, and you will be able to adjust your new piercings without any problems. Just make sure that you regularly go in for professional checkups. You can go to the same piercer that did your original piercing, or you can see any doctor.
They will be able to check to make sure that there isn’t an infection and that everything is going smoothly. If you do notice any redness, tenderness, or swelling, then you should tell them right away since these are all signs of an infection.
Sources & references used in this article:
What every person should know about war by D Reuben – 2000 – Macmillan
Body piercing by C Hedges – 2007 – books.google.com
Nonmainstream body modification: Genital piercing, branding, burning, and cutting by H Ferguson – Bmj, 2000 – bmj.com
Tattooing and body piercing: Body art practices among college students by J Myers – Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 1992 – journals.sagepub.com
You pierced what? by E Angel – 2009 – Crossing Press
Everything You Need to Know About Std-Sexually Transmitted Disease by J Greif, W Hewitt, ML Armstrong – Clinical Nursing Research, 1999 – journals.sagepub.com