Does having back dimples or sacral dimples tell me anything about my genetics?
If you are like most people, then your first thought would probably be “Yes!” However, there is no scientific evidence that backs up this belief. The answer lies with your interpretation of what these dimpled areas mean.
There are two types of dimpling on the human body: Sacroiliac (SI) and Suboccipital (SO). SI refers to the area around the buttocks, while SO refers to the area behind them. Both types of dimples have been found on various parts of the body. While some people may think they are related, it is not known if any specific gene(s) cause either type of dimpling.
The best way to determine whether or not you have back dimples is through physical examination. A doctor will examine your back and buttocks and compare them with other patients’ backs and buttocks. They will look for any abnormalities. If the doctor finds any abnormality, he/she will make a note of it.
If you do not want to go through the exam yourself, you can ask your doctor to send a photograph of your back and buttocks to another doctor who specializes in studying back dimples. Your request must be made within 30 days after the date when you received your initial diagnosis from your primary care provider.
Determining whether or not you have back dimples and what they mean is not known. It has not been proven if they are genetic or caused by environmental factors such as diet, trauma, or even disease. For this reason, it is best to seek the help of a medical professional.
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