Clear, Stretchy Discharge: What Does It Mean

What Is Clear, Stretchy Discharge?

Clear, Jelly-Like Blob Discharge During Pregnancy

The term “clear” refers to the consistency of the discharge. It may look like clear jelly or a milky white substance. There are two types of clear discharge; one is clear and smooth and another type is sticky and may have small bubbles floating in it. Some women experience both types of discharge at the same time!

Blobs of clear, slippery mucus are not normal. They are called “stretchy” because they move around a bit. They do not come out easily with water. The mucus comes from the cervix (the opening to the uterus) and travels through the birth canal and into your body where it collects in your lower abdomen. You might notice them first thing in the morning or later at night while sleeping.

Sometimes they are light and sometimes they are heavy. If you have no other symptoms, then it’s probably nothing to worry about.

If you have any of these signs or symptoms:

You feel very uncomfortable when wiping your vaginal area with wet toilet paper (even after washing your hands thoroughly)

Your periods are heavier than usual, even if you haven’t had a period recently. Your doctor will want to run tests to rule out medical problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

You have pain at the top of your stomach

You feel pressure in your lower abdomen

You have a fever above 100.4

You have severe pain during bowel movements or contractions when you’re not having a period. Check with your doctor right away if this happens.

We hope that you have found this article on clear, stretchy discharge helpful. To learn more about the types of vaginal discharge, please read the related article listed below.

Recommended video: What is normal clear watery fluid leaking from my vag? What is normal clear fluid leaking from my vag?

What Is Normal Discharge?

Most women who are not pregnant will experience some vaginal discharge over the course of their lives. However, it is important to monitor your body so that you can identify possible health concerns. This is because there are different types of vaginal discharge, and not all of them are healthy.

As a general rule, if your discharge is white, grey, or yellow then it is probably a good thing and indicates that your body is functioning normally. White discharge typically indicates that you are ovulating or have a yeast infection. Yellowish discharge may be a sign that you are pregnant. However, there are several other types of vaginal discharge that are cause for concern.

Green or Greenish Discharge:

Greenish or green discharge is generally unhealthy and should be brought to the attention of your physician immediately. This could indicate that you have an infection or some other condition that affects the pH balance of your body. At the very least, it should motivate you to clean yourself more thoroughly.

Sources & references used in this article:

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The possible role of cardiac atrial stretch receptors in the induction of changes in urine flow by JP Henry, JW Pearce – The Journal of physiology, 1956 –

Corticomotoneuronal cells contribute to long‐latency stretch reflexes in the rhesus monkey. by PD Cheney, EE Fetz – The Journal of physiology, 1984 – Wiley Online Library

Proprioceptive discharges from stretch-receptors in the knee-joint of the cat by IA Boyd, TDM Roberts – The Journal of physiology, 1953 –

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