Causes of a Bump on Your Elbow

Lump on Inside of Elbow Cancer: Causes & Symptoms

The lump or swelling may appear at any part of your body, but it’s most common in the elbow joint. The lump is usually located just above the knuckle where there are no nerves.

If left untreated, the lump can grow into a full-blown ulcer (a collection of pus). Ulcers can cause pain and inflammation throughout your arm. They’re often caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other germs. You may have an infection even if you don’t feel sick.

Causes of a Bump on Your Elbow: Treatment Options

There are several treatments available for the lump or swelling. These include surgery to remove the lump; removal of the lump with radiation therapy; treatment with antibiotics to kill off the bacteria causing the infection; and treatment with cortisone cream to reduce inflammation.

Surgery is the best option when there isn’t enough room for the lump to drain naturally. Radiation therapy can sometimes shrink the lump, but it doesn’t cure it completely. Cortisone cream helps relieve some symptoms, but not all.

If you have arthritis or another condition that makes healing difficult, surgery may be your only choice. Some doctors recommend surgery after two years of being diagnosed with a lump on your elbow.

Since the treatment options are limited, you may feel that it’s best to have the lump removed immediately.

Elbow Bursitis

When you bend your elbow or place pressure on the inside of your elbow, pain can result. The pain is due to a condition known as capsulitis.

This involves swelling of the soft tissue surrounding the joint. This tissue is known as the “capsule” and acts as a protective “case” for your elbow joint. If you have a swollen capsule, it can no longer effectively “wrap” around your joint.

When this happens, the bones that form your joint can rub directly against one another. This causes friction and pain around the inside of your elbow.

The condition is common among athletes who overuse their arms or experience an injury. It can also be caused by medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. In some cases, however, the cause is unknown.

Elbow Nodes: Causes & Symptoms

A nodule is a small lump or mound present on the elbow. It can be caused by an injury or trauma to the area or it can be due to another underlying condition.

It is often painless but in some cases can cause minor pain, tenderness or restricted movement. Other symptoms include redness, swelling and skin discoloration or thickening around the area of the nodule.

A bump on the elbow is medically referred to as a soft tissue abnormality. The causes of which can be quite varied and may include an injury or trauma to the elbow that has resulted in a haematoma or swelling of the skin and underlying tissue.

It can also be due to a Baker’s Cyst, which is a fluid-filled sac that forms around the tendons located in that area. This can be caused by repetitive use of the elbow resulting in damage to the underlying tissues. Other causes may be due to a buildup of calcium, cholesterol or other deposits in the tissue that are known as lipomas. Another condition known as Angioma may also exist where small clusters of blood vessels form a mole-like bump on the skin.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in your wrist that forms a “tunnel” and connects the muscles and tendons in your forearm to your hand. The median nerve runs through this tunnel and controls the feeling in your fingers and ability to move them.

At the midpoint of the tunnel is a narrow section known as the “tight loop” where the nerve is located. When certain muscles in your arm contract or flex, they cause pressure to build up within the tunnel, which in turn can put pressure on the median nerve.

This pressure can lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which causes pain, tingling and numbness in your fingers. It can also cause a wrist drop, which is when your fingers cannot be lifted straight up due to weakness in the hand and arm muscles.

This condition is common among people who perform repetitive motions with their hands such as painters, carpenters, musicians and hairdressers. It can also be caused by pregnancy, a tumor, arthritis or cold weather.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms:

Pain, tingling or numbness in the hand or fingers

Wrist drop

Muscle weakness

Tight muscles and tendons in the forearm and hand

Swelling in the hand or arm

Frequent awakening at night because of pain (often the result of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

Inability to grasp small objects or do other delicate work such as thread a needle or play an instrument due to pain

Inability to perform daily tasks such as opening a jar or turning the key in a lock due to pain

Swelling of the tissue at the base of the thumb (a condition known as “dropped hand syndrome”)

Numbness in the fingers and hand

How is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosed?

Sources & references used in this article:

„–Lateral Epicondylitis– by L Epicondylitis, CC Young, B Walrod –

Effect of elbow position on grip and key pinch strength by V Mathiowetz, C Rennells, L Donahoe – Journal of Hand surgery, 1985 –

Mental causation by J Heil, A Mele – Philosophy of Mind, 1993 – Wiley Online Library