Carbonated (Sparkling) Water: Good or Bad

Is Carbonated Water Good For You?

Carbonated water is not only popular among adults, but it’s also considered as one of the most preferred beverages among children. It contains many health benefits such as preventing heart disease, cancer and diabetes. However, there are some drawbacks associated with drinking carbonated water. Some of these are listed below:

1) It may increase your risk of developing cavities if you drink too much of it.

2) It may cause tooth decay if you consume too much of it.

3) It may decrease your blood pressure.

4) If you have high cholesterol, then drinking carbonated water might make your condition worse.

5) Drinking carbonated water may affect the liver and lead to damage.

6) Drinking carbonated water may affect the immune system.

7) It may decrease your fertility.

8) Drinking carbonated water may increase your risk of getting cancer.

9) It may make osteoporosis worse in postmenopausal women.

10) It may cause your bones to lose minerals if you drink it for a long period of time.

11) It may decrease your sleep quality.

You may have to pay a visit to your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

1) You experience pain in the stomach.

2) You experience loss of consciousness.

3) You experience difficulty in breathing.

4) You experience chest pain.

5) You have a decreased appetite.

6) You feel dizziness.

7) You feel irritable most of the time.

8) You have a headache.

Carbonated water may not be good for your health if consumed in high amounts. If you want to lose weight, then drinking carbonated water is not a good idea. It is best to avoid drinking it if you want to live a healthy lifestyle.

Is Sparkling Water Bad For Your Teeth?

If you’ve ever drank sparkling water, then you probably know that it can be really bad for your teeth. The bubbles in the water react with the acid in your mouth creating an acidic solution that can eat away at your tooth enamel. This is why some people have to drink milk or rinse their mouth out with water after they drink a carbonated beverage. Over time, this can lead to a loss of tooth enamel and can even cause cavities.

Soda pop is even worse for your teeth since the phosphoric acid cuts right through the tooth enamel. You may not see the damage that is being done until it is too late and you start losing your teeth. If you like drinking sparkling water, then it would probably be a good idea to invest in a bottle that has a built-in straw. This way, the fluid in your mouth is not in contact with the carbonation as much. If you can’t do that, then drinking milk after you are done drinking soda is probably your best option.

If you want to prevent tooth decay or avoid losing your teeth, then you’ll need to make sure that you take steps to counter act the effects of the carbonation on your teeth. You could also try dripping water through activated charcoal to remove the fizz. This way, you can still get healthy minerals in the water without damaging your teeth. Some people have also had success with storing carbonated beverages in glass bottles. While this won’t work with glass bottles, it will work with plastic ones.

The gas has a more difficult time escaping through the plastic, so there is less carbonation.

The next time you reach for that bottle of sparkling water, remember that it can lead to tooth decay if you’re not careful. But by making sure that you take proper care of your teeth, you can avoid costly dental procedures down the road.

Does Sparkling Water Help You Lose Weight?

You have probably seen advertisements online or on TV by popular celebrities that are pitching a wonder product that will help you lose weight. Many of these products contain some sort of tap water. Some of them claim that the water has had something taken out while others claim that something has been added to it.

While the claims made by these so-called miracle products sound outlandish, is there any truth to their claims?

Can You Lose Weight By Drinking Carbonated Water?

You’ve probably heard the rumors that drinking carbonated water helps you to lose weight. While there isn’t anything in carbonated water that will make you shed pounds, the process of digesting and absorbing it uses up calories. There are a few different theories about this. One theory is that the bubbles make you burp which causes you to burn off calories. While this may be true to some extent, the amount of calories burned through burping are so little that you won’t notice a difference in the way you look or feel.

Another theory is that drinking carbonated water requires extra energy on the part of your body. For instance, when the carbon dioxide dissolves in your stomach it forms carbonic acid, which takes energy for your body to process. While this is true, the energy required to digest the carbonated water is insignificant when compared to the energy that your body uses up during any given day. The amount of calories burned as a result of this is so little that you aren’t going to notice a difference in the way you look or feel.

Carbonated water may include a few minerals, such as calcium, that are good for your body. But you can get the same amount of calcium by drinking a glass of milk. While there are some people who believe that drinking carbonated water helps them to lose weight, the reality is that it isn’t going to have any more of an effect on your weight than any other type of water. So, if you are looking for a beverage that will help you shed pounds, water is going to be your best option.

Does Tap Water Help You Lose Weight?

You may have heard rumors that the water used by some municipalities is beneficial for helping people to lose weight. As strange as it seems that the stuff coming out of the tap can help you to get in shape, there is actually some truth to this theory. While most of the tap water that people drink on a regular basis comes from local rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, some people are pulling their water from underground aquifers. These aren’t actually aquifers in the truest sense of the word, but rather old water pockets from years past and long abandoned wells that have since been capped.

These pockets of water can seep into underground caverns and, as a result of geothermal activity, can heat up to temperatures as hot as 200 degrees. This heating process can cause the water to break down some of its minerals, which may in turn lead to the release of hydrogen molecules (H2O). This process can take anywhere from several months to several years. So not only is this water considered some of the healthiest water available on the market today, it is also some of the most expensive.

While the health benefits of this type of water are considerable, it isn’t going to make you lose weight. This water contains so many minerals that your body has a hard time breaking it down, which leads to excessive and wasteful elimination. While this may translate to a few less calories burned, you aren’t going to lose any more weight than you would by drinking traditional tap water.

Are There “Lose Weight” Foods That Work?

There are several foods on the market today that claim to help you to lose weight. While some of these diet foods work, others are just a waste of money. One way or another, none of these “lose weight” foods are going to have a direct impact on your weight; at best, they will only provide you with the ability to control your weight through portion control.

One food that has recently been put into the spotlight is called Maqui Berry. This is a small, purple berry that grows on trees in Chile. It only grows in this one location and is known for its antioxidents. While it does have many beneficial nutrients, there isn’t enough scientific evidence that touts its ability to help people lose weight. Some believe that the Maqui berry can help you to lose a few pounds, but only in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Another food that has been said to help people lose weight is called conjugated linoleic acid, which is a fatty acid. This acid occurs naturally in dairy products and meat; some companies have tried to manufacture this acid in a lab so that it can be mixed into drinks, tablets, or even chewy bars. While some studies have shown that this can help people to lose a little bit of weight, the overall affect on weight loss is minimal.

Some people have also claimed that eating a diet that is mainly made up of soy products can help people to lose weight. The reasoning behind this is because soy is low in calories and, when compared to other proteins, doesn’t contain as many amino acids. The truth is that you would need to eat excessive amounts of soy each day in order to lose weight and this could cause some serious health issues.

A newer “lose weight” food that has been created is called SlimFast. This is a low calorie meal replacement shake that is supposed to help people lose weight. While this product may help people to lose a few pounds, it isn’t going to have a dramatic affect on your weight loss goals and it is very expensive.

What’s The Bottom Line?

There are many different types of “lose weight” foods that you can eat. Some of these are more effective than others, but none of them are instant solutions. Eating a healthy and balanced diet while getting the right amount of exercise will give you the best results. Don’t fall for any fad diets that promise to help you to lose ten pounds in a week; no magic pill or “lose weight” food is going to give you the body you want if you don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Have you tried any foods that help you to lose weight?

Other ways to lose weight that you may be interested in:

How Can I Lose Weight Fast?

How Can I Lose A Lot Of Weight?

How Can I Lose 50 Pounds?

Sources & references used in this article:

On the colour and shape of still and sparkling water: Insights from online and laboratory-based testing by MK Ngo, B Piqueras-Fiszman, C Spence – Food Quality and Preference, 2012 – Elsevier

In search of a role for carbonation: is this a good or bad taste? by C Sternini – Gastroenterology, 2013 –

KAP Study about carbonated drinks among medical and nursing students at teaching hospital by S Kishore, P Aggarwal, K Muzammil – JK Science, 2009 –

Tasting shapes and words by C Spence, A Gallace – Food Quality and Preference, 2011 – Elsevier

Determination of CO2 origin (natural or industrial) in sparkling bottled waters by 13C/12C isotope ratio analysis by R Redondo, JG Yélamos – Food chemistry, 2005 – Elsevier