Bulb of Penis
The bulb of the male member is a structure located at the base of the bladder, behind the kidneys and just above the prostate gland. Its main purpose is to collect urine from the kidneys into it.
This organ is called corpus spongiosum or corpus cavernosum. It contains several chambers which are connected with each other through small tubes. These tubes allow urine to flow out of the kidney and into the bulb. When there is no more urine left in the bladder, these tubes close up and urine collects inside them. This allows the bladder to empty itself completely without having to pass any urine outside it like when a person urinates normally.
When the bulb becomes enlarged due to diseases such as cystitis, it may become difficult for the bladder to empty itself completely. If this happens, then urine will accumulate in the bulb and block its opening.
This condition is known as hematuria. Hematuria can cause pain and discomfort because it causes pressure on the urinary tract causing it to hurt. Also if this occurs frequently, it can lead to infection of the bladder wall (cystitis).
Most people do not know that the bulb has another important function beside storing urine after it is passed from the kidneys. It actually releases chemicals or hormones, which help control a man’s sexual urge.
When a man feels sexually aroused, this structure becomes engorged with blood and can be felt by touching the lower abdomen on both sides just in front of the pubic bone. This is why it is also known as the genital swelling. When this swells, it is a sign that a man is sexually aroused and ready for sexual activity. This reaction is involuntary and not within one’s control. This is why men do not have to consciously think of something sexual in order to get an erection. The mere thought of being with someone they find attractive or the touch of someone they are with can result in an erection.
There are several exercises that one can do in order to prevent their member from becoming too engorged. These are known as Jelqing exercises.
Men should not do these often and only under the direction of a urologist or physician.
The bulb is susceptible to different types of diseases, including being susceptible to a certain sexually transmitted infection (STI) known as genital warts. It is possible to get this disease through contact with an infected partner during unprotected sexual contact in which skin to skin contact occurs.
It is also possible to get this disease by using a non-sterile toilet seat or by coming into contact with an infected open wound. It is also important to wash one’s hands after using a toilet and before having contact with one’s partner or touching any other part of one’s own body. If one does come into contact with an infected area on their body, it should be washed immediately to prevent the spread of the infection or reinfection.
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Aged men’s fertility is generally thought to be lower than women of a similar age. While men can still get women pregnant in their seventies, the odds of having a successful pregnancy are much lower.
For this reason, male infertility is broadly divided into two categories: primary and secondary. In primary male infertility, there is an issue with man’s ability to conceive a child. In secondary male infertility, the problem lies with the woman.
In primary infertility, there are a number of issues that can lead to an inability to conceive a child. One of the most common is a low number of mobile and active sperms in a man’s ejaculate.
It is thought that this may be caused by an infection or exposure to toxic chemicals. Other possible causes include testicular cancer, congenital problems with the reproductive organs or hormone imbalances.
In secondary infertility, there are a number of reasons why couples may have issues with getting pregnant. Both men and women can have health issues that can lead to fertility problems.
These include hormonal problems, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, past or current sexually transmitted infections, uterine or cervical cancer, endometriosis as well as other issues. The important thing to do if you are having fertility problems is to see a physician right away. They will be able to determine your exact health status and whether there is an underlying cause to your fertility issues.
If you and your partner suffer from infertility, there are a number of ways that you can build a family. Some couples will choose to adopt a child.
Others will opt for artificial insemination using donor (or known) sperms in order to get pregnant. When using donor sperms or eggs, the couple has a lot of different options as to how involved the third party will be in your child’s life. Common choices include open, anonymous or known donations, as well as whether or not the child will have contact with the donor. You should talk to your fertility specialist about your options before making an informed decision.
One of the most common forms of infertility treatment is known as intrauterine insemination (IUI). During IUI, a physician will insert washed and prepared sperms into your uterus close to the time that you ovulate.
The procedure is done without anesthesia and patients typically feel minimal discomfort. This treatment can be performed as a one time treatment or it can be part of a series of treatments. The success rates for IUI are relatively low but this method of treatment can be used in combination with other treatments.
Another common infertility treatment is in vitro fertilization (IVF). During IVF, eggs are harvested from you and prepared before being placed in a Petri dish with the male partner’s sperms.
The eggs will then be monitored for fertilization and growth before a physician transfers any viable embryos into your uterus. The entire procedure can take between three and six weeks to complete from the start of hormone injections to the placement of embryos in the uterus. IVF is considered a major and invasive procedure and is not appropriate or recommended for everyone.
A relatively new procedure is called gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT). During this treatment, eggs and sperms are harvested and prepared.
The eggs and sperms are then placed into a tube, which is placed in the woman’s fallopian tube. The tube will stay in place, allowing the egg and male gamete to join naturally. This procedure can be performed as a one-time treatment or it can be part of a series.
One of the most commonly used procedures is simply called artificial insemination (AI). During this treatment, washed and prepared sperms are placed into your uterus close to the time of ovulation.
The entire procedure is typically completed with a vaginal speculum and is relatively simple and painless. This treatment can be performed as a one-time procedure or it can be part of an ongoing series of treatments.
Another option for both men and women is known as masturbation.
Sources & references used in this article:
Bulb of penis as a marker for prostatic apex in external beam radiotherapy of prostate cancer by BA Plants, DT Chen, JB Fiveash, RY Kim – International Journal of …, 2003 – Elsevier
Dose of radiation received by the bulb of the penis correlates with risk of impotence after three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for prostate cancer by BM Fisch, B Pickett, V Weinberg, M Roach III – Urology, 2001 – Elsevier
Reduction of dose delivered to the rectum and bulb of the penis using MRI delineation for radiotherapy of the prostate by RJHM Steenbakkers, KEI Deurloo, PJCM Nowak… – International Journal of …, 2003 – Elsevier
A comparison of radiation dose to the bulb of the penis in men with and without prostate brachytherapy-induced erectile dysfunction by GS Merrick, K Wallner, WM Butler, RW Galbreath… – International Journal of …, 2001 – Elsevier