Always Trying to ‘Save’ People? You Might Have a Savior Complex

The Savior Complex: What Is It?

Savior complex is a type of narcissism that occurs when someone tries to save others from their own problems or situations. When it comes to relationships, this can include trying to fix other people’s problems or issues, whether they are real or imagined.

When someone has a savior complex, they may feel entitled to your time, money, affection or whatever else you might have. They will try to take care of everything for you and make sure that you don’t suffer.

If they fail at doing so, then they blame themselves and become bitter and resentful towards everyone around them. Some people with this personality type are very manipulative and are able to convince others into following their rules without question.

Some people with this personality type are extremely jealous and possessive of those close to them. They may even attempt to control what others think or say about them.

Others with this personality type are usually unable to see past their own flaws and shortcomings, which makes them appear selfish or unemotional. This can lead to conflict within relationships.

It is important to remember that not everyone with a savior complex has the same personality type. There are no specific symptoms that they all have and it is possible for someone to have more than one personality disorder.

What Causes a Savior Complex?

There is currently no evidence to pinpoint what causes someone to develop a savior complex. It is believed that a combination of genetics and environment play a role in its development, as with most personality disorders. It is also possible that someone with a savior complex may have experienced trauma or abuse at some point in their life.

Mental health professionals are unable to agree on whether the cause of personality disorders stem primarily from nature or nurture. Until extensive research can be done, psychiatrists can only make educated guesses.

While it is natural to wonder why certain individuals exhibit certain traits and act a certain way, attempting to find a reason for everything can lead to unnecessary speculation and hypotheses. It is important to remember that everyone is different and everyone has their own ideas, beliefs, values and personalities.

What Are the Symptoms of a Savior Complex?

Not everyone that has a savior complex exhibits all of the symptoms associated with it. Some people have only a few mild symptoms while others have several more severe symptoms. It is possible for someone to exhibit some of the following traits:

They try to control what you think, say or do.

Sources & references used in this article:

The Underside of the Savior Complex–-Humanism Begins at Home by A Davis – Humanity & Society, 1988 –

China elephants and orphans: Operation Babylift and the white savior complex by JP Thompson – 2019 –

Ten Lies About God: And How You Might Already Be Deceived by E Lutzer – 2002 –

The white savior industrial complex: A cultural studies analysis of a teacher educator, savior film, and future teachers by BA Aronson – Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, 2017 –

Hero Holiday: Swedish voluntourism and The White Savior Complex by E Hultman, F Lanevik – 2020 –

An Impotent Savior: The Messiah Complex in Walker Percy’s” Love in the Ruins” by EC Link – Southern Quarterly, 1995 –

Easy Riders Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-And Rock’N Roll Generation Saved Hollywood by P Biskind – 1999 –

Preimplantation HLA typing: having children to save our loved ones by K Devolder – Journal of Medical Ethics, 2005 –

The Privileged Guardian Angel: An Examination of White Saviour Complex in Western Media by J McCurdy – Political Science Undergraduate Review, 2016 –