5 Ways to Tell Your Avocado Has Gone Bad

5 Ways to Tell Your Avocado Has Gone Bad

1) You feel dizzy or faint when eating it.

2) You experience burning sensation in your mouth and throat after eating it.

(If you have eaten too much of the fruit.)

3) It tastes bitter, sour or astringent.

(You might taste some bitterness in its flavor.) If the taste is not unpleasant, then you are probably not having any problem with its quality.

4) You get headache after eating it.

(It is very likely that you will have a headache due to the fact that there are no other symptoms.)

5) You feel nauseous or vomit immediately after eating it.

The above five ways indicate that the avocado has gone bad. However, you may experience other symptoms like those mentioned in #3 and #4. So, you need to decide which one is the most severe one and take necessary measures for its treatment.

What to Do?

First of all, don’t panic! There are many things that you can do to prevent from getting sick after eating rotten avocados. The following is a list of actions that you can take to help yourself recover from food poisoning.

1) Try to drink a glass or two of milk or have some yogurt.

(Both of these are rich sources of probiotics, which will help your stomach get back to its normal condition.)

2) Eat some crackers or bland food like bread.

(This way you can prevent yourself from getting nauseous or continuing to feel sick after vomiting.)

3) Try to take care of yourself.

Make sure that you don’t exert too much energy. (Your body is already in a weakened state, so it is important to take it easy for the day.)

4) Drink more water or other fluids.

(Dehydration can be another cause of the sickness that you are experiencing, so it is important that you stay hydrated. Water is best, but if you really don’t like the taste of it, pineapple juice or even sports drinks are good alternatives. Please remember not to over do it and have too much of these fluids, as this can also be dangerous because of the potential of causing your sodium levels to get too low.)

5) Take a pain reliever such as Tylenol if you feel that you have a headache.

(Again, don’t over do it!)

6) Get plenty of rest and sleep.

(This can be difficult to do, but it is very important to ensure your body has the energy that it needs to recover.)

7) See a doctor if you are not feeling better within a day or so.

(You may need some medication to help cure your stomach illness along with the other tips mentioned above. Also, it is possible that there may be something more serious going on with you. By getting a checkup, the doctor can watch out for any potential problems that you may have.)

Just because avocadoes in their natural state have gone bad does not mean that they are not good for you. In fact, there are several benefits to eating this wonderful fruit or its buttered up version. They’ve been shown to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure when eaten in moderation. They’ve also been shown to contain antioxidants and be a rich source of folic acid. So while fresh avocadoes can be bad for you, you shouldn’t let this stop you from eating them.

Just be sure to follow the tips mentioned above, so that you can enjoy their taste and health benefits fully.

Good Cooking Tips

Besides eating healthy food there are other things that you can do to stay healthy such as drinking enough water and getting enough sleep as well as exercise. There are some other things that you can do to enhance the taste of your food such as by using herbs and spices.

Herbs and spices can greatly improve the taste of your food while helping de-clutter your kitchen cabinets. By using herbs and spices, you can eliminate the need for salt which is a main component used in food to make it more palatable. Many herbs also have specific health benefits such as some of them being antibacterial, antiviral or anti-inflammatory.

Basil: Basil is an herb that is most commonly known for its rich flavor and its ability to enhance the taste of tomatoes. Tomatoes are known to have antioxidant and anticancer properties. Plus they also help relieve pain by blocking the cause of it and helping your body release less of the substance that would cause pain to you.

Bay Leaves: Bay leaves are great for your digestive system as well as being a good source of fiber for your diet. They are also great at eliminating gas and preventing diarrhea or any other related issues to the digestive tract.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It also helps with blood circulation and has an uplifting effect on your mood.

Cilantro: Cilantro or as some may call it, coriander, is a great herb that helps reduce inflammation in the body. It also helps improve your digestion by reducing the rate at which food moves through your intestines.

Cloves: Cloves are best known for their ability to eliminate toothaches and other dental pains. They are also a great antiseptic and can be used to prevent infections caused by cuts and scraps.

Coriander: Also known as cilantro, this herb helps clean the digestive tract by eliminating gas and preventing diarrhea and other related issues. It also contains antioxidants which prevent you from getting sick or if you are sick, it reduces the time that you will be sick for.

Cranberry: Cranberry is well known for its ability to prevent and cure urinary tract infections. It also helps prevent and reverse kidney stones. It can help prevent bladder and other vaginal infections in women as well.

Ginger: Ginger is a great herb that helps calm your stomach and reduce nausea. It also helps with motion sickness and morning sickness. It has also shown to have benefits in treating arthritis and other inflammatory joint diseases.

Lemon Grass: Lemon grass is known for its great taste as well as it’s ability to increase your energy levels. It also helps clean your digestive system by helping eliminate toxins from your body.

Mint: Mint has a fresh taste and can help soothe your stomach and relieve issues such as gas, bloating and indigestion. It also helps settle your stomach if you feel queasy or are about to vomit.

Mustard: Mustard is a great herb that helps reduce pain caused by inflammation as well as treating muscle pain and injuries. It can also help increase your circulation which will warm you up if you feel cold.

Peppermint: Peppermint is a herb that helps soothe your stomach and also helps with nausea caused by issues such as road or sea sickness or illness in general. It can also help increase your energy levels.

Rosemary: Rosemary contains antioxidants which help improve memory and also helps prevent you from getting a cold. It can also reduce mental fatigue and increase your alertness. It also helps prevent hair from falling out and improves its growth.

Saffron: Saffron is great for your digestive system as it helps reduce the intensity of your cramps and other related issues.

Tarragon: Tarragon helps stimulate the nervous system which can prevent you from fainting and also helps strengthen your resolve and calm you down. It is also known to help treat issues such as insomnia.

Thyme: Thyme helps with respiratory infections such as the common cold and the flu. It also helps reduce the intensity of your cramps during your period and can help with hormonal issues caused by menstrual cycles.

Vinegar: Vinegar is vinegar, it can be used to clean almost anything and can be used as a salad dressing!

Wild Garlic: Wild garlic is a good antibiotic and can help relieve you of respiratory issues as well as other bacterial infections.

Wormwood: Wormwood is an herb that helps improve your digestion and also helps protect against malaria as well as other types of fevers. It also helps reduce excessive sweating and treat fungal issues.

Yellow Dock: Yellow dock is an herb that helps cleanse your body of toxins and also helps restore your electrolytes.

Herbal Medicine: Herbal medicine involves using the many herbs to create medicines that can be used for different purposes and different illnesses.

Chemistry: Chemistry allows you to create very powerful drugs that can alter the way your brain functions and give you unnatural abilities for a limited time.

Pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceuticals allow you to create drugs such as painkillers and antibiotics.

Psychoactive Materials: Psychoactive materials allow you to create drugs such as cocaine and LSD.

Medical Science

Anaesthetics: Anesthetics allows you to create anesthetics to put people to sleep for surgery.

Antibiotics: Antibiotics allow you to craft antibiotics to fight bacteria and stop infections from occurring.

Antidotes: Antidotes allow you to craft antidotes to counter poisons.

Bandages: Bandages allow you to craft bandages to heal wounds faster.

Blood Packs: Blood packs allow you to create packs of blood for blood transfusions.

Insulation Materials: Insulation materials allow you to create special blankets and clothing to keep people warm or cool.

Sutures: Sutures allow you to create sutures to stitch wounds shut.

Tourniquets: Tourniquets allow you to create tourniquets to prevent severe bleeding from a wound.

Trauma Kit: A trauma kit is a large kit used to heal grievous wounds.

X-Ray Tech: An x-ray tech allows you to operate x-ray machines which allow you to see inside a person without having to cut them open.

Medical Training

Anesthetist: An anesthetist allows you to safely perform surgery with a patient being put under anesthesia.

Cardiologist: A cardiologist allows you to treat patients for heart problems and also allows you to perform open heart surgery.

Diagnostician: A diagnostician allows you to diagnose illnesses without the need of medical equipment.

EMT: An EMT allows your medical staff to bring in patients unconscious patients without causing harm to them.

Gynaecologist: A gynaecologist allows you to perform interviews and give tests to female patients to figure out what is causing their medical issues.

Intensive Care Unit: An intensive care unit allows you to treat patients with serious medical issues.

Obstetrician: An obstetrician allows you to perform safe deliveries of babies.

Orthopaedic Surgeon: An orthopaedic surgeon allows you to perform bone surgery and fix broken bones.

Osteopath: An osteopath allows you to perform bone manipulation on patients with minor bone issues without the need for surgery.

Plastic Surgeon: A plastic surgeon allows you to perform cosmetic surgery such as nose jobs and face lifts.

Preventative Medicine: Preventative medicine allows you to give vaccines to patients to stop them from getting sick in the future.

Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist allows you to perform interviews on mental patients to determine what is causing their mental break downs.

Radiation Therapist: A radiation therapist allows you to treat cancer patients with radiation.

Transplant Surgeon: A transplant surgeon allows you to take organs from one patient and give them to another patient.

Veterinarian: A veterinarian allows you to treat animals.


Breeding Program: A breeding program allows you to create super soldiers by heavily inbreeding soldiers with superior genetics.

Sources & references used in this article:

Wasted: How America is losing up to 40 percent of its food from farm to fork to landfill by D Gunders, J Bloom – 2017 – ccrrc.org

Shelf Life: How Long Does Your Food Last? by R Safitri – fitibility.com

Bad blood, spoiled milk: Bodily fluids as moral barometers in rural Haiti by P Farmer – American Ethnologist, 1988 – Wiley Online Library

Part 1: How to Smash Your 2019 Nutrition Goals by A Plano – amyplano.com

Mixed blood by JM Fish – Psychology Today, 1995 – faculty.spokanefalls.edu

America’s first cuisines by SD Coe – 2015 – books.google.com

Is Keto Bad For Cholesterol? by I Ayres – 2007 – Bantam Books