5 Tips to Pick the Perfect Pineapple: How To Choose A Perfect Pineapple
1) When picking a pineapple, look at its stem first.
If it is straight, then it is not ripe yet. Look at the color of the skin too.
Is it yellowish or green?
That means there are still some days left before the fruit turns red and hardens.
2) Also check if there are any spots on its surface where blood vessels have been seen.
These are signs that the fruit may be infected with bacteria.
3) Finally, look at the inside of the pineapple.
Do you see any holes or cracks?
Those are signs that something might be wrong inside the pineapple.
4) You can always use your own eyes to tell whether a pineapple is ripe or not.
Just look at the fleshy part of the pineapple. If it looks black, then it is not ripe yet.
5) If you don’t like looking at a rotten pineapple, then try to get one from someone else’s tree instead.
If you have your own tree, then you can check if the fruits are ripe just by looking at them.
How to pick a perfect pineapple?
(with picture)
Cleaning the outside of the fruit is not really necessary, but you can do it. Just wash it with water and a little bit of soap. However avoid using a lot of water on the outside since you don’t want to get it wet since this will cause it to spoil faster.
Scoop out the flesh with a spoon, keeping in mind that the best part is near the skin. Cut it in slices if you want to eat it as is, or cut it into chunks if you prefer to make something out of it. Using a fork, peel off the skin.
Many people take the time to chew on the outside skin to get more of the juice out since this is where most of it is located.
The flesh of a pineapple can be used in a lot of things. It can be served as is or cut up and added to fruit salads, yogurts, and other types of desserts. It is also commonly canned and used to flavor foods since the juice from it has been found to be a good seasoning.
When picking a perfect pineapple, take note of these tips and you should have an easier time choosing a good one.
How to cut a pineapple (with pictures)
Wash the outside of the pineapple with water. Spread the leaves around the pineapple and make sure you discard any that are torn or browning. Make sure you get as much of the top as possible since it is the sweetest part.
Cut through the middle of the top and bottom of the pineapple. Turn the pineapple on its side and cut off all the sides until you have removed all of the skin. Make sure you cut off the sides at an angle; this will make it easier to cut it into slices once it is peeled.
Carefully trim off the eyes using a small paring knife. These are hard and not good to eat, so it’s better to cut them out.
Peel each section of the pineapple using a vegetable peeler or the knife. You now should have chunks of pineapple that can be used in recipes.
If you need finely diced pineapple, run the knife over it once more while rotating the fruit. This will make small chunks that are perfect for recipes that need pineapple as a secondary ingredient.
A whole pineapple is one of the most difficult to cut, but these steps will help you get it done. Those little eyes are not only hard to see, but they go all the way through the fruit. If you miss just one it doesn’t matter how perfect your cuts are, the eye will make the pineapple unusable.
You can also cut a pineapple with a knife and a cutting board as shown here. First, cut off the crown and the bottom of the pineapple so that it is stable while you cut. Then cut off the skin in wide, circular motions until all of the skin is removed as shown here.
Afterwards, cut the pineapple in half and remove the “eyes” with a small knife. Now you can cut the pineapple into slices, chunks or even rings as needed for your recipe.
How to Cut a Pineapple in Half (with Pictures)
If you are only using the fruit and not the shell, there is no need to cut off the top and bottom or to remove the skin. Instead, place the pineapple on its side and cut off all of the skin using a large chef’s knife. You can do this with a bowl or something similar to provide stability and prevent your hand from sliding.
Cut off the skin in long strokes, making sure to keep your hand steady.
Once all of the skin is cut off, turn the pineapple on its side and cut it into two or four lengthwise sections. Then you can remove the fruit from inside just by pulling it out with your hands.
You can use a knife and a cutting board as shown here to cut up the pineapple, but this is unnecessary unless you need very specific cuts (such as rings for a fruit salad).
Other Ways to Cut a Pineapple
If you don’t want to waste the rest of the pineapple, there are a few other ways to use the leftover parts. The core of the pineapple can be used to make a simple syrup for iced tea or other drinks. To do this, boil 1 part water to 1 part sugar until it becomes slightly thick.
Then add the pineapple cores and simmer until all of the liquid has been absorbed. This will take several hours, so you may want to start this in the morning so it is ready by dinnertime.
The leftover skin can be used to create a candied pineapple. Boil the skin in water and lemon juice for about 15 minutes, then drain and place the slices on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Sprinkle with sugar and place in the oven at 300 degrees for about 2 hours, then flip each piece over and continue cooking until they are golden brown.
Sources & references used in this article:
Finding Jesus’s magic pineapple: Or, improving science education by improving religious education by DE Long – Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2013 – Springer
Mechanical properties of chemically treated banana and pineapple leaf fiber reinforced hybrid polypropylene composites by M Rahman, S Das, M Hasan – Advances in Materials and …, 2018 – Taylor & Francis
Bioprotection of pineapple in ecological cropping systems by A Soler, PA Marie-Alphonsine, C Corbion… – … Lives, Livelihoods and …, 2014 – actahort.org
of Pineapple by F Beauman – 2006 – Random House
Employment of in vitro technology for large scale multiplication of pineapples (Ananas comosos) by KG Rohrbach, WJ Apt – Plant Disease, 1986 – apsnet.org
Climate change information needs of pineapple farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria by S Khan, A Nasib, BA Saeed – Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2004 – researchgate.net
Biological notes on Scolopendrellidae, destructive to the roots of pineapple in Hawaii by W Popenoe – 1920 – Macmillan
The theory and practice of utopia in a total institution: The pineapple panopticon by JC Iwuchukwu, CE Udoye – Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2014 – ajol.info