Can I Make My Period End Faster

Can I Make My Period End Faster?

You may have heard about the fact that there are various methods to stop your period. Some of them include: pills, creams, injections, and surgery. There are many things which you need to consider before making a decision whether or not you want to try any of these methods. You will see some of the pros and cons of each method when trying them out for yourself.


The most common way to get rid of your period is with a pill. These pills contain hormones which prevent ovulation and cause your body to produce less estrogen, causing your cycle to become irregular. Pill use does not necessarily mean that you are going against nature; however, they do require a little bit more effort than other methods because you must take them every day for several months until they work properly. They are also expensive.


Another option for women who cannot afford pills is using cream. Cream contains progesterone, which works similarly to the hormone found in birth control pills but without the side effects associated with those drugs. Creams are available over the counter and cost around $10-$20 per month depending on what brand you choose.


If you are not a fan of using pills or creams and would prefer an injection, you can get Depo-Provera, which is a shot you get from your doctor’s office every three months. This is not the most effective method of birth control but it does ensure that you will not get pregnant. This method tends to stop your period altogether though.


If you are a teenager and would like to get your period to stop immediately, you can have a surgical procedure done. The process involves stopping the flow of blood from your uterus by inserting a tiny silicone plug into it. This blocks the opening that bleeds from and allows the lining to build up and causes you to have a period. This process, however, is very dangerous and not recommended by doctors.

Pros and Cons List

Pill Pros: Reliable, easy to get, easy to use, reversible.

Pill Cons: Can be expensive, need prescription, possible side effects, not natural.

Cream Pros: Inexpensive, available without a prescription, possible reversibility.

Cream Cons: Not always effective, must be used daily.

Injections Pros: Very effective, long lasting, reversible.

Injections Cons: Need medical appointment to get, expensive, possible side effects.

Surgery Pros: Very effective, reversible.

Surgery Cons: Dangerous and deadly, not recommended.

What are the dangers of stopping your period?

Some girls think that they can stop their periods by doing things that might sound logical like: throwing themselves down stairs, riding bikes really fast, or other such things. This may cause some bleeding but it is very dangerous and can lead to infection or injury. I do not recommend this course of action.

How long does it take for my period to stop?

How long will it take for your period to disappear depends on your body and how long it has been menstruating. If this is your first cycle, it could be several months before you stop bleeding. If you have been menstruating for a long time, your period might stop that same month. Generally, it takes anywhere from two to six months after your first few periods before you can expect your period to stop.

I don’t want kids but I still get my period.

If you want to have children one day, it may be wise to consider other forms of birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies. However, if you are certain that having kids is not an option for you or part of your future plans, there are ways to stop your period until you are ready for it to start again. The easiest way is to just keep taking the pill as this will also prevent ovulation and the lining of the uterus from building up.

I want to have kids, but I don’t want my period.

If you want to have children in the future, it is best to leave your body alone and allow your period to run its natural course. It may be tempting to take steps to stop your period, but this can cause complications with pregnancies in the future.

How do I stop my period right now?

You can take birth control pills to stop your period right now. For the next five days, take extra-strength birth control pills every day. After the fifth day, stop taking the pills and wait for your period to start. It should arrive within a few days. Your period should be very light and may not even continue for more than a day or two. Once your period has stopped, stop taking the pills and allow your body to have a period every month.

Why does birth control make my skin break out?

Some girls experience break outs after they start taking the pill, but this usually clears up after your body gets used to the new hormones in your system. If you are still breaking out after three months, talk to your doctor about another method of birth control.

How do I stop my period permanently?

If you want to get your period to stop permanently, there are a few things you can do. The first thing you can do is to use an Intra Uterine Device, or IUD. An IUD is a small plastic device that the doctor places in your uterus. The IUD releases a small amount of copper into your uterus to prevent pregnancy. It also makes your periods stop altogether after three months in most cases. You can also get a hysterectomy (say: his-tur-ECK-toe-mee). A hysterectomy is a surgery that removes your uterus. If you have a hysterectomy, you will no longer have periods and you will not be able to get pregnant.

Are there any side effects from getting my period to stop?

If you get your period to stop, you may have some minor side effects. These side effects include headaches, nausea, dizziness, weight gain, loss of libido (say: LIH-bohd-oh),and decreased energy level. If you experience any of these problems, contact your doctor immediately.

Where can I get birth control?

Most health insurance plans should cover all or part of the expenses for contraception. If you don’t have health insurance, or if your insurance won’t cover the cost of contraception, there are lots of places where you can get birth control for free or at low cost. These places include community health centers, college and high school clinics, local hospitals, family planning clinics, and sometimes even your doctor’s office. You can also go to the site (LINK REMOVED) BMC HealthNet to find out more information about birth control and where to get it in your area. You can also call 1-800-621-6225 to find out more information.


Birth Control: Prevention of pregnancy.

Contraception: Prevention of pregnancy; birth control.

Menstrual Cycle: The process involving the release of an egg from a woman’s ovary and the preparation of the uterus for potential pregnancy. It consists of a series of hormonal changes followed by a short period of bleeding, called menstruation. Also called menstrual period.

Ovulation: The release of a mature egg from one of the female reproductive organs (ovaries).

Period: A discharge of blood and tissue from the uterus through the vaginal opening. It occurs periodically in all females of reproductive age; its purpose is to rid the body of built-up tissue that would otherwise be potentially be implanted and grow into a developing fetus.

Sexual Intercourse: The act in which a male’spenis is inserted into a female’svagina.

Uterus: A muscular organ located in a female’s pelvic region that contains and nourishes the fetus during pregnancy.

Vagina: A tube-like structure surrounded by sensitive nerves. The vaginal opening is near the rear of the vaginal canal, just in front of the rectum. It leads to the uterus (womb).

Vulva: The external genitals of the female reproductive system, including the labia majora and the labia minora and clitoris.

Sources & references used in this article:

We Can Get There Faster If We All Move Together by C MacQuarrie – Without Apology, 2016 –

How To Make Your Period Come Faster by PPSB January –

Faster redox fluctuations can lead to higher iron reduction rates in humid forest soils by D Barcellos, KT Cyle, A Thompson – Biogeochemistry, 2018 – Springer

Faster compared with standard insulin aspart during day-and-night fully closed-loop insulin therapy in type 1 diabetes: a double-blind randomized crossover trial by J Sachs – 2005 – Penguin UK